Haha just be funny bro

Haha just be funny bro.

Attractive men are perceived as funnier, even when they are actually not

Attached: AttractiveIsJustFunny.png (835x472, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gertstulp.com/pdf/Stulp et al 2013_Anim Behav_The height of choosiness.pdf

Than just be more attractive bro?

Haha height doesn't matter bro just go out bro.

Taller men report more satisfaction in their romantic relationships than shorter men

>94% of women will reject a man for being "too short"
gertstulp.com/pdf/Stulp et al 2013_Anim Behav_The height of choosiness.pdf

Stop coping dude lmao. I'm 5'8" while I can't say I'm a romeo I manage to pull good pussy

Just leave your fucking cave and go out on the street, there are many women with short guys, you're all delusional incels.

I'm just trying to lower men's standards, mate.

>Women feel sexual disgust when they imagine even talking to an unattractive man

>Women are happiest with their partner's heights when they are 8.24 inches / 20 cm taller then them

>Facial plastic surgery significantly changes how a man's personality is perceived

Short men have twice the suicide rate of tall men

Attached: TwiceTheSuicideRate.png (836x470, 46K)

Yes attractive people have it easier what a shocking revelation OP.
How do you think ugly girls feel? At least men can gain money/power to get girls, but femcels are hopeless.

What advice do you need?

not really.. no matter what a woman looks or IS like.. there will always be a man for her. cause I've seen overweight women who are just awful people. but they got a man. un like men, when if you dont meet certain characteristics you're fucked

>be tall
>laugh at manlets
>still autistic with no friends

Cry more, incel.

Anecdotal evidence is never valid evidence in *any* context.

5'8" is also teetering in the average range.

How about solid evidence that 5'8" is the most attractive male height?

>I'm just trying to lower men's standards, mate.
For what purpose? Who benefits?

Then why are ugly ass motherfuckers like Louis CK and Jim Jefferies and Dave Chappelle so successful?

I guess because they’re clearly defined entertainers and not potential mates. When the humour is associated with flirting then attractiveness becomes a factor, but who would be surprised by that?

Jim Jefferies' bits are often about him pulling pussy before he made it big.

According to the article a more attractive guy would have got more pussy flirting in the exact same way (surprise surprise)

that's not true, I know disgusting looking men who have girlfriends. And no, they're not even rich

Yeah and?

Attached: 1466865690421.jpg (142x129, 11K)

Jim Jeffries getting laid doesn’t invalidate the hypothesis of the article, if you’re the same guy who posted that.

That one's already a mess.
But yes, being more attractive is generally better.
Not sure why this has to get posted 5 times a day like you just discovered the cure for cancer

The OP's thesis is a self-defeating "haha just be funny bro" incel bullshit. As though being attractive is what determines whether or not you're funny and "just be funny" is therefore bad advice. The former doesn't, and the latter isn't.