At what age did you realize Atheism is the biggest meme in human history?
At what age did you realize Atheism is the biggest meme in human history?
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5. Was horrible two years of nihilism. Never again.
Seething christcuck: the meme
Preachy atheism is pathetic, but so is preachy Christcuckery. Pure agnosticism & pragmatism is the true redpill and the only reasonable stance to take.
*Tips fedora*
Just admit it, the main reason you converted to Christianity is because you associate atheism with reddit.
*tips nigger foot*
I try to extend an olive branch, yet you spit in my face.
Pretty much the first time I heard of it, you have to be pretty thick to defend/argue metaphysics with science.
Today it's spreading like wildfire because the opportunities to engage in immoral behavior has exploded due to Hollywood normalizing it, massive cities making interactions with others meaningless and modern technology(Like abortion and birth control) lessening the consequences of your fuckups.
Atheism IMO is just saying that the "answer" most religions provide is wrong, but provides none by itself.
Basically, it says 2+2 != 5. Pretty logical to me, and the OPpic pictures the worst not in ateist, but in a faggot.
When I realized atheists are the most degenerate good goys in existence. I fell for the nihilism pill as a young adult and then realized it was a Jewish trick. Age 23.
> there are no gods and 437 genders
correlation =/= causation
There are plenty of non-liberal, non-faggot, non-addict atheists.
Christianity is the number one religion of niggers worldwide.
>judeo-christian values
ruh roh he fell for it
didn't even notice that, good catch
>There are plenty of non-liberal, non-faggot, non-addict atheists.
There are plenty of unicorns in my backyard forest
24 or 25. that zeitgeist video did tremendous damage to our generation
At 17
how many normies from your high school watched the zeitgeist video and made you, a catholic, pay attention to the religion part. it doesnt even bother touching on christian history or any of the histories at all
Have fun sucking on nigger toes crucified kike worshipper.
I've always associated athesim with cucks, neckbeards wearing fedora's, thanks to 2011 memes.
There are also PLENTY of nonwhite Christians, and if you're "cooler" with them than a white agnositc/pagan/whatever then you're a fucking moronic race-traitor.
A religious man is the person who came up with the Big Bang theory.
Anyway, I'm against organized religion because I'm aware of the fact that if they had their way, and the numbers, they would try to control every aspect of my life. I like freedom and liberty.
Religion teaches that the family unit is what laws should be based around, when I think that laws should be based around the rights of the individual. They wanna control what substances you put in your own body, who you have sex with, etc. I think that should be up to the individual.
Fuck religion and the people who follow it.
i was raised by christians. for my whole life i never believed in God jesus or anything. why that?
1. i never felt close to God at all
2. it didnt make sense to me
3. i dont care about some higher power
based finland
>Doesn’t believe in a humanoid god(s)
>must be atheist
Why are humans so fucking stupid that they literally need a big daddy in the sky to have faith in morals?
Atheism is just the default position. God is obviously the meme, how else would you know about God if it wasn't fed to you by other humans? You Christcucks are the ultimate example of just believing a meme that's repeated enough. How the fuck do you know the events of the bible happened? Why do you base your life around that?
most people are religious.
most people are stupid.
draw your own conclusions.
besides, congratulations for trolling atheists, i.e. about the most reviled segment of the population for no other reason than insecurity of religiotards; more reviled than jews or muslims. look, ma, they have ptsd due to idiots around them and I am so vewwy successful because I can poke them.
truly a master troll and an intellectual colossus you are. go have a fap.
No atheism is not the default position. Atheism is actively ruling out God's existence. Meaning you think about about it and you come to the conclusion that there is no God. The default position would be something like agnosticism.
I am cool regardless of who I am with. Imagine how glorious my life is.
>A religious man is the person who came up with the Big Bang theory.
I'm so waiting for it to be discarded; the inept backpedaling will be glorious.
>Atheism is just the default position
Every civilization in human history proves this bizarre notion to be nonsense. The default human position seems to be animism and extreme superstition.
What's your thing then, reptilians?
Haven't abandoned the ideas behind it completely, but I realized at age 20 the big philosophical loopholes that Atheism created that I didn't consider before. Realized I was looking at reality as purely materialistic in nature. When you understand how science REALLY works, it's when you abandon atheist cuckery and realize shit isn't so simple.
The most logical default position, that doesn't presuppose what we cannot know, is that the universe is naturally coherent as it appears to us, and since we cannot see a universe under different 'conditions' it's not necessarily true that it needs to be directed to be so.
>Atheism is actively ruling out God's existence.
Of course you have to strawman atheism. My position is not that God doesn't exists, since I can't prove a negative. My position is that, given the evidence, God is not likely to exist, and thus I do not live my life as though he exists anymore than I live my life as though Dragons exist. Dragons could exist, but I've seen no proof.
