Alright lads, our world is slowly honking itself to an authoritarian dystopia and we all know that it's only getting worse. I mean just take a look at what's happening:
>pedophilia is starting to be accepted
>little boys are being feminized by force
>trannies are in schools brainwashing children
>communists are in universities brainwashing young adults
>our lands are being invaded because of our corrupt politicians
>Islam is destroying our societal fabric
>our voices are actively being silenced
>victims are being punished
>whites are being persecuted
>Jews are destroying our cultures
>our enemies are burning down our monuments and achievements
Let's do something for a change. I know that a dedicated and organized Jow Forums on a mission is unstoppable. With the internet as our platform and anonymity as our shield, what can we do to bring a real positive changed to this fucked world?
Dump all your ideas this thread.
Call to action
Other urls found in this thread:
Dunno what to do... but I'm hanging out in this thread.
>Minecraft conditions require Minecraft solutions.
trust the plan.
teach people that we live in a simulation.
make the world more spiritual, leading to a chain reaction of synchronicity, bringing the worthy souls toward the next dimension
Well the major issues that needs addressed. We cannot go backwards. We need go forward and that's because the internet has inexorably changed literally everything. We can't be Nazis and gi's, axis and allies. That belonged to another generation . Same with Boomer Vietnam bullshit. What you really protesting? In reality, all this is because we as a species are at the end of this story. The only hope for our future is in our own creation and destination. We colonize outer space and destroy anything in the way to that victory. Lightsabers and all. We must overcome our fears present and of the past to lay down and accomplish the necessities of survival, before we comdemn ourselves in pride.
fuck all of this shit. im focused on getting rich so i can buy a boat and live off the ocean. im sick of society
just read the bible one time before you die...
Why don't we start our own party and become the true minority?
so what about making porn illegal, making paternity testing mandatory by law before the man is considered a father to the child, and using the church as a mean to promote earlier marriage so people don't become sex deprived degenerates and our birthrates rise. Also a real holocaust would not hurt.
you got jewed hard user. (((they))) want you to be a passive sack of shit. Don't give in, fight for what you believe in
Some ideas I had up until now:
Automatic sea mines against neon red rafts:
Small entities, shape of a submarine or a sphere, poking holes into refugee boats if they sense them in the vicinity via sonar or hydrophone. While not attracted to a boat, they surface, open up and charge their batteries via solar panels. Alternatively, they release a mini torpedo with a small explosive charge to make the boat sink faster.
Be the smuggler:
Lease a freighter, drive to the coast of a third world country, tell the nogs you get them to europe, take their moniez, throw them out on far away from the nearest coast, leave them to drown or bring some friend to shoot targets, repeat.
Buy a big chunk of land, found your own community/village, let in white pride only, get in contact with big companies to settle there, increase your influence on the industry. this may take some generations, but it can be done with the right people around you. Basically Northwest American Republic.
The Professional:
Pick (((valuable targets))). Long distance, remote switch, up and close, pick your poison.
Also, every extraordinary circumstance that you face right now, can be a bad thing and a good thing at the same time.
So there's no go areas around you where the police won't go, no matter what? You could use that, too. Dress all black, grab your supressed lady, move from house to house. Bring friends for higher efficiency.
That's not really white of you, user.
The worst part is that people have forgotten how to triforce
Peace was never an option. Education normies isn't enough.
Nobody will do anything until they get hungry.
anime forum revolt xD
change starts within yourself
what good is an ethnostate/anarchy/x when youre a blackpilled doomer
have an existential crisis
visit /sig/
achieve physical independence (food, water, shelter)
organize cells; redpilling normies, infiltrating and subverting international politics, direct action
good night Jow Forums
I feel like we should be using blockchain.
subscribe to PewDiePie!
>We colonize outer space
Not on my lifetime, sorry. Keep it real!
This, revolution starts when the people are starving
80% of the pop is gonna die in "the happening" so who cares
Any of you lads seen that unbelievably jewish song I love the earth? Its been pushed all over youtube.
I was thinking about it and environmentalism is one of the most powerful unifying force amongst humans. All of us want to fix the environment and the ones who dont still pretend they do. The space illusion has been the primary thing keeping people distracted from earth.
Also spacetards and envirotards are by and large liberal npcs. If we can meme them against eachother we could creat a true great awakening, a massive shattering of programming on a global scale. I have no idea how we'd do this. My only idea is pushing something like #fuck mars #terraform earth
>Boomers are booming out everyone else's futures
you know the government can take everything you got huh?
you just dont want to think about this,assume it.
Check out our /vanguardism/ discord: ECCetm
Basically we need to overcome the anonymity/organization problem. We need to begin viewing ourselves as the vanguard of genuine Western civilization.
Accelerationism is the only way forward.
Remember your white ancestors did much worse.
What you get now is the consequences of ur forefathers. Your fathers benefited from colonization with the enslavement of one and the slaughtering of millions of other innocent races while they sold their sons futures.
It is not other races fault but ur own white forefathers who has caused all the mayhem and bloodshed around the world.
You reap what you sow and if ur a nazi wannabe in 2019 then ur already bottom of the barrel nigger tier and u should do everyone a favor and die.
