you guys blaming everything on the jews is essentially the same thing as liberals blaming everything on the russians.
prove me wrong
You guys blaming everything on the jews is essentially the same thing as liberals blaming everything on the russians
Other urls found in this thread:
no you're right.
I can't, you are right.
Unlike libtards we have factual proof & evidence
But there’s meri... you’re right
>you guys blaming everything on the jews
What a great strawman. Jow Forums BTFO!
we have facts
they dont
OP is a faggot
Fuck off kike
Not a retard.
I wager that there are paid Muslim Shills from Iran or Saudia who constantly jerk off and spam this whole board with JoooZ.
You can see by way they write how shallow and dumb their arguments aare.
I am not denying there are no Jews shill but I bet most Anti jew shills come from SandNiggers railing up white people to go do their battles since they are too stupid.
inb4 Sloppy second Mossad
but its actually the jews
You're right.
shouldn't you be studying for your geometry test tomorrow?
Lel. Gottim
So how do i upboat this?
probably a combo of both jews and whites
loli hate pizza
That pizza looks nice
Don't forget to give him lebbit gold, kind stranger.
you're gonna get roasted with "Le Jew Insult Trump Card Argument Winner" but you're right
The russians are jews
The irony is that the jewish conspiracy meme was created by Russians to divide the west. It was literally put up by a russian propagandist and promoted on every level, in every decade it re surged by someone tied to Moscow apparatchiks.
This is true
Uhh, the Russia blaming is literally a Jewish plot
I dont know why but this picture gets me rock hard
Nah. We both know you're a conniving faggot and I'll just leave it there. Tic tok
1999 quote
>blaming guilty parties is the same as blaming irrelevant parties
Can we just post red Jow Forumss now
I ain't gonna lie, that pizza looks pretty damn good
But russians are jews...
2 rublos have been deposited in your account, comrade.
AIPAC is the most influential political lobby not ARPAC. The Russians that Trump did business with were Russian Jews. The Russians don't control Hollywood. The Russians don't control the mainstream media. Jews do. The Russians weren't the foremost lobbyists for the 1965 immigration act, Jews were. The Russians didn't attack the uss liberty and successfully cover it up Israel and the the us establishment did. Mass murdering Bolsheviks were Jewish.
Imma hafe a gree wif u asso is races
why can't the left form an original thought, you copy pasted the 2 shekels have been deposited to your account JDIF joke and put a russian angle to it. Every insult you come up with is just something people on the right said first that you tried to usurp classic examples NPC meme, triggered, snowflake and cuck
fuck your spam filters
For mother Russia!
there's only one explaination that makes sense.
they are simply mad because they aint us
and again
wow, way to alienize all the religiousfags on here, heyoo
without the son you don't have the father, repent from your wicked ways israel's time is nigh and there is no reason you need die salvation is in strong supply.
Should go through each of those and find out how Jews were protected
Yeah, I agree with you, somehow people do not want take responsibilities for their actions, so blame the Jews/russians/chinese (pick one according to your political ideas)
We can’t. We cannot escape our own human minds. Our need to categorize phenomena into narratives inevitably causes cognitive dissonance no matter what stance we take. It’s part and parcel of the tradegy of mankind, that we are incapable of finding real justification for any action, and instead must rely on a labyrinth of anecdotes and emotions with a scaffolding of petty justifications in order to hide our subliminal instincts, a way to cloak those instincts in order to actually further them, to hide It from others who act the same.
more like this
Schlomo's gone :(((((((((((
Its not at all the same. I fucking hate the Jews, libs dont hate russians they just talk about them so we dont look at the Jew. world of difference
Jews only IQ test their top players if whites did the same they would easily outrank you even with all the genetic warfare you are waging. We don't feel the need to lower your IQ you feel the need to try to lower ours speaks volumes.
this is what mental retardation looks like
The difference is Jow Forums can provide you with evidence of thousands of Jews inside of America pushing agendas ranging from PC Culture to Globalism and the Russia investigation with the might of the FBI have come up with nothing.
Trump gave the US's government's money to israel. A total of 38 billion dollars. There is a reason to hate israel.
ftfy pic related
the only proof we need for out high IQ is the fact that nobody can outsmart us
you get outsmarted by a group of autists with a number fetish ALL the time.
Reminder that they switch tactics every once in a while.
and they say the right can't meme :laughing_tears:
I much prefer the Petersonian Chart, much clearer and to the point
(and that point being this is all bullshit)
>they are cheating!!!!
spout more excuses you pathetic excuse of a man
Don't worry, everything is going to by fine this time. All you have to do is accept that Jesus Christ was and is your King and accept him as your personal saviour. Jesus is the lamb of God who you can absolve your sins through. You must do so b4 the lion of god comes to set things straight. If you wait too long things will get bad, the lion of god is not a nice guy like the lamb of God was. Hurry, accept Jesus. You will be just fine if you do that.
so then why isnt the right advocating to give jewish money to black people in the form of reparations?
Tell me Schlomo, what causes you more fear....
...Or this
Average iq israel is in the 90s. Average jews are not that smart but the really smart jews are extemely conniving
>russian bought 160k worth of facebook ads
>most of cable news is own by Jews
What are you doing, shlomo?
whose gonna win? the entirety of the white rick and morty fan base, or 24 jews?
if you're losing to 24 old jewish men and ladies, maybe the cultural war isn't your shtick?
try fighting an actual war, goyim.
did i say you were cheating? no. Stop putting words in my mouth you filthy jew. I said if we tested our populations the same way you tested yours ours would easily out rank yours as evidenced by your fear fueled need to genetically mix our race with lower IQ races.
What’s the connection
UK is just as bad as Israel imo. MI6 is just as bad as mossad. Globalist are the real problem, and it just so happens many of them are tied to Jewish backgrounds. The Bible says those that say they are Jews, and are not, but of the synagogue of satan. Evil is evil. The fight will always be between good and evil. There are good people who call themselves Jews and of course there are evil people who call themselves Jews too.
>just 24 people
disingenuous jew alert.
jews/russians/chinese dindu nuffin
Blame them all at the same time, bro! Or better yet - blame yourself ̶g̶o̶y̶ bro!
Russians don’t literally run everything you fucking idiots.
Jews literally run everything. Sooooo... they actually ARE responsible for almost everything.
Prove me wrong, pro tip, you cant!!
There's actual evidence though.
Face it lipshitz. You hate us because we are smarter, better looking and better at sports than you are. If you were smarter than us you would not rebel against God and you would have invented all the things our ppl did. We are a diaspora now in our own countries. Naturally we will start working together like your ppl do. Then you will see that you are just getting by on nepotism and you're not quite as special as you had thought.
all this tells me is that whites are allergic to putting on a nice suit and working in communications.
whites must treat working in media they way blacks treat wearing belts and front-facing caps.
why not just start a non-jewish white top-down run media organization and staff it with blacks and browns to avoid racial charges ?
it's actually the fucking jews though
it's genetic. they are hateful, destructive, vindictive, shallow and selfish. jewishness = cluster-b personality disorder.