>Judeo-Christian values
>When you understand how science REALLY works, it's when you abandon atheist cuckery
>Is demanding logical explanations a meme
>or is accepting that a woman could be impregnated by a diety just because she said she didn't fuck behind her dad's back and ended up pregnant anyways more likely
It's the default logical position. Religion is the default way in which ignorant humans cope with a confusing reality.
>God is obviously the meme
Tell that to the Satan Worshipers in Hollywood and the government. If there is an evil there is a good.
most people eat meat
most people are stupid
most people breath
most people die after reaching 40 years of life
most people believe the earth is round
mos people are religious
draw your own conclusions
>The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument
(1) Every contingent fact has an explanation.
(2) There is a contingent fact that includes all other contingent facts.
(3) Therefore, there is an explanation of this fact.
(4) This explanation must involve a necessary being.
(5) This necessary being is God.
>The Kalam Cosmological Argument
1.0. Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
2.0. The universe began to exist.
2.11. An actual infinite cannot exist.
2.12. An infinite temporal regress of events is an actual infinite.
2.13. Therefore, an infinite temporal regress of events cannot exist.
2.21 A collection formed by successive addition cannot be an actual infinite.
2.22 The temporal series of events is a collection formed by successive addition.
2.23 Therefore, the temporal series of events cannot be an actual infinite.
3.0. Therefore, the universe has a cause.
>The Argument from Consciousness
(1) Mental events are genuine nonphysical mental entities that exist.
(2) Specific mental and physical event types are regularly correlated.
(3) There is an explanation for these correlations.
(4) Personal explanation is different from natural scientific explanation.
(5) The explanation for these correlations is either a personal or natural scientific explanation.
(6) The explanation is not a natural scientific one.
(7) Therefore, the explanation is a personal one.
(8) If the explanation is personal, then it is theistic.
(9) Therefore, the explanation is theistic.
an atheist has only to think about (and discard the claim to) the existence of some god because he's surrounded by religiotards. by default, the average man does not come up with gods; a few delusional ones do, but unfortunately it is an infectious psychical disorder to believe in one. if you want to understand religion, interview the retards who reply to the your mother will die in her sleep posts. especially those who reply with immunity critter; they are chief priest material.
Okay so you're an agnostic now? I thought you were an atheist?
Atheism is for pussies. Agnosticism is the master race.
your pairs have no relationship to each other. mine do.
>be christcuck
>oh no i fapped again im so sorry i have sinned father
>i have to be a good boy and go to church every sunday
>w-woah people are so mean these days
It will never be discarded because it's correct.
The universe is expanding, meaning that it was smaller in the past. If you go back far enough, it was all condensed down to a singularity.
The Big Bang theory is common sense.
correlation doesn't imply causation. kys.
On the most fundamental level, empirical science and spiritualism have no difference
>When you understand how science REALLY works, it's when you abandon atheist cuckery and realize shit isn't so simple.
hey look who's larping as the ascended master.
The only reason race matters is because race statistically correlates with ideology/culture. If you've betrayed Christianity and the Christian morality that is the European identity, you're no different than a nigger.
>ad hominem
Christianity is pure cuckoldry, Joseph and his wife’s son. You God was a bull who impregnated a married woman. So based.
Both science and religion assert order in perceived chaos. Both are different means of arriving at the same "cope".
Atheism is fine. It's just post-christian atheism that is a problem, because it retains all of the worst parts of christcuckoldry while bringing even worse degeneracies in addition. East Asian atheism, which has no christian philosophical residue, is based.
There's no coping in science, but rather science is meant to question and remove you from your safe coping space to see truth as it is, not as you wish it to be.
Religion is explicitly the opposite of that.
>implying there is satan
They can worship wooden dildo for all I care. There is no good or evil, just people with morals and people without.
>Semitic religion
>European identity
There is nothing more degenerate than a Christcuck.
Christianity is responsible for all of the problems we face today. Without Christianity, there would be no Semites in our nations and no global Semitic hegemony.
>when the christcucks tell you to kys
>but they have to forgive their sins later or they will burn alive in the afterlife
A Christian world, meaning monogamy, honesty, justice, no corruption, no murder, etc, is surely a better world than one run by either Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or Atheists, where corruption, greed, injustice, and all kinds of other human exploitation is the norm.
fake and gay.
Science is not concerned with truth. It's concerned with internally consistent frameworks. Any possible truth must be beyond all possible conceptualization. Both religion and science can point towards such truth, but only you as the subjective experiencer of an objective reality can partake in it. If you don't, you will never know it, and will be subject to intellectual slavery in one form or another.
are you retarded? omg did u know that christians actually are bad people too? what a world we live in
Still an atheist and likely always will be an atheist, I just can't take any of that shit seriously. What I will acknowledge is the immense value to a society and culture that religion has as an institution, which I deeply respect and believe is irreplaceable despite all its faults. It's too bad that Catholicism is losing its value on that front with how cucked it has become in recent decades.
I tip my fedora to you my good sir
>It will never be discarded because it's correct.
so it's unfalsifiable? have a chat with the religiotards attacking evolution with the same.
