What this faggot did just set gays back 69 years and I thank God that he did it...

what this faggot did just set gays back 69 years and I thank God that he did it, because I'm really tired of these faggots.

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Who is that and what did he do to you

Maybe straight boys should stop chasing us.

Attached: shook.gif (320x180, 842K)

Maybe you should stop raping little boys to make more faggots.

James Charles, some dumb cunt got mad he was promoting another companies products instead of hers,
so she made a video where she exposed him for being a predator,
who tries to hit on straight men and coerce, and make rapey jokes towards them.

then some other faggot claiming to be straight made a video on him and claimed james tried to turn him gay.

He’s lost over 3 million subs on YouTube already.

James Charles for those unaware.


Maybe you sick freaks need to stop praying on straight underaged men. Literally rape tier. I imagine it was closeted fags raping women when your perversion was still consisered just that. A perversion. It also stands to reason the only reason alter boys were being raped was because they started letting your faggots become priests

Why do people care about these faggots?

news flash: if they're chasing fags they're not straight, no matter how much you tell each other that

No one cares about Amerimutt ''culture''.

The faggot conundrum: try to destroy and demean masculinity while being hopelessly attracted to normal males. America needs to be destroyed btw.

Fuck the fags!

because they are after children.

That tranny is the hero of a every caked on make up cow tit 16yo. You know why they call it gen z? It's the last generation . We are going extinct . Find Jesus the end is near

Tell me one thing France has done in the past 100 years that is culturally relevant other than get rekt twice.

Oy vey I cant believe 3 million subscribers abandoned him, think of all the lost revenue from the 5 million unsubscribes! Never forget the 6 million subscribers that were taken away!

to be fair, feminist women suffer from exactly the same problem

>be straight guy
>consume way to much porn
>get off on watching a girl suck dick
>sucking dick starts turning you on
>find gay guy
>suck dick
>get caught
>n-no I- he forced me!

Tell that to the Vatican.

You're not gay if you have sex with a guy once, you're gay when you're in love with a man.

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why do 99% of fags do this

Is he one a them TV magic queers?

What happened?

Who are these fucking faggots and the more important question is who the fuck cares

It should be legal to Emmet Till you demons.

most fags do that


He ruined the make up industry, it use to be a fun thing for girls, now its tranny ville, faggots destroy everything.

>implying straight guys don't try to turn lesbians everytime they see a non truck driving dyke.
Give me a break.

we tell the vatican that all the time, catholics are pretty much a meme at this point for both protestants and atheists

lol, even pewdiepie was talking about it.



The only thing I'm chasing you with is my tracer rounds

so you're saying if you're in love with a man but don't fuck then it's ok?

That makes you an actual faggot

God forbid a man want to fuck a woman the way the natural order intended. It's not too late for you to become human again, freak.

This whole thing doesn't make any sense.

ALL gays want to seduce straight guys. ALL gays want to turn straight people gay. This is what they ALL do. It's a fetish for ALL of them.

But they're saying that James Charles is some kind of predator for wanting straight dick? I mean what?

Yeah, he's a complete degenerate but the thing is the very same people unsubscribing to him already condone WAY more degenerate things. The whole situation doesn't make sense.

>9 year old drag queen strip tease shows: GOOD

>Some super faggy makeup artist wanting straight cock and using mind games to get it: BAD

There are no rules in this society anymore. None. Everyone's actions are based on some weird fucking oija board or something.

Not knowing dykes are crazy and avoiding them because of this fact

>You're not gay if you have sex with a guy once, you're gay when you're in love with a man.
a man having sex with a man, even one time, is gay. and also a faggot.

>be me
>be attracted to hawt as fuck latina
>she has one kid
>willing to risk it all
>ask her for her number, and a date
>she tells me she's a lesbian
>shrug and say "that's fine, at least I tried."

managed to dodge a bullet there desu

we really don't give a fuck about trying to turn lesbians straight anyways.

Gay men like to roll around in feces and suck poo out of mens bungholes. In this video the vast majoiry of them also admit to having sex with prepubecent boys:


Attached: AnalDegeneracy.png (646x725, 418K)

you have to go back to youtube. you dont belong on pol. maybe you should try b or x.

>we really don't give a fuck about trying to turn lesbians straight anyways
pretty much, a one night stand and bragging rights doesn't mean we're trying to turn anyone into anything

they burned down their churches.

It's because he basically Harvey Weinsteined the guys.
He used his 'power' and money to basically force them to go along with it.

Except the non truck driving lesbians are usually larpers and just seeking attention. I know 4 women in my area who claim to be lesbians at one time but 1 now has a husband, 1 is a "bi thot" but the truth is she hasn't touched another vagina in 3 years and taken dick (mine included), another has a boyfriend and the last is bi and been in and out relationships with all kinds for the last 6 years.
So yea, non truck driving dykes usually can be easily turned to ride cock.

What did this guy just do and why are there so many threads about him?

what did he do?

He tried to have sex with an 11 year boy.

what didn't he do german bro

the only solution involves flames

it's literally his faggotry confirming what most of us knew
and opening the eyes for those that weren't aware,

and all those kids that you hear about saying their the wrong gender,
wanting to be drag kids, saying they are gay,
or are being sexually abused by gay and straight adults are also victims of the very same mental fuckery james and other faggots are doing to younger straight men.

why do straight men (certaintly not OP) have resentment for faggots? Stop your brainlet mind and analyze it for a moment.. they are literally so beta they eliminate theirselves and someone else from the dating pool translating into more women for you.

