LIVE: Christian BTFO Muslims

Same guy from the other night is live again.

He is challenging ALL MUSLIMS call him and defend their religion as he exposes their cult.


All muslims are welcome to call him for debate on his paltalk (christian_prince) if you want to get BTFO

He is an expert on Islam and speaks Arabic yet not a single Muslim has ever been able to out-debate him on Islam. He has converted many Muslims to Christianity live on air.

Openly calling all muslims of Jow Forums to defend their religion live on air if they can.

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Other urls found in this thread:

There are no real muslims on Jow Forums anyway because its a shit cult

I'm surprised to see a leaf speak truth

Is it opposite day?

We leafs are underrated when it comes to post quality

>He has converted many Muslims to Christianity
What kind of Christianity?
Real Christianity or Pentecostal, Charismatic, Evangelical, Four Square, Snake Handling heresy?

Catholicism and Orthodox are the real Christians. Everything else is degenerate heresy and pagan revival (((Evangelical)))

inb4 Catholics are pedo enabling idolaters.

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Hes not of a denomination. He speaks against most denominations and preaches on Jesus and the Word of God only. Converts people to Jesus rather than any church.

>Hes not of a denomination
So he's a pagan larping as a Christian (((Protestant)))

I'd say you are overrated but you're alright for a leaf

No, but youre pretty judgemental considering you havent seen his videos or heard him speak.Hes doing far more for Christianity than you are I bet. Catholicism IS pedo enabling idolatry by the way. The only larper is you, larping as a righteous person.

I never said I was a righteous person. I'm sinful asshole and proud of it. In fact, the whole point of Christianity is that it was made just for sinful assholes and not righteous goody two shoes

Jesus doesnt give anyone a free pass to sin. He literally said cut your eyes out and cut your hand off if it causes you to sin, so you dont go to hell.
Its not a religion for sinners its a faith for people who need to be saved from their sins. Requires one to turn away from their sin (aka repentance).

so glad to see that Christianity is on the rise and Islam in a downward spiral


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say a prayer for him, Jow Forums

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nooo he ended the stream already

Hes live usually everyday multiple times a day, destroying Islam on a daily basis

That Fadi guy cucked out, didn't even call.

This guy is a faggot worse than any basement nigger on Jow Forums. He's been doing this same shit on paltalk for over 15 years now.
He is an obsessed butthurt Christian Arab diaspora who has an axe to grind against some Muslims who made fun of him in high school but most of what he says is bullshit and circular logic.
He also makes fake videos of converting Muslims to Christianity but they are actually just his other butthurt Christian Arab diaspora friends larping as Muslims.

>t. butthurt muslim

Why don't you call him tomorrow and prove him wrong?
>fake videos of converting Muslims to Christianity but they are actually just his other butthurt Christian Arab diaspora friends larping as Muslims.
The vast majority of mudslimes who accept Christianity on his show are non Arabs. The most recent one being a Bosnian.

I already handed his ass to him on paltalk many years ago, I don't bother with his butthurt dishonest shit anymore.
He unsuccessfully tries so hard to find inconsistencies in Islam where he has to resort mostly on shitty hadiths meanwhile his own religion is a massive inconsistency in itself.

Basically he knows he is wrong and a liar but does this to cope with his massive asshurt from being cockslapped by some Muslims in high school.

>this level of cope
Just prove him wrong tomorrow or later if he goes live again, Ill be watching. "I already did years ago" is just cope

Him continuing his charade every day after being completely annihilated is cope.

Well it happened years ago, I'm sure you're willing to do it again just one more time. Call him tomorrow.

>circular logic

So he's like your prophet?

>A book that has no place in Islam and written by men 300 years after the prophet died based on nothing but rumours means that this events actually happened and these things were actually said.
You lose.

>Sahih al Bukhari has no place in Islam
So you reject the Hadiths? Are you Shia or Sunni? I hope you know that Quran only muslims are considered heretics by 99% of muslims.
>based on nothing but rumours
lol no. Bukhari had about 300.000 Hadiths, his criteria of choosing the Sahih ones among them all was a perfect chain of narrators who could be traced from his time to the prophet. Obviously a terrible and laughably idiotic way of writing history seeing it's just a game of chinese whisper but in the end the book turned out to be still far more accurate and reliable than the Quran lol.

