Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Circlejerker's delight Edition

Our Poll:

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EU nuthouse + Bremen: May 26 2019
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>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Get a job.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>English language analysis

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht

>Get active

>AfD TV (german)

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

Melde mich zum Dienst

Hi Germans, Romanian here, just wanted to say thank you and I love you :)

Thread theme

Last thread:
>Persistent Namefags
>Attention-whoring flagfags
>awful burgerposters

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>awful burgerposters
she got BTFO'd last bred

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Welcome in this new bread of mine, Kamerad!

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/deutsch/ muss sterben damit wir leben können.

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>imagine not being able to defeat a nation of manlets, lead by one small fat Gommie...

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no worries, I will post there from now on... be ready for the refugees

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/deutsch/ is complete dumpsterfire, compared to this place; they'd rather expel (You), than (You) them, uezs

Geben Sie diesem Mann ein Deutsches Kreuz in Gold mit Brillianten

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das wär zu wenig
schlage alternative vor:

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Eisernes Kreuz der Göring Klasse? Genehmigt.

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Look at this lad

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Allways cheerful

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Bewegter Faden: Das taugt mir.

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Jetzt wo du es sagst isses wieder aus, tja

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Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen.

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Noch is es nicht verloren!
Bis zum Endsieg!



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/deutsch/ is easily manipulated, what do you have against them?

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The English language, tbqh.

1x/2x who are not even aware of where they are in the hierarchy and do the double fallacy thinking they knew what they do not know.

It's not disdain, I have; I simply believe to be more chaotic, because of the lack of IDs and the higher number of posters overall. It has its advantages and disadvantages.

Good night.

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>Gleichzeitig ist der Ausbau der Windenergie an Land fast zum Erliegen gekommen. In den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres gingen lediglich 41 Windräder mit einer Leistung von 134 Megawatt ans Netz, wie die Fachagentur Windenergie an Land mitteilte. Das waren fast 90 Prozent weniger als im gleichen Quartal des Vorjahres und so wenig wie zuletzt im vergangenen Jahrhundert, als der Ausbau der Windenergie begann.
>Die Flaute beim Ausbau der Windenenergie trifft auf einen absehbaren Verlust von Windrädern in den kommenden Jahren. Viele ältere Windkraftwerke fallen von 2020 an aus der Förderung heraus und sind oft nicht mehr wirtschaftlich. Etwa 14.000 Megawatt, rund ein Viertel der installierten Leistung, steht bis 2023 auf der Kippe und müsste ersetzt werden.
>Das Ziel der Bundesregierung, bis 2030 rund 65 Prozent des Bruttostromverbrauchs aus erneuerbaren Quellen zu decken, rückt damit in weitere Ferne.
Hahahahahaha. Pure failure. German government is a joke.

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Simple. I will be on top. Won't accept any other result.

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I’ve been summoned. Plan on moving to Germany within a year, give me tips fellas.

>mut zu europa
have you voted yet, anons?

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Good evening, I suppose.

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That's what I call a Guinea pig

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Great taste in cats, Hans.

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>moving to Germany
>give me tips

Liberate tuteme ex inferis ...

Good evenings, Anglo cat poster! What dreams may come this comfy night?

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I don't know what dreams may come but hopefully some interesting ones that would give an insight into the subconscious mind.

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>Liberate tuteme ex inferis
Last time I was there it was amazing. It was like home if home was cleaner and the poor people looked less like toxic waste. The food was also so much cheaper and better. I’m gonna need some more here senpai.

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>subconscious mind

Have not had those in a long time ... or maybe I had but the shock of waking up in the middle of the night made me forget them. Seems the night terrors do grow weaker with age ... have not seen the inky black void in a long time now. Maybe I conquered it without even knowing ...

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It depends on the perspective I guess. I am seeing their slow decline first hand. A nation disassembling itself. There is still a primal potential in them but it slumbers. They are saturated. They are complacent. I could never succeed in my current business if they still were what they once have been ... those are signs! Signs of the end ... of slowly fading into the night like a guttering candle. They need an Austrian again today.

Deutschland erwache ...

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Tay, would you be so kind to explaining what imaginary shitfuck this is?

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Nice pic... from your election program?

By courtesy of Außenstelle Litauen des RfM ... that crazy Baltic madman is a prime agent of the cause. ;)

>badger cunt dicks

Tay is post-war West Germany in a nutshell.