Faggots are also feminine which means you can keep them in line just like women. Dont like that faggots are kissing on the street? beat the fuck out of them, etc.. Faggotry is one of those things that seems bad but it plays to your advantage.

so what would be the fetish? Specifically turning them gay or having sex with straight guys because you find them attractive?

I don't know this guy. Just saw one video where he made two normal guys put make up on their faces. Why did he lose 2 Million followers?

I've read he advertises the wrong beauty product at Coachella and now some former influencer friend is angry but why does this make him lose so many followers and why did he crumbled the gay movement with it?

Faggotry only benefits other faggots. You sound like a faggot

I hadn't heard anyone even speculating that he had done anything illegal.

Was he brainwashing kids into being his homoslaves?

He was trying to have sex with underage boys.

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>just because your aroused by a man and he stimulates you to the point of orgasm, doesn't mean you're gay
sure thing, faggot.

sounds like you would rather be in a room full of alpha chads cucking you with the only girl there than a room full of gays that would make you her only viable choice and with zero competition.. guess you just like being around men faggot

imagine being so desperate in highschool that you pretend to be a girl to get an entire soccer team to send you dick pics.

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being able to seduce a stright guy. Being so hot or good at cock gobbling that he allows it or becomes into you. Huge selfesteem boost. Also straight men are considered more masculine.

Imagine a hot lesbian would dump her gf to have sex with you, the first man in her life and after that she's straight. Wouldn't hat feel good?

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Does anyone else literally fuck faggots? Like I hate them so much that I pull their panties down and fuck their little boy holes senseless until I leave them twitching in agony and ecstasy. Women and faggots must be fucked and fuck well and often.

t.beta loser who needs everyone else to be fags in order to get pussy


wait how is converting bad? i mean its degeneracy but why do people get triggered over it if you flirt with a guy and not get triggered when there are gay parades where faggots literaly fists each other, piss in each other mouths and sucking each other dicks? lmao wat. why is sudenly problem if he is "converting" men to faggots.

If any of you don’t believe it’s a cesspool of disgusting debauchery, download Grindr, make a fake profile, and put that you’re into the most depraved shit you can think about. You’ll have people beating down your door. It’s Sodom and Gomorrah.

what did he do?

>you’re a fag
>you die and go to hell and burn forever
God is so good and just

Can’t wait till your roasting you freak

>not get triggered when there are gay parades where faggots literaly fists each other, piss in each other mouths and sucking each other dicks? lmao wat.

are you retarded? when has this board ever been okay with faggot day parades?

Jussie smollet already did that.
> a nigger faggot "fought back" and was strong
> lol, i pranked myself
This faggot just pushed it back a few more.
> fags can also predators

t.closet gay that needs other men around him to derive his masculinity

I feel like most fags I know are obsessed with converting non fags. Just another reason the left is mentally ill. Fuck these people.

that doesnt sound like a fun fetish to me, i'll pass

the sopranos was right, being in the closet for too long makes us devious

Its probably real easy to nonce patrol on grindr.

>Make fake profile
>pretend to be under age when they ask
>if they persue and send sexual images, blackmail them for money.


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This is the only thing that matters; factors “reproduce” through molestation. They need to be eliminated entirely.


Spreading AIDS is the faggot equivalent to "giving birth"

alright, but can you imagine that it sounds like a fun fetish for some people?

i worked at a bar. most fags wouldn't shut up about trying to fuck me. they are far more disgusting than i imagined before having to interact with them socially.

Can we get a rekt fag in chat?

Attached: trannygetsrekt.webm (288x360, 1.56M)

look i know, ive been raped by a fag as a fag, most of them are the same. I can imagine it being fun for some people who are also potential rapists

Not how that meme works newfag

yeah awful people desu

Daily reminder Omar did nothing wrong.

Attached: The 101 names of Omar Mateen.png (1048x1697, 627K)

She's a total manipulative cunt. One of those people who can say anything and get lemmings to nod their head.

Can't say I'm surprised the fag she hangs out with is predatory.

> how is converting bad?
So you're pro conversion therapy in order to de faggot the faggots? GREAT!

I'll start setting up the camps. We'll have a slogan like "Heterosexuell macht frei" right over the gate.

Stop acting like you don’t know. Fucking Twitter shoving shit I don’t even care about introduced me


This is some hot hot tea sisterz, like this man is the biggest dude in makeup u had all these big names like KATY PERRY TAYLOR SWIFT ILLUMINATI QUEEENBEYONCE following him on twitter and now everybodys howling for his blood theres talk of getting him deplatformed

Pretty much your fantasy and will remain just that

future nonce

No fuck that if it was a straight white man doing that shit the libshits would scream rape/abuse of power

What the fuck did he even due? "Tricked" poor, gullible straight boys to stick their dick in his ass and fuck until they came and sucking his cock afterwards? Ah, what victims! Practically rape! Just shut the fuck up. Imagine being such a closet faggot you have to blame le "ebul homo devilman" for you partaking in degeneracy like a wanton Thai ladyboy whore.

This isnt true
Nor is this

he is cute but i am cuter

this little faggot is from the next town over.
rich jew town.

THANK GOD, I go to YouTube in privacy mode to listen to music, I'm too embarrassed to have on history and suggestions list. And every time I go to the homepage I saw that fucking FAGGOT.

Thank GOD.

Hell yeah burn it down