>If you go back far enough, it was all condensed down to a singularity.
if you go far back enough, you end up in a zone our knowledge does not extrapolate well. one possibility: there's an acceleration mechanism which means an infinity of time passed before the first events inferred through our current understanding. but I'm not willing to let the thread diverted any further on this; guys who spew "the big bang was proposed by a priest" trope are in fact claiming that it is somehow a vindication of their goatfucker stories, either by being an account of genesis or having been discovered through the well-known amazing intellectual abilities imparted to an inexplicably small group of people by the christian faith, preferably that of one's own sect but in a pinch any other sect, otherwise freely denounced as non-christian, will do, like southern baptists invoking Lemaitre who was a catholic.
8 or 9 years old.
at what age did you realize you are on the wrong side of history?
>"Christianity is responsible for the problems we face today"
Then why is that we only have this degenerate society when Christianity loses influence? Europe thrived as a Christian culture for 1800 years, It's only as we lose our Christian identity that our society becomes degenerate. Wouldn't it be the opposite if it were the cause? Society would have been most degenerate and dysfunctional at the pinnacle of Christian influence if your hypothesis was true.
I don't care what some old dead guy believed about God.
nternally consistent frameworks have brought sicence a lot farther and improved it far more than Religion has, which is not consistent.
There is no Unifying Theory of Christ, and there never will be because Religion splinters into interpretations while science converges and sharpens into truth.
I think i was like 20
A society built on Christianity will punish those that do not behave as Christians, and over time, more will behave like Christians than the opposite.
This is not difficult to understand Sven.
Atheism is the tool of the wicked. It strips the soul of the man and makes him free to commit degeneracy. Commies are always atheist - why do you think that is?
I miss the days of atheist optimism, when people like Dawkins and Hitchens genuinely believed society could move on from religion and build a good and enlightened society. Instead it just shifted from an otherworldly entity to worldly entities to worship.
>commies are always atheist
religions usually discourage belief in other religions.
>act as christians
u mean like going to war to other nations because they arent christians ? or basically torture people because they arent the right type of christian or not at all? how about christians who kill gays?
what a wonderful society. sounds like the middle east. if u wanna live in a christian utopia like that how about you move to the democratic republic of congo
Religion acts as a cloak for degeneracy and endows it with Divine armor that protects it from scrutiny. Greed, sadism, pedophilia, ALL occurred in religious theocracies.
>nternally consistent frameworks have brought sicence a lot farther and improved it far more than Religion has, which is not consistent.
If your point really is that science has done more for science than religion has, you are of course right, although also indulging in rhetoric redundancy. So I must ask: is this what you meant, or was there some more profound sentiment that you were trying to express?
>There is no Unifying Theory of Christ
The 'theory of everything' in regards to Christianity is: believe in Christ and strive to be like him.
>science converges and sharpens into truth.
Fair point in theory, but realistically, there are very few (if any) things that science has established an absolute consensus over.
This degenerate society is the result of Christian influence. Europe stagnated under Christianity until nationalist sentiment grew to the point that various groups took back secular power from the church and looked to Greco-Roman traditions which had to be re-imported from the Arabs for guidance. Even still, the poison of Christian morality had taken its toll and liberal ideologies flourished as never before. All liberal ideologies trace their roots to Christian values of tolerance, forgiveness, etc.
if god exist how come bad thing happen
>Then why is that we only have this degenerate society when Christianity loses influence?
that's a tautology. why do we have a non-christian society when christianity loses influence? what you call degeneracy is not some objective phenomenon but simply the result if the absence of christian social control, the control exerted by the likes of you. there's no price too large to pay in order to get rid of your ilk.
I realized athiests were faggots aboit 11 years ago on YT after watching AronRa, Jaquillin Glenn, Onision and the Amazing Athiest. These people are still on YT by the way making trendy "fuck christian" content and warring back and forth with one another.
>strive to be like him.
gather a small band of followers to whom you preach warnings of an imminent apocalypse that will occur within their own lifetimes?
Fact: studies have proven atheists have higher IQ than religious people. All Christcucks are sub-100 IQ niggers and deserve to have their lives ruled over by religion, they are automatons either way and incapable of independent thinking. Fedora memes are a cope mechaism.
Came to post this. Saw posted, then came.
>there are very few (if any) things that science has established an absolute consensus over.
fucking strawman. who was talking about consensus, let alone an absolute one? think of painkillers, computers, modern transport; do you need absolute consensus to work or what? besides religions don't have even the slightest semblance of consensus.
I meant that science has progressed and refined itself, while religion has splintered and faded over time. There are unifying scientific theories but nobody can agree on what Christ taught.
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.” [“Der erste Trunk aus dem Becher der Naturwissenschaft macht atheistisch, aber auf dem Grund des Bechers wartet Gott.”] (Heisenberg, as cited in Hildebrand 1988, 10)
>Ree it's fake because some faggot who runs a "snopes" type quote website called it fake without adequately researching it