Tariq Nasheed is clearly woke to the degeneracy agenda. He knows it’s not white people who are behind it...

Tariq Nasheed is clearly woke to the degeneracy agenda. He knows it’s not white people who are behind it, so why is he still a virulent anti-white racist?
Also, watch this cartoon he posted. Fucking hilarious. They’re trying to turn the blacks gay

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There's nothing wrong with being Lesbian
There's nothing wrong with being Ggay
There's nothing wrong with being Bisexual
There's nothing wrong with being Transgender

You're gonna suck that dick nigger and its gonna btfo nazis epic style

It's because women are cool and should vote.

Schools pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. We have my body, my choice in this country, but you have to pay taxes to send your kids to Jewish brainwashing centers. Get people behind school choice. My kids, my choice. They RAPE their minds in public schools.

I had better not be accused of being anti-woman. I love women. Nothing is more anti-woman than the Jewish influenced system of institutions in the West. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capital than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.

The age teens are expected to lose their virginity is the exact age they should be expected to be married. Marrying young means couples grow together. The only reason marrying your high school sweetheart isn't common is that college is hung over high schoolers like a ominous cloud. Nothing can get in the way of a college education or they'll end up bare foot and pregnant living in a trailer. Instead they sleep around and they trail through multiple relationships of convenience.

Public school and colleges are the problem. They are self promoting, Jewish brainwashing centers. Public schools and colleges have an invested interest in not seeing kids get married off and leave their system.

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>so why is he still a virulent anti-white racist?
Because he's a nigger and was created by Satan who hates God who is white.

Tariq's commentary seems to proceed more from a place of confident pro-blackness than reactive, inferiority complex-projecting anti-whiteness

No im pretty sure he's completely defensive and reactionary. A bit of prison time will fix his homophobia, the rest is certainly genetic

Objectively false

>A bit of prison time will fix his homophobia

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What agenda? Stop being a conspiracy theorist, goy.

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