Nationalist and Anti-Globalist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.
>IrExit Freedom Party.
>Anti-Corruption Ireland.
>Alternative For Ireland.
>The Liberal.
>The Burkean.
Social Media and YouTube Channels to follow:
Learn Irish:
Nationalist and Anti-Globalist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.
>IrExit Freedom Party.
>Anti-Corruption Ireland.
>Alternative For Ireland.
>The Liberal.
>The Burkean.
Social Media and YouTube Channels to follow:
Learn Irish:
Other urls found in this thread:
Local Election candidates:
>Other (including Aontú, the Workers Party, Renua, Eirigi and Republican Sinn Féin.)
>Non-Irish/(((New Irish)))
>Fine Gael
>Fianna Fáil
>Sinn Fein
>Social Democrats
>People Before Profit
>Green Party
This YouTube page has clips from the candidates that was aired on RTE
Herman blocked from debate (only establishment politicians allowed)
>Mark Zuckerberg met with Irish politicians.
>Election candidates signed up to ENAR's "Anti-Racism Election Protocol".
>Inside Facebook's European election war room.
>Midlands-North-West (4 seats)
Peter Casey (Independent) - Anti Establishment, Anti Immigration, Soft Eurosceptic
Michael O'Dowd (Renua) - Pro Life, party is Anti Immigration, Soft Eurosceptic
>Dublin (4 seats)
Hermann Kelly (Irish Freedom Party/Irexit) - Pro Life, Nationalist, Anti Immigration, Hard Eurosceptic
Gemma O'Doherty (Anti Corruption Ireland) - Pro Life, Anti Immigration, Hard Eurosceptic
Ben Gilroy - anti eviction, eurosceptic
>South (5 seats)
Dolores Cahill (Irish Freedom Party/Irexit) - Pro Life, Hard Eurosceptic, party is Anti Immigration
Peter O'Loughlin (Identity Ireland) - Anti Immigration, Anti Islam
Jan Van De Ven (Direct Democracy Ireland) - Hard Eurosceptic
Each candidate requires around 100,000 votes INCLUDING TRANSFERS to win a seat. If giving one Nationalist/Anti-Globalist candidate your number 1, make sure to give the other in your constituency a number 2 or 3. This means if one does not win a seat or reaches the ~100k threshold, your vote will transfer to the other.
How's it going lads
Not bad lad, yourself?
Not too bad now. Yourself
Internet is unreliable. Might be AWOL periodically. Keep the dream alive frens
Also that leftist lad who made a great template for who to vote for removed it. Guess who ever is watching us is being really bold and contacting him. Probably in the friends list since he is literally comparing Adolf Hitler to Gemma O'Doherty
>'Call for 'age-tax' on over-40s to defuse care 'timebomb'
This funding pot would exclusively go towards elderly care needs amid growing evidence that many family carers are at breaking point'
How did we get here lads. People pushing having less kids or leaving it too late, by which point a lot of women havent found a partner, because muh freedom/ abstract sense of value from a corporate carrer/ freedom from responsibility and living an infantalised life of only living in the perpetual present, not preparing for the future or caring about or building something bigger than yourself
People are gonna wake up when its too late - when they or their sons or daughters cant buy a house never mind afford a family.
The Republic of Ireland is a lost cause.
Better off just networking with rabid Nationalists and carving out a province of whatever country possible and naming it Eire Nua.
Don't forget the 'save the planet by having fewer children'
Judging from that basedbug's tweets and the way he talks, he probably has less influence than you think. I doubt he's taken seriously beyond a few dozen or so people if that.
Still though, something to keep an eye on
You fucking defeatist cuck
Far from giving up yet, but say this is a reality in the future (say 2050), where would that be?
If 'Irish flight' becomes a thing, where are the most likely places they'll go?
I'm bagging either wicklow and below, or the west coast like galway or sligo. Probably 2-3 clusters around the country we'll end up in.
The biggest internalised injustice to yourself you can do. 'Adopt instead of have your own'. As if they're comparable.