>I hope you know that Quran only muslims are considered heretics by 99% of muslims.
Muslims don't define what Islam is, God and his Quran define what Islam is. This is the basic facts the you and your friend Christian Piss can't wrap your heads around.
>his criteria of choosing the Sahih ones among them all was a perfect chain of narrators who could be traced from his time to the prophet
Define perfect chain of narrators, that's subjective. Have you ever played the game broken telephone?
>but in the end the book turned out to be still far more accurate and reliable than the Quran lol.
Are you dumb?

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Well then what do you do when muslim traditions that come from the Hadiths and the Sira conflict with the Quran? The Quran says to pray only 3 times a day whereas the Hadiths say that muslims have to pray at least 5 times a day. The Quran has mutah and its abrogation comes from the Hadiths, do you believe in mutah since it's in the Quran?

>Well then what do you do when muslim traditions that come from the Hadiths and the Sira conflict with the Quran?
Then they are not part of Islam. Circumcision is one of those examples.
>The Quran says to pray only 3 times a day whereas the Hadiths say that muslims have to pray at least 5 times a day.
What's the problem?
> The Quran has mutah and its abrogation comes from the Hadiths, do you believe in mutah since it's in the Quran?
To the extent that it's permitted in the Qur'an.

>Then they are not part of Islam.
You're obviously a heretic who just doesn't know it yet.
>What's the problem?
>Quran says to pray a minimum of 3 times a day
>Hadiths say to pray a minimum of 5 times a day
>The vast majority of religious muslims believe in praying 5 times a day minimum

>Quran says mutah is ok
>Hadiths say mutah is not ok
>Almost all religious sunni muslims believe mutah is haram

You sound like a Shia and most Ayatoilets would consider you an apostate too.

>You're obviously a heretic who just doesn't know it yet.
>The vast majority of religious muslims believe in praying 5 times a day minimum
>Almost all religious sunni muslims believe mutah is haram
See, you dumb fucks still can't wrap your head around the fact that Islam is defined by the Qu'ran and not by certain traditions or by what most Muslims do.
>You sound like a Shia and most Ayatoilets would consider you an apostate too.
You sound butthurt that your Christian Piss garbage has been refuted.

By the way God wouldn't tell people to pray 5 times a day. The reason for the 3 prayers at dawn, afternoon, and dusk is because anyone can tell the periods based on the sun's location.
If you were a Bedouin in the middle of the desert, how would you know when was the night prayer?
The Qur'an always makes more sense.

>Islam is defined by the book that says sperm is created between the ribs and backbone of a man
>Islam is defined by the book that thinks the trinity consists of The Father, The Son and Mary
>>Islam is defined by the book that thinks Mary was the sister of Moses

>You sound butthurt that your Christian Piss garbage has been refuted.
I'm not butthurt about anything buddy. Why don't you call him tomorrow and refute all his claims live on air with hundreds of people watching. It'll be an amazing win for Allah and his apostle.

Jow Forums muslim here. Defending my precious religion against a non-catholic or non-orthodox Christian would be a disgrace. He can continue converting people who want to choose their religion by watching youtube videos. Natural Selection of a religion I'd say

Masha Allah based

why did muhammad kiss the black stone

You're the butthurt Palestinian who converted to Cucktianity aren't you?
By the way, the Quran never said anything about Mary being the sister of Moses. The Quran was referring to the fact that the Virgin Mary was named after the sister of Moses but you are clearly too dumb or too butthurt to accept the obvious.
Also, the Qur'an doesn't talk about sperm in particular which originates in the testicles but it talks about ejaculation which involves many different systems that are all located between the loins and the backbone, including the nerves which regulate the whole process.

Nice try though. Stay asshurt.

why dont you call christian prince in front of us all and btfo him if youre so smart
if you do anything but debate him youre a chicken. you let him destroy your religion and youre too scared to call and defend when hes live?

>why did muhammad kiss the black stone
Why do you believe that he kissed the black stone and why does it matter whether he kissed it or not?

>why dont you call christian prince in front of us all and btfo him if youre so smart
Read above faggot. I already dealt him his asswooping a many years ago. He will just get butthurt, start raging, and then hangup/ban me like he did on paltalk last time.
>if you do anything but debate him youre a chicken.
The chicken is the one who ragebans when he is refuted and made to look like an idiot in front of his dumb audience.

