How do we work to prevent the rise of the Far right in German Politics?

As any American should be, I am deeply concerned over the rise of the Fascistic and Xenophobic nationalist politics in Germany and all over Europe. On the internet and in the streets, people are making deeply divisive and racist generalizations about not only our Muslim guests, but also of the Jewish people. This rhetoric is tantamount to that used by the NSDAP and other fascist parties in the lead up to the holocaust.

We can never forget that Far Right german nationalists were responsible for the genocide of Six Million innocent Jewish men, women and children, merely because of their religious identity.

Never forget the past, or risk repeating history.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I need to start lifting.

OP, how dumb are you on a scale from 10 to 10?

Not dumb enough to believe in a scapegoat created by delusional racist ultranationalists who couldn’t accept the military defeat of Germany in the first Great War.

you’ll come around OP, just lurk moar

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"prevent" ? you say?

Attached: great things Totenkopf.png (1280x720, 843K)

Fuck off kike

>low effort b8 babbling
get some new material

>how do we work to prevent the rise of far right
simple. by ignoring them, letting them speak and not pushing for their censorship.
but that will never happen and they will get bigger because what you fight you feed and what you fear will come to real world.
let me tell you the truth. the people that dont want it already fucked up or know what they are doing and this to happen. just sit down and enjoy the world burning.

Thats not true. If the Weimar government had elected to censor Hitler from speaking and publishing, 6 million innocent jewish lives would not have been cut short. The lesson of 2019 should be : Deplatforming works.

Alright, OP is a fuckin jew confirmed.
for you Shlomo

Right?! What a fckn UNIT!

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Left wing girls love fascist cock.

>muh dick

a rise in nationalism is a response to the left's selling their own citizens down the river

what do you expect?


absolute uebermensch.

yea painkillers work too until you die of the untreated illness.


pick one m8

firehose them when they try to express their opinions and deny them basic services

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uwu genocide me with your biceps daddy

>Never forget the past, or risk repeating history.
the past will never be forgotten, it's why they'll actually holocaust the jews and degenerates this time instead of segregating them from the population and attempting to either reform or deport them

fuck you op

All americans are imperials, all white men are jews and the mark of the beast is a trade mark.
believe me please.

Fuck off Shlomo.

Snowniggers are ugly thats why the white race is dying.

White women don't want to fuck wrinkly old looking albinos who look like they were born in the 19th century.

Everything about snowflakes has always been about their insecurities with their women and how they have the most recessive genes out of all the races on the planet.


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No worries Germans are fucking cucks.

Kys shill. too many of your kind around lately

I am too lazy to create an aura been trump salt thread but try this on for size

Check out these search results:


I don't understand why you would want to?

Nice bait. But truthfully, it's a German problem. Let the Germans figure it out and you worry about problems in your country.

Attached: B12F1B5A-6EB9-4C9F-89C3-CBB40C4C9669.jpg (447x447, 163K)

Attached: fixed OP is a faggot.jpg (447x447, 157K)

You need to start eating right user.

This fiber is bioluminescent

But please remove the statues from the history of the past...... the state of the left is remakably fluid.

We all do

paging Jow Forums
lifting is only half of it; diet is 90% of it

t. have abs and a good body at 30 but not gay-tier like this guy. jelly tho. he definitely fucks.


You're going to have to give a reason why we would want to first.

Where would you find six million innocent Jews?

Sent commies to rape them again!

Attached: 396.jpg (898x1124, 119K)

Based Sven

the average calorie count in a communists dinner

>innocent jewish
>innocent jewish
>innocent jewish
>innocent jewish
>innocent jewish

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What is the difference between a milk cow and the holocaust???
After 70 years you stop milking the cow.

>6 million innocent
This is bait right?
Ya, this is bait

We don't. Also, the cop is miring the das deutschechad

miring das*

Israel will see to it that the Far Right rises in Germany

lol, that guy is on tons of gear. lift, but don't expect this

>How do we work to prevent the rise of the Far right in German Politics?

Force feed them more s-o-y. Turn them all into faggots that will suck dick for their beloved socialism.

>We can never forget that Far Right german nationalists were responsible for the genocide of Six Million innocent Jewish men, women and children, merely because of their religious identity.
>Never forget the past, or risk repeating history.

thanks for the laugh, Rabbi.

Was a good try, OP. You remind me of webm related.

Attached: cant blame you for trying.webm (640x360, 2.26M)