Tfw artificial wombs become norm and being pregant or giving birth will be seen as the choice, the 'all natural route'.
People in first world countries that promote having no or just 1 child don't understand population at all, or where the 'overpopulation' is actually coming from
Realistic. Either jettison Dublin or preserve the Gael elsewhere, we'll last 3 or 4 generations on this island at this trajectory.
Outside of the main centres anyway. The more remote and self sufficient (education/utilities/work), the longer the old ways can be kept. I'm just going to build houses on some land and do let to buy deals with people who want a decent life without knife crime and legalised paedophilia.
Outside the country,for the future, it'll probably be the age old tradition of fighting in a war for someone att and holding the land you get until they give you it. Basically the Kurds way.
Don't be so racist lads, have some more cultural enrichment.
>we'll last 3 or 4 generations on this island at this trajectory.
Yeah and I hate to say it lad, but none of us will be around for that
Fairplay for actually having a plan to help people at least
It's all about control ultimately. Same with pushing people into living in cities.
The cognitive dissonance is something else.
Anyone ever read any Hilaire Beloc or GK Chesterton?
If we started having kids in our early 20's and not killing ourselves with rope and food we would. I'm not looking to preserve Ireland for a vanity project.
The English never controlled where I'm from, I'll be fucked if the Muzzies get it.
right which one of you leprechaun cunts isn't voting for The National Party eh ? sort it out lads and then we can go on hating each other forever
Only thing I've heard about him is this quite about feminism which is spot on.
Would you recommend reading him?
I don't plan on being an old fogey taking food and resources from the young'uns. As soon as I have a few children then I will owe nothing more to the Irish nation.
Would definitely recommend. I'm not a fan of his fiction but his polemical writings are great.
Ever think of educating the children?
Or will the state take over that job?
You can grow healthy food at home into your 80's.
>I shoot the hippopotamus
>With bullets made of platinum
>Because if I use leaden ones
>His hide is sure to flatten em
Genius, the original gangster rapper
Any works in particular?
Grand was out walking the dog in the fields earlier and enjoying the sun and the views.
Donegal, Derry, Tyrone and Fermanagh can still be saved and made an Irish ethno state and base for reconquista.
Save the planet by building fortress Europe and withdrawing all funding to the third world to thin out their numbers and have fortress Europe to stop them coming here while we build up our numbers. If we dominante this planet and become the majority race then all will be well.
Back again. How do you report and deport gypsies for begging and welfare fraud? These things multiply like a den of rats.
How am I supposed to homeschool kids and have a job at the same time? I'm not varg
en igliche 4.46
Orthodoxy or Heretics.
Any tunes lads
seen this on Jow Forumsireland
Homeschooling can be done by other parents; just as long as it's outside the direct state system.
No problem.
You work and your kids get taught by peoplewhodon't have 9 to 5 jobs, you give them a few quid and help decide what you want them to learn. You only need Math, English or Irish and basic Science to meet the national standard, everything else is optional.
Donegal, Derry, Tyrone and Fermanagh
Letterkenya is the only hole in that entire area.
We're all gonna make it lads
People can be active and relatively healthy until only a short while before death, which begs the question why is there so much illness.
I think just redpill your kids in your spare time. Bring them to mass etc. Sure we all went to state school and we turned out grand.
evening m*ckoids, I just thought I'd style on you instead of britpol for a change
why do you envy me for my oxycodone you Keanecel sconners?
What percentage are we though? We're in a small minority.
I like this tune.
why are you so mad that now that brit/pol/ whimpers like a kicked puppy whenever I post I've decided to take this general for myself too?
Scummy bastards. Probably coked out of it too.
Seen this on r Ireland too and some spastics saying we should legalise and tax all drugs and that's probably the same sort who boast about taking drugs like they're cool or something. Absolutely nothing cool about drugs and I say that as a man who's taken my fair share of various substances and enjoy weed. Best solution to the drugs problem is the summary trial and execution of the big dealers and importers of the stuff. The drug gangs and big players in the drugs trade should be wiped out and could easily be done if we had a government and leader with the balls to do it but could never happen whilst we're part of the EU.