>The Quran was referring to the fact that the Virgin Mary was named after the sister of Moses but you are clearly too dumb or too butthurt to accept the obvious.
No buddy. YOU are too dumb or butthurt to accept the obvious.

Just watch this

The ayah itself calls Mary the sister of Aaron because Muhammed (the author of the Quran) got confused between the two Miriams (Maryams) in the bible.

>i already dealt with him b-believe me
>*posts no proof*
>*refuses to 'deal with him' again*
Youre scared, we get it.


Oh man Christian Prince is the absolute BEST. This guy is a true hero I used to join his debates on Paltalk back in 2007-2008. This guy has been active for years and has destroyed EVERY single muslim scholar with pure facts about the Quran.

He opened the website called a couple of years ago. He was offered thousands of dollars from rich muslims to stop his activities because of his pure ownage of all muslims. I've been on Jow Forums since 2013 and it's the first time I see someone mentioning him.


COPE harder fag.
I've already seen this video. There was no mix-up, it's just stupid people like you can't understand context or refuse to accept reality.

If you name your kid after a religious figure or prophet, in your mind you want him/her to associate with the attributes of that prophet. So when they do something very wrong (alleged premarital sexual relations in this case), in your mind it's as if that prophet had committed the sin. She had become pregnant so it was said: "Oh Mary, sister of Aaron" because that's who she was named after and she had done something wrong.

Not hard to understand idiot, the only people who refuse to accept the obvious is people trying to cope like you.

>Assumes I would have proof of something from 10 years ago.
>Must have not happened.

Islam is a fairly easy religion to prove wrong tho bc its based on misinterpretations of christianity

This theres barely any here theyre just a loud obnoxious minority as per usual

more like leafposting is oversaturated with shitty leafposters
but then again that's the situation with this entire board now

Never seen anyone come close to winning a debate against him, yes he can be annoying by muting but he's never been wrong. He's raised solid points against Islam from all parts of the Quran. You may reply here and convince us otherwise, but I've seen this guy destroy more than one person on debates and I stayed in his debate rooms for hours.

So do it again, prove it if youre so confident about it. Why are you scared to show us?

He does not convert anyone he is just a butthurt egyptian copt


>I'm sinful asshole and proud of it
>Christianity ... was made just for sinful assholes and not righteous goody two shoes
>righteous goody two shoes
j a d e d
see a therapist

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Project harder fag. You're the one coping hard.

That is such an absurd argument I can't tell if you're using Taqiyya or are genuinely that stupid. When one of you subhumans called Muhammad does something wrong people say "O Muhammad, husband of 6 year old Ayesha"?

Btw that ayah about sperm being made between the ribs and backbone of a man specifically mentions "sexual fluid". It's not even talking about the process of ejaculation lol. I honestly can't tell whether you're honestly this stupid or just messing with me.

>Never seen anyone come close to winning a debate against him
He was wrecked many years ago, that's why he's more careful with who he debates with.
>he can be annoying by muting
It gets much worse than that.
>He's raised solid points against Islam from all parts of the Quran.
No he hasn't, it has always been based on false logic or intentionally dishonest and unlikely interpretations.

>So do it again, prove it if youre so confident about it. Why are you scared to show us?
I already told you, he will just get butthurt and mute then ban or hangup like he did last time. Even the poster above you admitted that he constantly mutes or bans because he wants his bullshit narrative to prevail over everyone else, truth or not.

After getting destroyed last time, he will never allow that to happen again, he will just start arguing like a Jew and then mute when it doesn't work out for him.

I find it ironic that he tries so hard --unsuccessfully-- to find flaws in another religion or religious book yet if he applied an ounce of his own logic and the same scrutiny to his own religion or book, he would discredit his own religion.

Hes never lost a debate because he knows more about Islam than the muslims. He knows the quran inside and out. He can read and write their language too so they cant lie to him

I'm going to rip up 3 Qurans tomorrow and throw them all over the Los Angeles freeways.

butthurt copts ITT

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Ok so make him butthurt and prove it to us you fool

youre a coward who cant defend your religion when it matters only on a internet forum where you can lie about "owning Christian Prince in debate" because youre afraid this thread will further expose youre satanic cult. the muslim version of OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN. truly the definition of cope.

youre lies wont work here.

You will be torn and thrown all over the corners of hell.

>proof that islam is a violent cult: the post

>violence is bad
crosscuck detected

there is only one way to remove kebabs.

