Why does Nick get it so wrong with venezuela?
Why does Nick get it so wrong with venezuela?
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because trumpism = neoconservatism
Because he doesn't
He’s Hispanic. He wants America to save his people.
why do you continue to post this tread?
The world deserves answers
Because he's a neocon. He always has been.
he bought in the trump is playing 4 dimensoinal chess when in truth trump sold out right afte he got elected. he only recently movd away from the trump train.
He made one off comment post about wanting war because he’s bored then went back on it a day later. Posts like OPs prove that this place is absolutely crawling with shills. You’re trying to get us to turn against him when he’s one of our best allies in the movement right now. Why is JIDF so afraid of Nick?
Nick has the only reasonable position
because he's a child and is still attached to his (neo)conservative priors
he'd be still cheering for Trump if it wasn't for the undeniable truth in the words the wignats were bullying him with
The reason this thread is spammed is because Nick does it himself for promo.
He is The master of peak optics
Fuck off Brit shills
Because he’s just a racist neoconservative. He never truly made the evolution from conservative to fascist. He doesn’t get it
Shills are working hard on this. Everyday now. I wonder if they think this actually get's the any results?
cuz hes a spic and not white
hes literally the shittiest element in the dissident right wing.
>nick the spic
>best Ally
pic one
Same way jews use Americans to fight their wars. Nick the Spic wants americans to die fighting for his people.
lol how come this looks like the start to a porno
>how come
Actual nigger spotted
Is this guy right about anything? That's the better question
he can spin an awesome tale and he's hilarious in debate, but his takes have 0 predictive power
its a figure of speech you retarded mexican
>stupid JIDF never learned how to post exactly like Anonymous
Nick is extremely talented, in another universe he would be at the forefront of mainstream politics, he would be the zoomer William F. Buckley.
This guy is dumb, like actually poorly educated, I'm not sure if I want to help him or shoot him
This, plus he said he thought the US having control and influence over the Western Hemisphere is important. I agree with that concept at least. If we let China or Russia in we could start having proxy wars their, which would be worse than a coup. I think the US made things bad for Venezuela with years of sanctions though.
>This guy is dumb, like actually poorly educated, I'm not sure if I want to help him or shoot him
>is a commie
Cant read anything you just said without imagining a gay sounding effeminate lisp
lol nice try nick...you got another proxy i see... you are the laughing stock of the right, a literal mexican
homosexuality is okay god isnt real. You can have kids and have gay sex
he must of watched the video explaining why hes wrong
nope still sounds like a sassy gay twink in my mind when i read it.
Nick "The Knife" Fuentes is 100% repilled on the JQ while still managing to maintain favorable optics so he doesn't get banned from youtube.
The difference between a high IQ genius mastermind like him and a wignat schizo like (you) is because he understands that immediately screaming about "teh joos xddd" to normies is just going to push them away from our cause instead of redpilling them.
Based Nick understands that you have to give them a small little redpill here and there, nothing too inflammatory until one day they're ready for you to drop a nuclear truth bomb
I expect nothing less from the creator of this video. The PSUV represents the nationalist deconlonial struggle against your nationalism. You cant be a nazi and pro-maduro we dont want you
Kek. Trying to bait nick? I like it. He'll probably fall for it. I cant stand that neocon nick either
also see:
he's based
i actually really like nick, he's not too much to scare normies off, i've shown him to a few of my blue-pilled mates and they've started watching his debates and coming around to my ideas. He's a funny guy too.
Hey Nick. You mislead me, i got 2 for $5 bigmacs the other day and they were shit. Theres nothing even on them, i was still hungry after. Sure the sauce is good, but youre better off ordering 2 mcdoubles and 2 mcchickens with added big mac sauce. I want my 5 shekels back for subscribing to america first.
Can you tell me about the Caracazo without googling it?
He was a high schooler or in first year @ college in this
Nick is right about a lot of things. I especially liked his portion about there possibly being a masse amount of diaspora Europeans from across the planet (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, North America) returning home after Europe uncucks itself, while all the formerly white nations abroad descend into chaos due to changing demographics and lawlessness.
It's something that will most likely happen imo
Black and white equating neocon wars for 20 years in the middle east with low risk, high reward interference in your own backyard in some autistic liberalist hissy fit is fucking stupid and goes to show you can only ever conceive of concepts simple enough not to apply to real life.
>black slaves with their conquistador ca. 1776, colorized
He wants to watch the world burn and WW3 starting in Venezuela would be epic
Maduro is a fucking failure of a president, that loves to starve his own people, like many other communists
I wanna sniff Bratass
Its almost like theres sanctions or something
>it’s always the sanctions that destroy a communist country that has been exponentially speeding toward shithole status for the past three decades
you aren't supposed to trade under communism idiot, the entire point is the abolition of wage labor, planned economy, breakdown of production based on exchange value and distribution of the social product of the dictatorship of the proletariat based on the principle of "from each according to his ability to each according to his need", you can't have real communism and trade at the same time.
What are these shills trying to accomplish exactly? Is this some kind of tactical mission they've put together?