Waaaah, working in an Amazon factory is hell, I'm so depressed, they should pay us more!

>Waaaah, working in an Amazon factory is hell, I'm so depressed, they should pay us more!

>Waaaah, they're replacing our jobs with robots!

This is exactly what everyone said would happen. How long til your low income low skill job gets replaced by robots? Seems like only a matter of time.

Attached: Robocalypse.jpg (661x669, 175K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Take the 10k and get a better job. Or buy heroin with it

Based, better than hiring goblinos. It gives job opportunities to whites who can adapt and become robotic engineers to keep the systems running. Natural selection is beautiful.


robotics is gay nigger tech. we need to bring back 1950s american tech system, or soviet MEGATECH.

take the money and learn a trade or get educated fucking cucks

Flag checks out.

Nice of them to offer the 10k. They could have just fired everyone and left it at that.

take the 10k and use it to start a business.
Easy shit.

If true then I wonr be buying anything from amazon

They Wage Cage Song.

>They could have just fired everyone and left it at that.
Not outside Burgerland. There are worker's rights everywhere else

Amazing tale my african brother.

Do you really think watching a machine pack boxes is the beginning of a career path toward engineering the machine that can pack boxes?

Learn2code LOL

What business would you start with 10k that would guarantee your rent, bills plus food/travel etc before the 10k has all gone?

Honestly this, 10k would pretty much grant a career through trade school or community college. Plenty of hardworking Americans don't get the sweet deal these entitled fucks have been offered.

>Soviet Mega-Tech

My dick twitched a little. I for one welcome the incoming steampunk dystopia

oil and parcel tape business to sell shit directly to amazon for their new machines.

Buy a pimp suit and a caddilac DeVille. Go from there

Can't wait to see all the leftist faggots who have spent the last 5 years whining about how horribly mistreated Amazon workers are instantly do a 180 and whine about all the Amazon workers losing their amazing jobs

Hello my white american friend, it is so good to speak to a true aryan from the United States of America! The whitest country on earth with only the highest standards of racial purity!

Low IQ whites who cannot adapt to the times are just genetic refuse that couldn't make the cut, we would be better off without them. Robots are machines, machines break down and malfunction and need people to keep them running and the software in tune. Adapt or go extinct. This is a job non-whites are practically incapable of doing.

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Good, we should have had this shit years ago. Fuck kikes for keeping us behind in technology cause muh consumerism.

Will it stop packing the wrong items?

>current year
>not learning a skill that a machine can't do

Workers have been made redundant by machinery since the industrial revolution, I seriously don't understand how people can still be surprised that they're not a crucial human resource just because they can wrap a package in cardboard...

Every computation can be simulated.

The only thing we'll have left is pure consciousness floating around space before it dries up and becomes nothing.


You got it backwards, if true I will be buying more from Amazon knowing that no nigger touched anything I buy.

Amazonian wagecuck here. Allow me to contribute;

This thing is called autobox, and we have one at our depot. It hasn't replaced anyone because it needs people to feed the machine glue and cardboard.

Also the quality of the packaging is shit because they go around the sorter and drop in to a location to be despatched but the item inside has nothing to cushion it and is often very heavy, like 1-2kg items, and the item will often break the box when it lands and needs to be repackaged by problem solvers anyway.

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There's a good chance that a nigger stowed your item, i.e. put it in a robot pod before it was picked and packed. I wouldn't bother trying to base your spending habits on whether niggers are involved in the process because they are everywhere.


10k is enough to have a year of bliss before you die and they're just gonna kill anyone too dumb to work in factories in a few years anyways

10K TO QUIT?!?!?!

There should be a law against posting without ever having worked at least 1 job for more than 6 months.

There you go. Only the most shit people can be replaced because every complex machine has more needs than a human workforce.

Buy heroin, sell at a markup.
New job.

Set me free!
I don't even want the $10k!

>get educated
*blocks your path*

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I suspect if you don't take the 10k they'll drive you out anyway.

you realize disenfranchising millions of "low skill workers" and making it impossible for them to provide for themselves is the kind of things that makes them roll out a guillotine, right

>create jobs for technical engineers
>create jobs for mechanical engineers
>cheaper shipping for anime dolls
>faster shipping for anime dolls

People can focus on what they enjoy.
Also anyone who is too dull to find a job should just die out.