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>Project harder fag. You're the one coping hard.
>That is such an absurd argument I can't tell if you're using Taqiyya or are genuinely that stupid.
COPE, this is clearly the meaning of that passage. Who was the Virgin Mary named after fag? It amplifies the significance of the sin that was allegedly committed. It's as if she dishonored the name of Aaron's sister.
>Btw that ayah about sperm being made between the ribs and backbone of a man specifically mentions "sexual fluid". It's not even talking about the process of ejaculation lol.
COPE again.

At first glance, a layman might think that SEMEN comes out from the testicles. While the SPERM is produced in the testicles, NEITHER is the sperm NOR is the seminal fluid (essential for natural fertilization) anywhere near them prior to ejaculation. The verse specifically mentions the entire fluid, and not just the sperm “component”. So let’s examine the process of emission, where all the components of semen are joined. Sperm is stored in the epididymis, which is not in the testicles, but above them. The Sperm which comprises 2 to 5% of the seminal fluid, , travels from the epididymis up through the Vas Deferens duct and around the bladder. Together, the seminal vesicle and the prostate gland produce 90% of the fluid in semen. This mixture travels through the prostate and is joined by mucus from the bulbourethral glands, just below the prostate.

It is at this point that semen is fully formed, comprising both the sperm and the seminal fluids. As we can see, just prior to coming out of the body, all components of semen are mixed near the prostate, which is centered in the body, between the backbone and the ribs, or between the spine and the chest, which is between the back and front of the abdomen or torso, and most certainly not in the testicles or in the lower body at all.

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Why are christians obsessed with their female mascots? Like they secretly wish to be sissy traps.

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>random violence against "infidels" is of God and not the Devil
satanist detected. I like how muslims pretend to disavow this stuff when theyre not on the internet. Truly a cult of lies.
You keep worshipping your moon god molech, Ill worship the creator Yahweh through his Son.

You get 72 of them when you hear the bombs of freedom yes?

No, we just want to mate with cute things. Same as you honestly.

>random violence against "infidels" is of God and not the Devil
Isn't that what christians do? Eye for an eye, it is written. Keep worshiping his slave Jesus (as) who holds no power of himself except by permission of his owner Allah (swt). Jesus (as) will reject you and hate you while you are cast in hellfire. Fate of all polytheists.

allah was literally a polytheistic term muhammad adapted and it was used for many pagan gods, including the moon god molech. your muhammad kissed the black stone and said sins can be forgiven if this stone is touched. you people even create saturn rings by walking around the stone (saturn).
why even pray towards a stone?
youre the idolator whose gonna burn in hell

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The bible has holy stones, not the quran. The masjid is the focal point of islam. Like the temple was for jews.






This is your chance. Hes going live again in an hour. Lets hear you destroy him

Ok call christian prince in an hour and let him know how wrong he is.

Deal with your own people's problems before you start worrying about us. What % of kids don't have their biological parents together in Canada?

This is the entire region where all of which comes out of a man's penis at the time of ejaculation is formed. Does this region look like what is told about in the Quran? Would you describe this region as "between the backbone and ribs" lol? You can even see in the picture where the spine ends. Also, if this is how specific Muhammad wanted to be when he wrote the Quran along with his mates Abu Bakr and Umar he should've just written "seminal fluid in a man is made somewhere between his head and feet". At least that would've been accurate.

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Christian Prince is going live again soon. This is the chance for these muslims to put their money where their mouth is and prove everyone wrong infront of hundreds.

I gaurantee you both the muslims in this thread will be too coward to call in and defend their own cult

>COPE, this is clearly the meaning of that passage. Who was the Virgin Mary named after fag? It amplifies the significance of the sin that was allegedly committed. It's as if she dishonored the name of Aaron's sister.
Again, retard. That's a comical argument. When the town rapist in your hometown back in Goatfuckistan named Muhammad rapes one of the kids do the people there say "O Muhammad, husband of 6 year old Ayesha, why did you rape that poor little girl and not just one of the goats here instead?"?

You can't even accept the real age of Ayesha, shows you'll end up leaving this cult in the future for good.

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Why would I? He's an irrelevant low iq coptnigger.

if hes such an expert, why does he call himself arabian prophet
it should be arab prophet
arabian is for objects and places, arab is for people

>w-why would i need to defend my God
Shame on you for being too coward. Allah would be disappointed

They won't call. They'll cuck out like that Fadi guy cucked out a few hours ago.

here ya go retard

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He's an Arab, not a copt.

