A panel of government-appointed experts in Germany agreed unanimously that the human germline β DNA that is inherited by children from their parents β βis not inviolable,β rejecting one objection to using genome editing technologies such as CRISPR to make heritable changes in the DNA of human embryos, sperm, or eggs.
So translation: CRISPR will be allowed in Germany.
Conquered all of Europe without firing a shot, imported low skilled labor to clean toilets and is allowing ubermensch gene editing. Hitler is a bitch compared to Mutti.
Easton Taylor
>I lived long enough to see the Germans doing eugenics again
Nicholas Collins
Krauts always deliver.
Now it's up to us to jump into the wagon and don't let setbacks (that kikes want).
Popular will is the most powerful thing.
Jordan Collins
Unironic question, would you use crispr to make your kids white?
Michael Hall
Would be less expensive to adopt an Argentinian desu
Charles Nguyen
Europe turning into a branch of Congo and you cucks asking dumb questions.
Jordan King
Would he use crispr to make the Argentinian white?
Justin Sanchez
Just your daily reminder m8
Jeremiah Hall
Finally, a western country with balls
Alexander Long
what are they going to do gene edit all those turks into krauts?
I love how people who are against this instantly jump to the idea of Khan from Star Trek but ignore, for example, that millions of people could be spared the genetic accident of Type 1 diabetes, food allergies, congenital cancers, asthma, CF, Down's etc.
You could put your thumb on the scale of your kids' health and eliminate so much suffering. What kind of person is really against that other than pharma jews?
Isaac Hill
absolute satanism. im actually disturbed by this.
Daniel White
Caleb Rogers
I think we're all idiots and we don't know shit. We don't know what the fucking endgame is with this kind of fuckery. I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end.
Ryan Brown
His whole point is that in 100000 years we may end up relying on computers and not on genes to construct our descendants. It isn't a problem.
turks will jump at the opportunity to become blue-eyed blonde aryans. can roaches jump? they probably can
Samuel Bailey
Let them eat static.
Christopher Cruz
For it to happen we must reach the point where we decide to remove our reproductive organs. And even when it happens, it isn't a problem, you just replace DNA with computer
Lucas Powell
Guys, this high-IQ mongoloid has made a very trenchant observation
Oliver Garcia
>Unironic question, would you use crispr to make your kids white? As CRISPR replaces sets of genes, yes, editing for a white child from two black parents is possible.
Jose Jones
>I love how people who are against this instantly jump to the idea of Khan from Star Trek Anything from Hollywood is meant to teach you lessons to weaken you. Jews want eugenics for themselves but dysgenics for you.
This, 100%. A directly relevant example is Gattaca. The society presented had gene editing as commonplace and affordable, and the only people having children susceptible to disease, or with reduced intelligence, or with other genetically preventable problems, were fringe religious extremists and the homeless. But this is a Bad Thing, goys, so long as one of us suffers so must we all.
Leo Nelson
You all realize that if this ever becomes common place in germany, germans will find out that somehow african and jewish genes "accidently" find their way in on countless cases, right?
Carter Parker
holy shit hype. I'd leave US in a heartbeat to help out if it meant it in my lifetime. Think about how many white people would exist as minorities would edit their kids to be 6'2" blue eyed chads and 5'9" ladies to go with it; all strong, smart, and healthy