Is it possible to reverse the red/black pill state of mind? I figure it’d be much better for a male’s mental & physical health to not worry about things that we can’t change
Is it possible to reverse the red/black pill state of mind...
Yes. Have sex and go outside
I think these questions aren't really relevant to male women because we have been conditioned to think that a woman's sexual needs are inherently different from our sex and therefore that we need "special" sexiness to satisfy sexual demands. I think we have been conditioned into thinking that the women we view as potential love objects need to be treated differently and/or that we need to be more sensitive to their needs, preferences and wishes. In order to make some of these questions more salient, I decided to draw the attention of feminists who do talk about these issues to my blog and Twitter account. In this blog post, I describe how I got into this question about our sexiness based on the work of feminist scientist, Angela Duckworth. She has written a good number of papers and has been a contributor to a number of books, including "The Male Feminist Mystification"
you gotta stop surrounding yourself with red/black pill media and just socialize with other people. You will never fully go back but you will stop caring/forget about it over time.
Haven't you seen the matrix?
>just socialize with other people
What other people?
>Is it possible to reverse the red/black pill state of mind?
Go to reddit.
Go to r/theBluePill.
It is filled with tons of people who have turned their backs on the Red Pill and who now reject it.
You’re here forever, stop trying to hide it. Don’t resist and keep going
LOL fuck off
Is that real?
It's too late for me, maybe it's not too late for all of you.
Take a lesson from Danny Baker.
No. Once you train your pattern recognition there's no going back. That's what the redpill is really. It's not tied ot any political view or propanda other than making people notice patterns which ends up affecting said things that are based around and can exist thanks to people's inability to notice patterns because it is suppressed and purposefully left untrain in the bluepills.
haha you go girl! Tell that incel!
>and suddenly, with no reason at all, People started voting for Hitler
hey, OP asked.
I simply helped out.
Redpill, yes. Just become a normalfag.
Blackpill, no.
Fake cure schlomo
having sex is fucking gay. I camp outside in a tent because I hate my house.
Unironically get a girlfriend
When I was in a relationship, my posts on here were always satire/shitposts
Now the meme folders are filled with red and blackpills
Reversal? Probably not.
For example, I live in the globohomo, live-in-the-moment mindset required to produce decent music, and I still fucking hate niggers.
It's okay to hate, so long as hate isn't the ONLY emotion you have.
It's actually not. Since I've started hiking/camping I've completely cured my depression. That's all the black pill is.
Here, if you take some initiative, you can try and reverse the RedPill.
I cured mine by fapping at least 3 times a day, smoking weed daily, drinking a couple beers every night, and quitting my exercise/fitness regimen.
No. You can force yourself to live under cognitive dissonance, but it’s only a matter of time before you’re sucking on a shotgun barrel.
You can’t unplug from clown world and then just go to in it.
Redpill the redpills
I already do that and still work out
minus the beer every night part
listen to The Kommandant's two part series on exactly what you're talking about. he is a good guy who genuinely cares about his people and their well being. anyone who says otherwise is a tranny cocksucking kike nigger faggot
Unironically become romantically interested with someone. It took me constantly improving myself and then finally finding a woman I could stand being around to start turning away from the blackpill mentality. I consider myself a Bloomer nowadays and I'm constantly working towards my goal of having a large family with this girl. We're both 21 and virgins (still, after 7 months or dating. Taking it really slow, and I think this might be key to a successful relationship, we're both cautious.) Just being with a group of people my age has deradicalized me quite a bit, I still have redpilled / blackpilled thoughts but rarely share them, it only really ever comes out in jokes or if politics are brought up. The constant cynicism of internet culture is also starting to annoy me, and I find things actually enjoyable once again.
We can all make it, look for the more introverted women (rare, I know) and mold them into a perfect spouse.
You haven't finished the pill bottle if you're not ready to fight.