Why don't more whites study robotic engineering? What can be done to promote it...

Why don't more whites study robotic engineering? What can be done to promote it? It will guarantee white economic survival in the coming decades, it is also a job non-whites are practically incapable of doing. This is a great opportunity to be on top of new market full of potential. Machines break down and need people to keep them running and the software in tune.

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This thread is probably not going to get anywhere because science is hard an sheeit and the university is for suckers, right?

Armed robots programmed to avoid targetting whites only could be ideal for providing security to a white ethnostate.

I'm not a robot

If a white ethnostate were fully automated, it would not need laborers. It could have dedicated warrior and scientific classes for the defense and betterment of the nation. There would be zero excuse for immigration.

Software development is pretty much white and asian dominated. Sure there's a shit ton of shitskins in support positions, but hardly any at the wheel of the actual technologically advanced endevours. And rightfully so.

Robotics I can't say much about, but the west is starting to monopolize the software industry.

it costs too much, it takes too long, its hard, and it doesnt pay enough,

the number of immigrants taking engineering is crazy, its drives down the wages of engineers, via excessive supply. its much more lucrative to take a job in the trades than to become an engineer

>Why don't more whites study robotic engineering?

Anything related to engineering requires a good degree of intelligence in the math and sciences, and many whites loathe these. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of smart whites which are on top of their game when it comes to these, but the vast majority are stupid and get meme degrees elsewhere.

This. If you want money you should scam people, working is the fast lane to poverty. HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE

Are dumb whites worth having in an ethnostate? It is a legitimate question.

Opens textbook
Every single formula and discpvery in math and sciences is 100% by white males

So when low tier jobs are replaced because employers get tired of dealing with lazy workers, it is better to just accept being unemployed or adapt to modern technology?

Engineering is a thing of the past.

>implying the (((elites))) won't use robotic engineering and software to automate the majority of white jobs

there is no choice in the matter, a very large portion of the population (which are employed in mcjobs and other labor tier work) aren't capable of "adapting" their fate is not clear, if the current staus quo stands they will suffer the fate of the abos , and it will be disasterous. if gibs are not given, or they are not modified (genetically or via implants), they will enter poverty.

Natural selection. Those who could not adapt from bows and arrows to firearms were conquered by those that did. Nature makes no exceptions. Survival of the fittest by definition is the ability to adapt to change.

Are you 12? Or are all of you this retarded?

we... do.. ..

Because robots are gonna be the death of white race, and humanity as a whole. Think about it, what made whites so successful in the past? If Jow Forums's argument is to be believed, it's the genetic factors, which resulted in higher IQ and higher predisposition to cooperation and innovation. Now what do ALL machines and inventions and breakthroughs do? They inevitably relax the selective pressure. You don't need to study chemistry to take a photo now, and you don't need to be rich to afford medical help. As productivity increases, humanity is able to afford to keep all those genetic failures and simply subpar individuals that would otherwise die off, and they all can afford to reproduce too (in fact they end up reproducing the most). The richer, the more productive we become, the more sophisticated our machines get, the more will we be outnumbered by the hordes we so mercifully feed, up until one day we will be overrun and destroyed.

It's not like you can stop it, but you can at least wash your hands of this ruinous technology.

Robotics is a meme. Mechatronics, which is the underlying basis of robotics &
automation is where it's at. Learn how to read mechanical and electrical schematics, manual and CNC machining, the basics of mechanical & boolean logic, and basic soldering. From there get a job in a aerospace and/or defense company. Use their resources to learn how to code (I'm doing C++ & Python 2&3), industrial soldering and welding. From there, pursue an engineering degree, if you hustle hard enough you negotiate part-time work and a stipend to allow for full-time pursuit. If you keep your head on a swivel, you might notice a Master's worthy problem you can work on post-bachelor's.

Congratulations, you're Tony Stark.

Why do you hate science? Do they not teach evolution in your country?

Jews are beating robots to the punch by far in exterminating humanity.

Interesting, this is the kind of commentary we need in this thread. The low-IQ poor is another issue for another thread.

To reiterate, mechatronics requires working knowledge of mechanical, electronic, and computational engineering, with expanded knowledge into whatever system you are augmenting such as material science, manufacturing, and/or chemistry.

