If you don't find this sexy, you are an intolerant, regressive bigot
She'll be dead in 6 years and I'll keep on with my healthy girlfriend. No problem here
The oibsolute st8 of bingbongland
but shes obese and i dont find her attractive
Wow much powerful many brave!
I love niggers now!
why her legs on backwards?
in awe at the size of this lad absolute unit
Sorry but I don't find tanks attractive
I'm a nazi so... yeah..
obese is a huge understatement, she's a complete fucking whale
You know it's considered reverse-rape if you don't want to fuck her because of the way she looks
Women like this really make me sad. She looks like she could be really beautiful if she lost some weight.
If she lost all that weight she would be a wrinkly mess, there's nothing short of heavy surgery that can save her at this point. The only winning move is to have some level of self-control.
This always makes me sad.
Think about their potential, ruined by years of brainwashing.
I am okay with being that
Imagine the smell
Can she walk upstairs
>be fat and have so self control
>don't be successful
>have affairs
>believe all women
>date a guy that looks like a model but is actually a virgin cuck boy, making affairs easier
So many haters, at least she has the square footage for everyone to kiss her ass at the same time.
I thought it was real women have curves not curve.
Is that Miss Piggy on her arm? loll
>land whale
Pick one.
Perfect example of the western """feminism""" and its degeneracy.
Fromunda cheese is never sexy. Never. Not once.
I do not like those disgusting tatoos.