Why don't men with bad genetics just get euthanized as babies or some shit...

Why don't men with bad genetics just get euthanized as babies or some shit? Why let people like me who will never get to enjoy any of life's pleasures live? It seems like torture.

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You are the only person on earth obsessing over this shit.

clean up, get a haircut, buy some clothes that fit, find a hobby that isn't manufactured autist bullshit, do some exercise and get the fuck on with your life.

Implying any of those will change shit
You can give a shitty car a new paint job, but it will still be a shitbox

Because their parents love them, and they are usually better than them. Uglier than both lol

> be me
> go to the gym
> getting fit
> on bench press, pump that iron
> Genetics walks up to spot me
> pushes bar down on my neck
> unable to escape
> Genetics begins to shovel Quarter Pounders in me
> unable to resist
> too weak to fight
> Genetics

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And you wonder why you're a virgin?

Nihilism is the lowest form of intelligence

What does nihilism have to do with this
Your weight and skin are the chassis and paint
Your height, face, hair, dick are the frame and the engine

You can pretty up a Camry, but it's still a shitty Camry

Because your parents thought you could reproduce with the other genetic failures, or that you might have the cure for cancer, or establish a new colony on mars, so they decided to invest in you. Sometimes shit is too much and they picked the wrong country to do it in, so you remain screwed. It's not your fault.

A low income family can still use a Camry. You are a nihilist, because rather than be useful you would wallow in arguing. I don't give a shit if you kill yourself. Just stop being wrong on the internet.

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retard alert

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if it is pointless to try, then the endeavour is meaningless. If you place some kind of value on the endeavour then you are an idiot for not trying.

This analogy with a car is stupid and you're just going about it the wrong way. Your weight and skin are controllable factors, your hair and face are controllable factors. Your face to some degree is a controllable factor. Your personality is a controllable factor. If your dick is holding you back before anyone even sees it then the problem is obviously yours. If you can't even figure that much out then you are simply a complete moron.

Here's a more apt way of putting it:

Your weight and skin is the interior and the paint
your hair and athleticism are the chassis and suspension
your personality is the engine
your dick is the exhaust pipe

You can take a camry, reduce the weight by stripping out the interior, stiffen the chassis, fit new suspension, improve the engine and next thing you know you're JTCC champion 1993.

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So what? Noone likes or wants a Camry. The best it will do is be the car the family needs but doesn't want. It must be a pretty shitty existence.

But luckily Camrys don't have feeling, but below average men do, and their existence is even more pointless.

imagine being this illiterate

>retarded namefag posts unrelated vegan propaganda

imagine being an incel

existence is pointless and is forced upon everyone without consent
imagine thinking im an incel because you're a stupid fucking newfag
lmao ironic. changed my name to trigger you cuckold

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What are you working with OP? Let's get some stats

If it is doomed to fail then it is pointless to try by definition.

>weight and skin are controllable factors
>hair and face are controllable factors
Hair to a small degree. Most male haircuts depend on having thick hair, and curly is a bonus. If it's thin and straight your possibilities become much lower, and I'm not even talking about hair loss.
Face isn't controllable at all further than being fat or not being fat.
>personality is a controllable factor
Debatable, since most personality traits are lifelong.

Sure, you can have a very swell personality. The truth is that people don't fuck personalities, people fuck bodies. So you can be a very well liked person that everybody thinks highly of, but noone is gonna want to get into bed with you.

>argh! incel! incel! incel!

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If it's pointless, then why does it bother you? Why have a thread about it. Obviously there's nothing to be mad about.

imagine being proud of your own percieved notoriety on an anonymous internet advice message board.

Julia Roberts married Lyle Lovett. ANYBODY can find a woman to love him if he doesn't take himself out of the running through self-hatred

>Sure, you can have a very swell personality. The truth is that people don't fuck personalities, people fuck bodies. So you can be a very well liked person that everybody thinks highly of, but noone is gonna want to get into bed with you.

You are an idiot. I've met quite a few absolute uggos in college who managed to get laid because they're not astronomically insecure weirdos with impossible standards.

This ugly fucker I knew in college, he's now married and has a kid on the way and his wife isn't some cast away steak trimming. He has a lot of the same hobbies as you probably and was a virgin when he arrived in college. Difference is that he decided to man up and get over himself and act like a functioning adult.

He's probably the type of guy incels would label as genetically fucked.

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Do you think people who were born without, say, legs, arent bothered by not being able to walk?