Remember Nazis this is the 21st Century.
based and redpilled
illiterate retarded motherfucker,whats all this rage you have in your heart for?you cant even shot a gun,now go suck some dick and eat poo from your autistic boyfriend stupid FAGGOT WEAK COMMIE
Maybe you should try Accelerationism, here how's is it gonna work:
>Go hijack any kind of major corporate media outlet
>Be there at least 2 hours to explain everything about how Islam and other forms of degeneracy are going to be our downfall
>After 2 hours pass, you'll see bunch of government law enforcement, waiting for you to come out
>if you have brought any friends and weapons with you, go out there and become our hero.
It's pretty easy, once white people start realizing that Islam is a fucking backward religion and the only way to free ourselves is to overthrow the government, the mass riots will appear, however, that also means you'll have to fight with commies because they want the power too, so beware.
hows the hate subversion to communism by the jews working out for ya?
take the rainbow flag back
june is on its way and im already planning
Proud to be European
/kill @a
Nah. I'd rather get drunk and drag my dick through two more filthy whores tonight. I'm riding this Weimar- tier cultural nuke to its final destination, Strangelove style. Good luck with your revolution though.
What if this is a test in a simulation to test you?
literally the worst economic and social system,you are the smart guy here huh? selling your freedom to some retarded sick ruski vodka drinker,i hope the country you live in go into socialism you fucking faggot.
i fucking hate people like you,that are being used,a useful idiot is too idiot to realize hes being used as weapon,the worst part is that your kind of people are the first ones to die in a tyrant government order.
They will kill every white person on the planet if we don't react.
They will reach the Everest's summit or dive into the Mariana trenches to kill us if necessary.
then fuck off you demoralizing faggot kike.
I live in a ethnocentric country full of my own people and culture.
You live in a capitalist shithole with no future.With a government who bends the knee to other races or groups of minorities.
Trust me low iq subhuman. I'm not the one being subverted by jews :^). thats u
Do you not understand everything you type is through emotion and everything i type is due to logic?
Who is this
By who?
A bunch of scrawny antifa manchildren and landwhales.
You forget it's generally only the weak privileged middle class who believe in your bullshit, you won't find many everyday working people who give much of a shit about your fantasy genders or who want to give up property rights for the things they've worked hard for.
i see you have a high IQ when you say Brazil is capitalist,kys.
btw i never said you were being subverted by jews,i SAID you KIND of PEOPLE are always USED for RAISE TYRANTS,is it clear now low iq commie?
Literally just find some nonsense and all you have to reply with is:
It is capitalist because white people control it.
Race known for tyrants and ruthless killers
or a Race known for nothing?
I know which one id rather be.
you baited me congrats
KEK no ur own government will destroy ur own white ethnic pride stupid.
Go on ur national television and say ur a white nationalist or nazi and then come back and tell me what happen.
STALKER best game
but i think everything is over now, we arrived too late
duh i have high iq
Only way to fix things is to be able to organise and create a game plan. Can't do that with glow niggers everywhere.
Also flanking tactics are super important. Never attack an issue head on with predictable moves.
But we're pretty fucked.
"It is capitalist because white people control it."
great iq you have,why you dont show me your ugandian flag?
Why don't you climb back in your fucking tree while you still can.
..I already believe we're living in a Matrix style simulation bro.
That was an unironic well- wishing to people who have the courage to fight for what they believe in. I won't be alive to see it.
Wrong flag bro your real flag is pure white.
I'm sure your country is filled with intelligent people of your race. maybe
thanks to "my race" to the airplanes and airships faggot
Your race originated in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and Germany?
Shit's fucked brehs
Is there anything we can do?
first plane to fly without a catapult
14 bis
a spic who thinks hes huwhite aww how sad
What else?
what has your race done?
being ruthless killers? :)
..but the Wright brothers didn't use a catapult. They used a hill.
I wrote a quick and dirty rundown of white nationalist talking points that can be shared with normies to initiate them. I've had some success sharing it. Here it is:
My people invented the compass so the white man can come to ur country and literally rape you into mutts.
We also have cool swords and Dragon culture.
What does yours do again?
I aint clicking that shit nigga
Your loss. The MK ultra ear-rape was pretty enjoyable.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
bye chinkkk
I feel bad for being able to read the Chinese parts of this. Huge portion of life wasted. Same with the piano.
Why doesn't anyone take on (((valuable targets)))?
yummy deflection mmmm tasty
Im going to keep repeating myself.
Is it because you actually have nothing to be proud about?
Good one
This is why we are losing. You're all too scared to click a link. Does anyone honestly think that a bunch of people who won't click a link are going to do anything?
Just skimmed this and now you have my attention.
I've not got the time, but i'll give this a read later. Thanks user
Is this supposed to be scary? I bet my house I can knock you out with one punch. You are a literal faggot, how are you going to scare anyone when opening onions milk caps gives you blisters?
Btw I firmly believe that only worldwide military coups can save us. Which is in the realm of possibilities
You don't own anything your chinese landlord owns it. I'm not trying to scare anyone burger im stating reality. Nazi's will get destroyed in real life.
There's a reason you don't see white supremacists or nazis in the coastal areas of america. THEY GET FUCKED UP LOL.
You only see faggot nazi wannabes in their little shitty outdated white towns. Redneck fat fucks cant even go to walmart without a fucking scooter carring ur obese ass off the ground. How the fuck you gonna punch anything fat lord?
Thanks. I plan to write more. Keep an eye out for that name and symbol.
clearly the answer is to keep posting frogs
Its this kind of passive pussy hippy bullshit that GOT us here in the first place!
Nut up son!