Nature red in tooth and claw.

Can a mutt answer me this:

Why do you allow your politicians to tell you that you need billions of niggers to be in your life 24/7 to "do the hard jobs" but they also tell you that you need to pay all your money to them to become UBI money because robots will do all work in exactly 24 hours from today?

Stump grinder

>also anyone who is too dull to find a job should just die out
Due to decades of social welfare dysgenics, a large proportion of the population won't have a single marketable skill. Welfare should come with the caveat that you can't reproduce.

Haven’t been offered yet but definitely will take it if it happens. Pay off a little debt, give me a reason to use my GI gibsmedats.

Not exactly the topic of the thread, but what’s the correct word to describe that robot? I’m a automation engineer and I’m designing a robot that handles heavy and fragile stuff ...

user you can't have a world of engineers. That's not how economy works. That would just make the competition for those engineering jobs extremely high and thus lowering the average salary to the level of one of those Amazon workers

A lot of petite bourgeoisie faggots literally think millions of people are just going to starve on the streets then things will get better for some reason. Those retard are still trying to rig a society without the need for a lower class which can't be done.

That's why you need welfare paid for by taxing employer who replaced his workers.

Someone will have to oil and clean the thing, not to mention replace worn out parts and reprogram it every time someone comes up with a new size of boxes. That doesn’t require any mech. eng. degree, it also frees up 10 people who can do other stuff, like making the things that go into the box or replacement parts for the robot. The job loss is only temporary, in fact the robot is kinda needy so you end up with more people dancing around it than you replaced.

>trying to rig a society without the need for a lower class which can't be done.

Without one, no. With a properly pruned one, maybe soon. Then people who have an IQ that can boil water will be able to pursue a wonderful Star Trek life of bettering themselves instead of worrying about Tryone's twentieth keed or the budget for cleaning the local injection booth.

Nobody will be starving, at least at first. This is why they're legalizing and normalizing homeless tent encampments in Portland, Seattle, and Denver. Jeff Bezos will pay to have maggot sausage and cockroach milk delivered to your tent daily.

Those encampments exist because the cities stopped enforcing drug prohibition, I doubt it has much to do with automation.

Most people with engineering degrees become glorified technicians anyways. Show me how many actually become noshit engineers

Oh yeah cause you can just arrest all the junkies and they'll shape up somehow? As long as there are painkillers and cocaine available (which no police intervention can stop, both for different reasons) there will always be drug addicts and a small percentage of them will choose to be homeless rather than stop.

Well that does it we better import about 10 million more non-skillled workers.



Now you're getting it! This should have been the deal to begin with, but I think we should offer people to never work again so long as they get sterilized and have no previous children.

Less drug dealers -> less junkies -> according to you, even less homess junkies

I wonder how well those rabbits take the fucking boxes...


The drug trade in America is untouchable, they arrest small time dealers at most.

Automation or immigration
You decide

>Seems like only a matter of time.

The time is now. It's not 2018 anymore.

But it's good

>10k before taxes

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I think Jow Forums should start an anti amazon campaign. Left and right Jow Forums should be able to come together for this. Libertarians will be the only ones with a problem but even they should be able to get on board. Because amazon killed the ma and pa bookstores long ago. Anyways I submit that amazon has done more collective bad than good. How many people benefit from amazon taking over? How many people have been devasted from it? I’m not to big on caring about my fellow man so some thing 80hurt/20 benefit would not bother me. But it seems amazon is dead set on hurting 95/ and benefiting 5 percent. I pulled those numbers out of my ass but it’s my best unresearched guess. Anyways just a though that I thought I would leave here on Jow Forums

Why do you think they're on drugs? Some mysterious moral failure? They lose their jobs and do drugs to medicate the pain of being fucking losers. Calling them addicts just lets the system get away with discarding them, because now you don't care.

>Every computation can be simulated.
Absolutely not.

Can confirm. Watched a black guy I was friends with in high school get pushed through every class because he was athletic and on sports teams, he was illiterate and had a high school diploma. Got out and couldn’t hold any job because he could even read a work schedule. He was ashamed and embarrassed and would find creative ways to get other people to do his reading for him. Always ended up fired in the long run. He was unable to hold a girlfriend, because he was unable to hold a job, he ended up turning to drugs but would always end up with a job that drug tested so he turned to spice. Literally fried his brain and became spicophrenic.

