Found one of you weirdos living in a degenerate college townhouse complex.
Found one of you weirdos living in a degenerate college townhouse complex
Another hoax by sloppy mossad faggots
>milo sticker
>one of you
gtfo away from my car scumbag
Based and epic
There’s a Jow Forums sticker, a gay flag, and an Israeli flag. Someone has an identity crisis.
>dindunuffin bumper sticker
bwahahahah where the fuck do you even get those?
but seriously, that cars rear window is so cluttered the cops must be giving this guy hell about it.
>thin blue line sticker
>come and take it sticker
>Gay Gadsen flag
>Israel flag
Bait harder faggot
Probably order your own from a sticker site or visit Colin Flaherty's website.
>dont tread on me
>ZOG bot bootlicker sticker
the irony
Oh fuck, someone bought our official Jow Forumsbois™ official merch (currently available during our Spring sale up to 20% off!). FUCKING BASED!
my only issue with this is he is probably not able to see out of his rear window. driving bad is degenerate
>One of you
>Israeli flag
I don't think so buddy
>gay Jewish libertarian kekistani police officer
Sounds like typical the_donald honestly
wow, that milo Y. sticker is extra based and extra red pilled
That's definitely a /ptg/ poster.
i know what i was going to say to u then and i know what i am going say now . Quote 2 (Money doesn't sleep pal u sleep when u die live life like your last day here on earth.) The mother of all Evil is speculation . I don't speculate I bet on sure things u make them sure things 100% before u proceed. One thing u never do is throw darts at board hope it sticks .It how u look at things half full not half empty. I do not here negativity only positivity . U get attitude correct u win world titles to produce create 1000 people u have to make 1 happy and have greatest time. No matter where u are under what circumstances this is greatest place in world. U have get excited about life living . 6 things people all searching for correct fun happiness love comfort fountain youth laughter . We create that every night here at Cesar's that others do not. One big party right no attitudes ever ? I create that I assure u that or it free no one can give u that assurance anywhere 24 hrs a day 7 days week. Most time if there is a problem no mgr or owner to be found. We interact 20 hts a day 7 days week. We don't make excuses we assure u 100% consistently from time u enter to u leave or everything free . No one anywhere can have that much confidence to give u that assurance. The most valuable commodity is time. Ugly time ugly it when ugly gets going. Everyone has good luck everyone has bad luck. U stay positive always people they lose they wine they quit u got be there for turn. U don't run when u lose don't wine when it hurts it's like the first grade no body like negative cry baby.what no one believes in come backs? Dining of the light makes picture clearer.U can't always get what u want but if u try might just get what u need. Fisher man always see a fisher man from a far. Only way ole school we slaughter men for pay back .
What a tremendous faggot you have to be to have a 'Love my country, Fear my gov' sticker. If you fear the government, you're just a fucking tool for it.
my only problem here is fag flag
and the i love cowboys stickers
One might explain the other?
>bunch of redpilled shit
This person is a schizoposter
This looks like the back of a car of a military tranny faggot.
>come and take
>blue lives matter
>dick sucking faggot
>israeli flag
>no anime stickers
Not Jow Forums, maybe some kind of leddit fag.
Fucking based
Where can I buy these?
It's the r/the donald guy's car
I see he cares less about vandalism
>colorado sticker
OP lets team up so we can kill this redditnigger together. Fuck calis but also fuck texans for being equally faggy.
Burgers doing Burgershit
>Jew flag
Obviously just a hooknosed provocateur with such a retarded combo of stickers.
>smash cultural marxism
>gay gadsen flag
Im so fucking confused, what did r/the_donald mean by this
That across the street from the East Colonial Drive, Walmart by UCF.
>israeli flag
>boot licker
>milo sticker
>Jow Forums sticker
>gay flag sticker
"OK, things check out, move along"
>gay,jew loving,milo worshiping, trump supporter
sounds about right
18 fully clothed cowboys at ram ranch
This is the owner of the car
Literally every car in Texas this state is fucked
>israel flag
just a useful idiot boomer
KYS faggot.
All the stickers look new, except those at the bottom
you just glued them there
Trust the plan
anyone that puts more than 2 bumperstickers on their car is mentally ill
"Heavily Armed, Easily Pissed"
Uhhhh that's the worst bumper sticker I've ever goddamn heard.
If that guy gets pulled over for speeding the fat fucking cop will probably put him at gunpoint.
>kekistani - check
>all con flags accounted for - check
>rainbow flag - fag checked
>"i chritstian - burning in hell, double checked
Was this in Texas?
That one looks very Qewish
gotta admit the cia is actually getting a bit better. this is almost believable. but the star of david?
Just trust the plan.
The blue lives matter sticker redeems himself though. Law enforcement really appreciate it when you support them.
When the world collapses, Jow Forums's patch threads will be used to identify threats and potential victims. At the very least, there's a good chance you'll be carrying ammo to scavenge from.
This. Get ready for another false flag attack.
Show plate, faggot.
Someone ID this make and model as well as location.
We can see your reflection, fatty.
All that and no swastika. Bullshit.
looks like a typical boomer
>glowing this hard
There's a street sign in the background but I'm on mobile and can't zoom in enough to read it
Find out where the faggot lives
Looks kinda like my window. Except it has "Shall not infringe, Carry-on, SS Skulls, Don't tread on me, Middle finger to Muslims and niggers" stickers I have on my Hummer H2. Also have 4 small cameras around the vehicle too. Not to mention I also keep a Draco mini under the seat.
I was thinking about converting to Buddhism and putting up some Buddhist swastikas. Kinda interested what will happen.
Dude, none of what you just said is true.
timestamp boomer the_donald subscriber
he has the gun coexist sticker.
there is no CO sticker dumb dumb
I thought it was pewdiepie at first
This is the new Chanology. Wow.
and its already more harmful....
>Letting everyone know that you're gay and you own a lot of guns via your bumper stickers
I bet the cops are watching this guy closely.
The police in America are a bunch of Christian fundys, and they don't like civilians owning guns. This guy's existence would piss off his local buzzcut-sporting, impotent, fat fuck police officer, who dislikes gay men and supports gun control.
>I bet the cops are watching this guy closely.
Why would they? Are you people somehow under the impression that this board isn't normalfag central?
Fucking loli are garlic to you vampires here.
good eye leaf.
Very rare to see a not absolut shitty leafpost
I don't know who this Mr. Mossad is but he sure must be a busy man committing all these horrible acts and putting bumper stickers on someone's car
This is what happens when you bring Jow Forums into the real world
You mean like Cesar Sayoc? Fuck off Mossad. You setup these cartoon character lone wolf narratives for every sloppy mass shooting and you juist keep doubling down. Your playbook is small and limited. When Mossad starts the false flags in Gaza to blame Hamas there will be another mass shooting.
Tell me more about Mossad. Why does he wear the mask?
We need to find the owner please
Apparently his name is Mossad
That is a perfectly accurate combination.
Because Israelis are cowards and will never fight a battle head on
That guy is based.
shouldnt you be able to see easily trough back window of car?
If I rip the mask off, would it be painful?
For jews
future shooter car
>israel flag