Exactly. Letterkenya is a shit hole and everyone I know who isn't from there hates the place. Derry has five times the population if LK and far far less "diversity" and you could spend a day in Derry and not come across a non Irish person other than a tourist.
People aren't looking after themselves and eating right and taking exercise everyday.
What's oxycodone?
What book is that?
opiate painkiller, feels like smack but a little less sedating
Poor diet from the poisoning of the food chain and also a poisoning of the group pysche/ consciousness which leads to mental health WHICH leads to a poorer immune system, etc etc - its all connected
its a manual on how to be king of brit/pol/ and eire/pol/, sniff oxy and eat chinese takeaway all at the same time I consider it influential in shaping my own life philosophy
What's the best way of redpilling your average bloke friend without making them run for the hills.
Any advice on redpilling cailins?
Watch out for that MSG. Mind you mixing painkillers and drink probably isn't a good idea either.
we all die
youve just got to die your own way brother
anyways im off to bed its been pleasant exploring a distant exotic culture
remember lads
cokeposter woz ere
inabit m*ckoids
It was the black fellas who intervened - whats your point in posting this?
If your child is bluepilled you've only yourself to blame, not the gubmint
People seem to have been damaged cognitively and it could partly be from what they are eating.
Drop in some h8 facts or statistics in a conversation.
Once children are in the system the state get their claws in.
Of course its from what we're eating!
Physical health is determind more by diet than exercise also.
Tis catchy accordion or whatever the instrument is.
Well yes that's true. I also reckon that we are designed to fast; this constant grazing is not good imo.
Diet is playing a huge part in peoples mental health these days like some of these people wont eat meat or calorie dense meals and will instead only eat vegtables or some bollocks as a means to fit into that "insta lifestyle" and then they only get 4 hours of sleep and every day they look worse and always find something else to blame on why they are sick or tired or hungry the entire time
Oh codeine tablets. I had them before after an accident and only buzz I felt was where it felt like I was coming up in Es while on them so I never really used them as I fucking hate Es and MDMA and uppers. God damn drugs. It's a blessing to to be a man who can be happy with only a few cans or pints in this day and age as everyone else is away to fuck on drugs or prescription drugs.
If you're too full to jog, you've fucked up.
2 days on water per week is supposed to be the gold standard, plus very little over lent, to remove all the stuff you can store over winter from your system.
t. anecdotal
Spot on. That's why eating meat at the level we are is vastly unhealthy. Our tastebuds and reward centres in our brains love meat because its packed full of energy, protein, fat, etc - but in nature in the hunter gatherer days we would hunt for animals so we would have come across meat a fraction of the amount we eat it now. Since Irelands a meat and dairy rich country we see a lot of heart disease, diabetes, inflammation issues since we eat way to much meat that our bodies are only built to consume on a much rarer occasion.
More fish is good. If you can catch it yourself, even better.
Church fast is good for the body as well as the soul it seems.
>tfw nearly started watching porn
the devils tempting me again
The Mediterranean and the Japanese diets seem to be good. Probably because of fish as you mentioned. Would have plenty of vegetables and healthy fats too in the Mediterranean diet at least.
peer pressure to conform is a real thorn
if i'd a punt for everytime i've heard a child disagree with someone and said "Yeah,but my teacher said..." i'd be wealthy af
Slán go fóill gach éine. Beannacht Dé.
don't be a schizo, Im only sharing it like a do with other shit i see around the country, didn't even think it could come across as subversive
Spot on - Yeah half these people subscribe to a plant based or vegan diet and usually are missing out on vital nutrients or amounts of nutrients.
Now in saying that, its proven that you can live fully healthily on a vegetarian and even vegan diet. But the diet especially in Ireland is inifficient as it relies on a lot of foods like nuts and beans to be imported... It'd be great if we grew more plant based alternatives here but unfortunately all the subsidies go to the meat and dairy industry because its the most profitable in the eyes of the government.
