> 16 years old northern brazilian
> 16 years old southern brazilian
As well as the northern state Alagoas has 36% white population // and the southern state Paraná is 77% white population.
> 16 years old northern brazilian
> 16 years old southern brazilian
As well as the northern state Alagoas has 36% white population // and the southern state Paraná is 77% white population.
Exacly this
Dude on the right still look like your averange northeast """white""" tho.
Such a bad example.
the second is more white than you, amerimutt
>t. negrito
You're not whiter than him, cuck
Whiter than a Mexican? Sure am.
>77% white
it's "16 year" not "16 years" you retards stop making this mistake all the time
>black eyed shitskin on the left
>black eyed shitskin on the right
He is 16 years old
He is a 16 year old
Bro just chill and watch the monkeys fight the Americans
Sit and cry, retard.
show your blue eyes, amerimutt
I already learned the difference though?
Plus apologies for the wasted trips what the fuck.
Neither of those things are white
Imagine being this butthurt
Both shitskins.
show your face you native/nigger goblin
nice shitpost
that's the joke
You're all disgusting mutts
t. portuguese diaspora
tfw 20 but look younger then them. Feels good man.
>16 years old
>dark skin
>5 ranks of deep wrinkles across forehead
How? Even if you spent all your time in the sun, it shouldn't be that bad that quickly
can you please explain why you want people to see you as white or not? i can clearly see asian features in both pictures but why is that bad?
>t. portuguese diaspora
Same here. Most brazilians who talk shit about Portugal look like OP's picture and blame their non-whiteness on their portuguese ancestors, not the blacks or natives.
I'm white, your scum
Ths is against reality, was not the intention of the topic but this forum is full of idiots
Left = nigger right = hapa
Both are mutts. The first isn't a nigger (not pure bred), the second isn't a hapa (likely native american admixture)
They´re both ugly. The only state worth something in Bananistan is São Paulo.
Sorry, but this .
You're a nigger.
This is the same person wtf lmao. They even have the same hairline. Is everyone here pretending to be retarded or am i the retard
They both look like mutts TBQH. Southern Brazilian looks not like that, southeastern maybe.
Macacos think right one is white, fucking kek.
There are whites, mutts, blacks and asians in all parts of Brazil, just in different percentages. There are countless southern people who look like this.
Prosopagnosia detected
> The Brazilian bleaching trial results.
Fodase seus virgens não mostram nem a cara e querem me chamar de negro vão bater punheta seus lixos medrosos
kkkkkk. Relaxa querido, tudo brincadeira.
que hombre? no hablo espanol
HuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehueGOHAN BLANCO!
Paraná must be 70% white only if you consider "white" anyone who is not a nigger.
If I'm going to be doxxed, it has to be for something at least twice as significant as Charlottesville.
Pic related. Me.
Now THIS is a white person from Brazil's south.
OP posted two niggers.
>a fucking turk
>half german half dutch
Fixed for you, incel.
How much for an hour?
That's you... sure
The envy is free.
Two pardos. On the left le 28%, on the right, pretty sure le 56%.
Both looks shit skins to me.
Now let's compare the averages.
This is white, nigger.
If Parana is 77% white, that means its so white as any average USA state? Doesnt look right. Parana is not THAT white.
My color is exactly the same. Are you crazy or idiot?
>imagine not being a Mediterranean man
white? she look like a pakistanese!
>meme flag
Nice skin cancer.
My thoughts exactly.
Yeah he is. And if you want to play the goblina card then you should be from a country that isn't part of the goblining.
Very well rio grande do sul you can come back to the white ethnostate whenever you want
That's really not much of a difference, so please stay the hell away from white countries.
Not white.
Not white.
Still not white.
Don't do that Cucaracha, you don't want these people around, trust me.
None of you are even remotely white.
>but look this one is lighter than that one
None of you are even remotely white.
>b-but you're just an amerimutt
None of you are even remotely white.
Your turn?
shut the fuck up broke economy
Fucking phoneposting changed my ID, but just to clarify, I'm and I'm just kidding.
I also look like a nigger when my phone's camera is on automatic lighting adjust.
I mean, at least he is white. O wait argentinian.
alaaaaa haackbarrrrr
Looking like is different from being.
My father is dutch/german and mother is german
Look both like mutts
You can't clean your skin color, but you can clean your vehicle
Also, pakis have green eyes? Don't think so, honey. Have sex,
Guy on the right still has the nigger nose
Some of them do
It's a work truck you flip flop wearing nigger.
Todo mundo gaucho nessa merda? Qual parte, so de curiosidade?
Neither one is white. The lighter one looks like your typical Mexican that is at best 65% white.
So what? Clean this shit. Also check my wrist
I'm from one of the darkest corners of this country
Is there a difference? I see two homosexuals.
These retards are trying decide how white do you need to be considered a white person, instead of fighting the true shitskins and doing good for the white community! Enjoy your armchair, cucks
>16 years old northern brazilian
>a nigger
>16 years old southern brazilian
>still a nigger
Cope harder, niggerblood.
Wish you were white in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
The fact you need confirmation proves you yearn for whiteness and you are a fucking failure to your own race.
Do yourself a favor and become an hero so I can laugh at it on best gore.
Não vou dizer. Não quero você vindo aqui me assaltar.
Acre? Puteiro da Tia Elsa? Nordeste?
>t. Not a fed datamining OP
>vindo aqui me assaltar
OP is retarded. The whites in Brazil's south looks more like pic related.
Let's start acting like gentlemen.
Sir, cleaning your workplace is good for your eyes and for your health.