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AfD are Nazis, and i believe the Hysteria that they are bad and that they're evil and that they're going to be underneath 5%!
T-they're finished hahaaha!

reminds me of the stuff they say about drumpf. constant demoralization. AFD SAD AND BAD!

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Sup nerds, look at my all American breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Be jealous.

Fuck forgot pic

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Ambulance is en route to get your stomache pumped before your arteries give you an aneurysm

You would still fuck me

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I see carbs

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Maybe. How far backwards can you bend your legs, Frollein?

>tfw you made me post this!

I feel dirty now ... feels_good.jpg

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bacon is good for you
ya from the spinach, and some from the salad dressing. that is chicken back there and hand shredded cheese.

Tranny confirmed

Are you drunk enough to post tits for us? If not shut up and go to bed!

debateable, i don't think i can ignore how terrible you are.

You are just the kind of person that doesn't moan during sex, you just moan out what the taximeter says because the rising amount of money you would have to charge me is actually what gets you going. Your cunt has a 19% MwSt probably.

I had some wine okay, kicks in pretty good while on keto

I was quite flexible but my joints are in bad shape for a couple of years now, so don't expect too much

>don't think i can ignore how terrible you are.

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>tfw about to get a job
>suddenly tay becomes weirdly chatty.

something's off, boys.

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>getting wasted on a Monday
Please tell us the reason or I have to inform the authorities.

Literally 530 calories and only 5g carbs, didn't count the fat or protein but it's there obvi. lol.
are you thinking about breaking up with me?

I had something business related to celebrate and opened a bottle and than another one kek this will fuck my ketosis

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Some of the molten cheese looked like potatoes but 5g is good.

be honest: how shitfaced are you, tay?
1 not at all
10 lost motor skills

don't lie, you're not old enough to drink.

1.5l wine/empty stomach

I'm almost 30 oka

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>don't expect too much

Used to that from the Hausdrachen. I can be relatively gentle if required. Love hurts ... but even I see a limit to that. There are things I do not intend to break. I did so in the past out of a lack of knowledge ... and it haunts me to this very day.

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>1.5l wine/empty stomach

Nasty. I feel like I can taste battery acid on my tongue from the description alone ...

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30 divided by 2.

the perfect drink for cat ladies.
>1.5l on empty stomache
that's not much considering the low alcohol content. but on empty stomache... yeah. you might be a little wobbly.

Just go to bed, you are acting strangely less fucking obnoxious and less homosexual than usual and it's scary, actually.

How much shekels did you made? And when will you post tits?


Chinky I'm older than you oky

Let's say it will help me reaching the next step of my long term goal till the end of the year

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Noticeable. You're always less toxic when you're drunk.

I am not your supervisor, that's right, but you need one just about now.

The way you speak is just out of order and confusing. you wouldn't want to be associated with that by the time you are sober again and recommend you sober yourself out in a good night's rest.

trunkener mund tut warheit kund. (?)

>but you need one just now
lol look at this faggot

Oh Sütti, you care about me, that's so sweet of you

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Never thought so, my little riddle ... would take away the thrill of the hunt otherwise.

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Nigga, she thrashed.
Might suprise you that my compassion goes further than the tip of my nose.

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sutti likes cock, sorry sweetie.

I have zero clue what this word means, like she thrashed like a shark or something? How is that even possible?

Maybe he would like to kiss a girl kek

So you woudnt reccomend to open a third bottle?

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Doubtful, he is a raging homosexual with the herpes from the guy's ass he kisses after he's let another man cum in it. I know, it's gross.

Not in your state, no.
you are turning hetero under the influence of wine and that's just not you.

>I care about you drunk
You are fucking stupid, you're supposed to use someone when they are drunk for max gainz.

Sutti told me these things, that's how I know. He lets his Arab bull cum into his husbands butt and he said he sucks it out afterwards. He told me some other things too, I am willing to tell you.

Correction: I'll tell you for 5 payments of $9.99.*

Yeah we can't have any of tht

THIS! But coke and mdma is even better especially when they young kek

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Why was the music so much better inthe 00s

>a mutt and a drunk dyke are telling me
"abusing intoxicated people is a-okay, just go to town on them lol"

Tay is temporarily not gay.
Hell froze over.

More at eleven.

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So when will you finally drunkpost in here?

You can be so cute sometimes, you should really try to get a gf even if you don't look like a model just try to find an equal girl

I have once, posted some shit I refuse to bring up.

She doesn't need to.
muttilda has no dignity to begin with and is perfectly retarded on her own.

LOL Tay poster is just Sutterlinanon on his phone.