Get it going, dont hurt my feelings.
Jow Forums humor
>dont hurt my feelings.
Sages aren't down-votes, Mr. Bugman.
Sshh, don't tell him
That is so fucking vile
>This is so fucking vile
That's what the roach is saying
what's up with these shitty reddit tier memes? do you know who makes these?
wtf is it real?
>That's what the roach is saying
this. the dude is a jew
back to /reddit/
Fuck off you useless cringy pol incel this is why no one likes you in real life
I can't go back. You don't know how fucking bad's in there
same women?
Kek. Is there an update on these 2? I can't be arsed to look it up myself.
Checked and kekked. Have those guys been found guilty yet?
You just posted a jew.
>just discovered Jow Forums
>"If I say what the cooler Anons say maybe they'll accept me"
Fuck off and Lurk more
Long story mate. They spent some time in jail but thankfully they're out now
The kicker here is that the boys weren't even the best team in their competition.
these honestly scare me
blacks have little to no self-awareness
left alone, they will starve
when put with others, they will become obese
those who dont become obese but choose to become muscled just use their strength to chimp out
those who become neither think they're muscled
>I can't go back
kys nigger
I believe it originates from krautchan, a german imageboard.
refer to also their neighbors are happy that they're back and they have been celebrated. A shitty thing but a happy ending, Glad the dude's dead and they're free
kek kys tranny
lmao wtf, story?
nah this shit is obviously from antifa niggers. their larping game is extremely weak
fake and gay none of thouse mouses have fires on them and tehy didngt get burnt
all right.
I love you user, never forget.
Is this a legit retard? He looks kind of like he has Down's Syndrome. But maybe he's just Chinese, I really can't tell.
That's fucking awesome. I'm going to donate some of those creatures to Oxfam.
sloppy job mossad
that fire is fake as fuck
that tied up mouse doesnt even struggle much when the fire touches it...
such a sloppy job mossad...
Insect hive defends against another belligerent insect species
That's not just a roach, that's his girlfriend.
why does this seem so believable?
Donate them to Chicago's south-side and install cameras.
seeing this always lifts my spirits, for some reason
Are you fucking retarded? Where do you draw these conclusions from?
>blacks starve
Fucking retards
>blacks become obese
Fucking retards
>blacks stay an average weight
Fucking retards
You are helping give this place a bad name, gas yourself. Criticize them for actual things not this redneck tier shit. Doing this just makes it seem like you hate them for no good reason.
Why are shitskindians so fucking thirsty?
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
fuck niggers
s n i f f l e
Is this a pajeet thread now?
You're the same fucking bastard that posted Salvini eating a chicken out, aren't you?
I would like to see it take on some nigger's pitbull.
Raja Na Duja wookie nipple pinchie
Wasn't the story that her ex boyfriend did this to get revenge?
based chink
Sure no problem, all I'm saying is to criticize them for actual things otherwise we just look like a bunch of retards. Maybe I'm too hopeful to think otherwise.
Omit "pitbull".
it can be
you know that Finland in the end lost the winter war, right? it's "winter war" for purpose.
That is a western jackdaw, not a crow
What am I missing here?
>microsoft telemetry
get help sicko
>that little niglet dabbin
This shit gets me so fucking mad, I hate people who fucking do this type of shit to animals. I genuinely think animal abuse should be punishable with death Fuck these people.
Jokes on her. She's a nigger
Why mr kitter didnt do anything
thanks for reminding me to stick to my diet
weak larp