We need to eat less resource intensive meat, start keeping our own chickens or get our food by fishing ourselves or growing veg. Unfortunately this isnt an option for many people but this is where communities come in to build this better source of food for its people.
The veg we get in shops is under ripe and badly prepared. I'm convinced all these manlets with a gluten intolerance is because the wheat isn't heated before threshing and NPK stops the plant soaking in zinc.
btw the faggot who owns that youtube channel had the biggest fascist account on twitter and pussied out when he got banned
>tfw addicted
Hate kikes
Hazelnuts and seaweed are a good alternative to meat, i'd eat fish too though, for the oils.
Foraging is a great skill too, not enough people know how to find a plant diet in a field.
Lambs lettuce, plantain, asian mint, hog nuts, wood sorrel, it's better tasting and more nutritions than some old lettuce, a red onion and a tomato.
EU elections debates in the North on TV right now, hilarious hearing Jim allister arguing with Martina Anderson, they're all on about the border
Yeah the Japanese are really healthy, they have way less junk on offer from newsagents and shops in general too. Healthy food is cheaper and affordable over there, unlike here (most of the time).
I was recently abroad and experienced the Mediterranean diet; full of veg, and no butter at restaurant tables; not even salt or pepper sometimes. Very clean, wholesome, good food.
The meat in mainland europe is pretty gross though
children aren't taught to grow their own brains or ability to foster the path to logos. its sad to see
Slán go fóill
Snowniggers are ugly thats why the white race is dying.
White women don't want to fuck wrinkly old looking albinos who look like they were born in the 19th century.
Everything about snowflakes has always been about their insecurities with their women and how they have the most recessive genes out of all the races on the planet.
Exactly! I too fully believe that people can live full healthy lives on many vegan and vegetarian diets but they are get misinformation or are only doing what and influencer has told them to do so they go down a rabbit hole thats only hurting them.
While I agree that we should start to plant and grow our own fruit and veg and chickens if possible.I feel as though we wouldnt need to do this in the first place if we are taught from a very young age how to have a balanced diet and balanced is the key word because they come into our schools atm with programmes like the "Food Dudes" and they push that you should only eat healthy food and nothing else and teach nothing about moderation. If we had a wider understanding from a young age people would be more concious about what they are putting into their bodies and in turn improving the lifestyle of most people.
I do like hazelnuts. Seaweed I've never tried bar crispy seaweed you get in some chinese restaurants which I live but its probably so unhealthy made like that haha
Oh I don't know much about foraging for that sort of stuff, very interesting. Would ya be able to direct me to any videos or sources I can learn more?
Look out for dillisk seaweed, it has natural MSG, just mash it in spuds if you ever want to do a keto diet.
Really the only books I ever found useful are the little collins gems books about wild flowers,mushrooms etc. If you can find anyone to take you out on walks its far better. Once you see the plant in the wild you know where to look to get them afterwards. Ireland has very little videos about them, but Ray Mears usually points out some in his episodes in the UK.
shit try get off it
Totally agree. Yeah these people blindly following something because of the trend and arent taught or are aware of the basics of a balanced diet, its definitely a rabbit hole.
Food dudes is a scam. I remember when it came out first and my younger sibling was still in primary school. They just gave kids these crappy plastic lunch boxes and bottles with the branding on it and shitty little plastic bags of cut up fruit inside them and an apple or some shit. It felt like the exact same 'healthy eating' whitewash scam macdonalds did when they brought in fruit and veg for kids in their meals. Cognitive dissonance to the max. And the kids leave not knowing anything about WHY this food is healthier, no connection to where it comes from or anything or how to grow it yourself maybe - lazy effort from a lazy, apathetic government. Just shows how they dont CARE for young kids or teenagers or even adults about fosering self sufficiency and food security/ autonomy, to promote a healthy lifestyle in people from the ground up.
Thanks a mill. Thats true I'm probably just better off finding someone irl to show me