Any donkey can throw insults will I rush at them to make them change their mind? No, let the donkeys come out and not be anonymous first and see who is the coward who will turn his cheek.

Top kek. As I said, if this is how specific Muhammad wanted to be when he wrote the Quran along with his mates Abu Bakr and Umar he should've just written "seminal fluid in a man is made somewhere between his head and feet". At least that would've been accurate.

Excuses... Hes a christian challenging ANY MUSLIM to defend their religion and you cannot do it. You are a coward plain and simple.

I can tell he's a copt by his accent.
Accurate enough for bedouins.

I think you are the guy, pathetic attempt at making your channel relevant. Lots of coptic dogs in canada

He is doomed to hell now because abandoning the battle field during jihad is an instant ticket to hell for mudslimes and this is obviously jihad.

>this level of cope
Just debate him, or I will assume youre scared and cowardly. Its that simple.

All the religions that come from the desert should be wiped out.

Cringe and cuckpilled

Genesis. 49:10
Genesis. 16:7-14
Deuteronomy. 18:18
Deuteronomy. 34:10
Jeremiah. 34:18
Isaiah. 21:13
Isaiah. 19:19
Daniel. 7:13
Mathew. 21:33-43
Galatians. 4:21
John. 1:19-22
John. 14:30
John. 16:7-14
Act. 7:37
John. 14:15
Revelation. 7:9-12
Revelation. 19:10-16

>Just imagine being a Christcuck

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See this: ()
Basically the Qur'an is not wrong.

Ahh typical follower of Christian Piss, starts raging and attacking when refuted.
The Virgin Mary's family was actually religious so it makes complete sense. You wouldn't understand that context though because you are a larp just like most Christians today. I also find it ironic that a major accusation is that Muslims take the Quran too literally yet here you are trying to take a clearly non-literal passage as being literal.
So much COPE.

Also, it has been proven though various ways that Aisha had to have been around 19 when she was married. Deal with it.

Let's be honest though, the reason you are so obsessed with attacking the Qur'an based on non-arguments is because you are insecure about your own religion and book.

I glimpsed at the video and what I gathered was
>muh ancient story of a traveller going to a faraway land where he found the setting of the sun setting on a dark muddy spring

I was expecting more.

Google deception island mud springs
Google polar twilight
Google polar night
Google ozone layer.
Google magnetosphere polar cusp

Or just look at pic related.

Google humility. Pray and reflect, and perhaps you may be guided.

Attached: antarcticaq.jpg (3748x4079, 3.74M)

Deuteronomy. 6:1
Deuteronomy. 13:-1-11
Deuteronomy. 22:13-22
Deuteronomy. 21:18-21
Deuteronomy. 22:25
Mathew. 15:3
Joshua. 1:18
Hebrews. 10:28
Leviticus. 20:9-16
Leviticus. 20:27


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Okay retard

You are both wrong

It is speaking of a fluid emitted, from which we (Our "self" in this world, or CNS) is created. It is speaking of CSF, which is indeed between the spine and ribs, and is the substrate through which our soul interfaces with this world via our CNS.

Attached: csf.png (1122x706, 800K)

Genesis. 17:1
Psalm. 95: 6
Ezekiel. 43:3
Kings. 18:39
Psalm. 5:7
Numbers. 20:6
Nehemiah. 8:6
Matthew. 26:36
Matthew. 17:1
Revelation. 7:9

Leviticus. 11:7
Deuteronomy. 14:8
Isaiah. 65:3
Proverbs. 31:3
Isaiah. 4:11
Amos. 6:5-7
Habakkuk. 2:15
Leviticus. 10:8
Isaiah. 66:17

>How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man

Christcucks don't even follow their own virtues. Sad goy slaves MIGA

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Note CSF is between spine and ribs. It interfaces through quantm processes with our soul which is contained/protected by the pulsar star which is the actual geographic location o our souls as alluded to in Surat Tariq but thats another issue.

Thats how our soul is "projected" intot his simulated world.

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Look how butthurt.

Christian Prince is going live in an hour. Why dont you call him and inform him of your amazing discoveries and knowledge?

Isn't the CSF inside the spine and brain? Where do the ribs come into play.