Most Americans are hopelessly distracted by entertainment to consider any of this. Americans aren't stupid, but they're utterly incapable of critical thinking. Even our bright engineers and doctors are complete retards politically. Observe and learn what not to do, Swissbro. A cautionary tale. Stay vigilant.

>This is why they're legalizing and normalizing homeless tent encampments in Portland, Seattle, and Denver.
Denver miraculously rejected tent cities in last week's referendum.

Oh cool. They shipped thousands of Somalis to Minnesota to work in the new Shakopee factory and soon they'll be out of work. I wonder what will happen.

Good. Jeff Bezos can spend more time building his personal spaceship to the Moon instead of listening to millennial's complain about poor working conditions.

Attached: _106897704_blue-moon1.jpg (1024x576, 70K)

And 31 states voted to ban gay marriage, yet within 10 years it was legal in all 50 states.

Retail isn't a sustainable job in the first place. Its like those arrogant cashiers who think their jobs are worth saving. Retail should be online and handled by robots.

and what happens when they go on the fritz and start filling orders wrong? and i dont want to find a severed human finger in any of my order, thank you very much.


I am a printing apprentice. The Press I work on is worth 3 million. We are expected to understand and maintain every inch of the machine.

this is one of the shittiest jobs at a FC that hardly anyone wants
also where many of the horror stories come from, where you have to build a package every so many seconds for an entire shift and if you miss your rate you are counseled then terminated
there are plenty of other positions at a FC where paying a human $15/hr to do it is cheaper than a robot
Amazon is actually massively increasing their human footprint with their "Delivery Service Providers", they are helping people stand up their own fleet of delivery vans, ones under 10k lb. so they don't require a specially licensed driver, and now you have a small army of human van drivers doing nothing but Amazon deliveries
Amazon was in the news last year for making a huge bulk buy of 20k Mercedes Sprinter vans specifically for this purpose

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This boxing robot invention in warehouses can solve the problems of finding workers.

Un the long run, robots cost less. They don't take breaks, they don't need day off etc.

In the future, the economy which is the most automated and robotised will be the leading superpower.

My job is to repair what the robots fuck up because incompetence

Based. Had to pay two dudes like $700 for 2 hours of work grinding stumps.

>worker rights
That would have resulted in amazon raising prices to accommodate


spend half a decade so you can be useful for maybe a decade before that white collar position is either automated by software or performed by a poojeet for 1/3rd of the salary you were looking for


I pick Yang

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People are too brainlet for that - their best bet is trades, or service industry.

Unfortunately automation will not be flexible with people who are not productive. They will get left behind, they will get addicted to substances and they will die. There's nothing anyone can do about it. It's a slow, methodical purge of the unproductive class. If you are unable to buy a house and earn at least $100k/year (poverty level in cities like Seattle) in your 20s or early 30s, then you are already fucked.

I live in Seattle. Watch what is happening here and in WA, because we are spearheading where the rest of the US is headed. What's happening here will be happening everywhere soon. 30,000+ homeless will be wandering the streets in most major cities by 2024. Things are accelerating faster and faster. Our governments are far too slow to keep up.

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I deliver goods in vans, so I'm one of the first on the chopping block haha

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>wahhh being a 12 year old boy working in a tannery sucks
>wahhh of I dont work Ill starve to death

Tree removal/upkeep, or general landscaping.

Removing 24 jobs out of 2000 at each warehouse, folding boxes. The terminator revolution is on hold, I think.

Good thing my job is literally repairing robots.

The states still have bans on gay marriage
It matters as much as them rejecting you being a bad driver

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fuck yeah brother, YANG REICH WHEN???

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Drug dealing, pimping, auto theft and chop shop, pet grooming,etc

Lol ive worked a job that was harder than amazon warehouses with almost no breaks for min wage and no health or dental care and they could terminate whoever they wanted for whatever reason they wanted

Posts like this make me wanna move to Europe

Yang Gang

Literally never.

fuck of boomer miganigger

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Better be enough heroin to kill yourself.