Snowniggers are ugly thats why the white race is dying.

White women don't want to fuck wrinkly old looking albinos who look like they were born in the 19th century.

Everything about snowflakes has always been about their insecurities with their women and how they have the most recessive genes out of all the races on the planet.

Thanks OP, it's important to keep an indomitable and positive attitude towards self-improvement.
Pic related.

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Interesting. Can we pro-actively slow down technological progress though ? Isnt that what China / Japan were sort of doing before Westerners came knocking on their doors with steel battlecruisers ?

Very interesting, I got into medicine and am too old and far along into it to get out, but am looking at options for my children.

Pic related is based as fuck. Self-improvement is vital, it made the white race what it is, instead of being content with mediocrity, we have always made an effort to do it better. That is the chief defining trait of the Aryan.

>non whites cant into robots
Except japs and indians

won't that just make small communities of poor people who will turn to like crime or some kind of underclass like in them dystopian jew movies?

Anons are largely right when it's noticed that most media/entertainment is degenerate, but child-like ideals are necessary to maintain an unconquerable spirit. Therefore I treat that knowledge like never meeting your heroes, because we, and our creations, falter in the face of our ideals. What matters is learning how to be inspired, what it takes to keep the fire, and pressing on.
Plus Ultra!

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Exactly. I got the ideal for the automated ethnostate protected by robots from play Gears of War 4. Fiction has always been a stronghold of the white race, the lesser races lack the imagination to visualize what could be. Look at Jules Verne and submarines for example.

>my country is importing Pajeet "engineers" willing to work for a quarter of the going US-salary
>About to get my degree
Fuck my life. I hate the kikes so much.

We can't because, just like in your example, there's always the incentive to do it, if your neighbors do it. When the US is gonna have an autonomous robotic army that can remain in the field forever, pull crazy Gs, and hit targets with 100% accuracy, the only option left to its opponents will be to build the same army in turn, and to do that you need the same sort of technological society. So long as there's even a single country going down the path of technology, all countries will have to go the same path.

CanuckAnon, you should know that a degree isn't enough anymore. When you graduate, immediately go to a trade school and learn skill directly related to your education path: mechanical -> manual & CNC machining and/or welding; electroinic -> industrial soldering, assembly and/or circuit design; computational -> Comptia A+, Linux+, Certified C++, Project Management. So on and so forth.
Don't give up, we are all gonna make it!

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or you get in on it now, and down the line the idea of 'pruning' might be that much more acceptable

This is great. More inspirational-posters like you, plox. The internet hate machine has outlived its usefulness.

There is absolutely zero demand for robots because globalization offers employers access to billions of cheap Asians instead.

Embargo Asia and automation will become profitable again.

>have "robot" at work for past 5 years
>its only job is to nail tags onto slabs of steel
>fucks up constantly, half the time a production employee has to tag the slabs while making 30 bucks per hour while we fix it.

Not even remotely concerned about ever losing my job to automation. That shit only performs as well as its maintained. Gonna let you young lads in on a secret: cheap jew corporations don't maintain the shit.

i'd imagine 100 million abos with semi automatic firearms wouldnt be very happy about that
yes it would, such caste systems used to be very common prior to the modern age

If you built a white ethnostate where no one is lacking anything and is protected by armed machines, and the abos want to take that away from you, then the abos would have to face the full might of the war machine just like the non-whites would. The ethnostate should be protected by any means necessary.

see the problem is, a good chunk of these "abos" are normal working class americans. if you have an iq below 115, you'll be in trouble

Well what good are they if they refuse to see the need for advancing the white race? All options should be on the table for dealing with any threat. If they want to do a human wave attack they can do it through a field of gas.

Imagine every single stupid fucking problem you've ever had with your personal computer, router, modem, phone, any embedded system, etc.
Now imagine all those but on a daily basis, and where hiring some fresh over the border spic to do it is less than quarter of the cost of the machinery and repair calls you'll inevitably need to make.
Automation is not a threat, and it won't be a threat as long as computers keep being fucking dogshit (ie. as long as companies keep using windows as a base and letting poos code the software, so probably forever).

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