>be me
>22 y/o white guy
>see all the vids here of black guys beating the hell out of white guys all the time for no reason
>see all the vids of Mexicans beating up white guys for no reason and violent cartel vids
>see all the vids of Antifa beating up white guys all the time
>now I'm really am scared to EVEN GO OUTSIDE ANYMORE!
>can't even get a job
>can't talk to girls without worrying about pissing off a black or Mexican
>can't go to movies
guys this is messing me up. I'm too scared to even !eave the house because I dont want the shit beat out of me for no reason.


Attached: Terrified.jpg (1200x627, 160K)

Stop acting like a BLM cuck.

I doubt you are even real.

Get a gun faggot and pray every day to shoot a dindu.

Find a biggest, tallest niggmutt you can, and shove a brick in his face

The internet isn't an accurate reflection of real life.
Literally just go outside and take a break from the internet.


You have lost.

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But also don't relax around blacks. Most mexishits are just afraid you will call ICE on them so most won't start anything and real gang members you can spot a mile away.

Attached: yerp.webm (500x508, 1.73M)

Attached: niggerlocker.webm (468x352, 2.19M)

>Posting the censored version

You coward pussy

what are you gay?

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No, but you look like an outside cuck when you normiebook censor memes of any kind.


>muh optics
what a nigger

this is what I would do if in this situation


Why are you afraid of a cultural shift based on lies and manipulation? We didn't lose shit. We got scammed because it was the only way they could get an advantage against us. If we stop feeding into the lies and supporting them then they fall apart. Don't be a coward.

Work out. Learn self-defense (like boxing, BJJ or MMA). Socialize with other White people. Read books and become smarter. Get a CCW and training.

Brother I hope this isn't real.

We are in a cultural war, and your weakness is all of our weakness. I lift daily, I squat and dead lift twice my body weight for reps. I will squat and dead lift until I die. I spar and box with my white friends.

I watch all black vs white fights and I critique technique and look for the mistakes my white brothers make if they lose.

I am preparing daily for this natural competition for dominance. The Blacks and Mexicans can sense it on me from a mile away and we have a mutual respect.

user if you and I are on a train or bus or somewhere in public and I see you are being accosted and I find you innocent in your actions, I will strategically move to flank your opposition and will attack after the first move is made with nothing more then a glance between us.

I expect the exact same from you.

I can tell from the way this was written that you're either some retarded boomer who found his way onto the infamous mongolian throat singing hacker forum from leddit, an underage kid who needs to lurk moar or just someone who's trying really hard to bait.
In the slightest possibility that this isn't just pure bait, wait three (3) whole years before touching the submit form again.

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kys tranny

Attached: rope.png (600x842, 142K)

I think all these guys talking about getting a gun misled the part where he has no job because of his fear. And I bet he is a lot like me. I'm 6'1" but only 127lbs. I cant put on muscle no matter how much I work out. And I xant afford a gun either.
I stay inside most of the time also just to avoid all the bullshit. I dont like getting punched for no reason. I feel you op.

This is a bait thread.

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that picture legit terrifies me.

not creeps me out
not gives me the heebie jeebies
not makes me uncomfortable
it straight up HORRIFIES ME. This sort of mental illness used to be taken care of with 9mm asprin. I'm fucking scared.

Just purchase a handgun, it will give confidence.

Yeah I'm white too. This thread makes me scared -- I'm not going outside anymore.



Attached: just stop.png (854x1064, 124K)

learn to fight you weak faggot. mma and boxing gyms are desperate for weak faggots like you to come in so they can turn them into men. i know because i work at one. just imagine a version of yourself that knows how to fight, then compare that to the weak, scared version who is afraid to leave his own house. how is this a hard choice?

give yourself 1 day of courage, just 1 day of courage to walk into an mma camp or a boxing gym and it will change your life.

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Stop giving a fuck. Pre prepapred to go full out if someone attacks you, dont react to someone shouting shit to you.

Its like dogs barking. Unless they come to your attack range, let them bark.

I carry a knife always (winland) and that alone gives me comfort even im physically totally mickey mouse.

One stab on the tummy and even the biggest and niggest dude slumps down.

Attached: nordicball.png (1000x2400, 375K)

Just be yourself

buy handguns and conceal carry idiot