What was it like growing up in Generation X?
What was it like growing up in Generation X?
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high iq, solving the tough problems in the world
A lot more white, a lot less angry.
Either four or five of those seven are jews.
>No internet
Fucking paradise.
Nirvana was pretty good.
Also fewer spics because NAFTA had still not been fully implemented.
Alcoholism of the greatest generation coupled with the boomer values made it a world of round holes and square pegs. The music was fucking great though and the internet saved us.
no cunts holding up phones at concerts making a fuck up of the whole thing
Exactly the same shit like today, minus the technology.
I feel like I'm the missing link between technology challenged boomers and idiot fucktard millennials who's whole life revolves around their fucking smart phone and social media.
Like warm apple pie.
You must be an early 80's baby. I feel like we don't really fit in with either generation but have the knowledge and power of both.
White niggers everywhere watching shit TV shows, and discussing the pros/cons of communism. Nobody knew what a Jew or a Muslim was, unless you lived in oppressed or diverse inner cities. Kurt Loder was considered news, and Paula Abdul was "white". Also, everyone assumed Jessica Alba was part actual nigger. Including Jessica Alba.
It was Hell, and the only escape was Jesus, the gym, or drugs. Just like now.
15 mins to download porn. Watching everything going to the Boomers. At least we had good music from 89 to 94
1) There were more White people
2) Blacks weren't uppity and you could actually have them as friends
3) Women had better bodies
4) Music was more fun
5) People had house parties
6) People had dinner parties
7) You knew every neighbors name
8) When we were teenagers we had more sex than the average guy in his 20s now
9) Getting high was a gathering event
10) There was no transgender shit
11) 90% of the shit that goes on in colleges now, would get your ASS KICKED back then
12) You didn't have the internet to hide behind
13) You felt like you were part of a NATION
It's all gone. All of it.
Oh and....
14) Half of all teenagers were fucking alcoholics
I was born in 1984 and I went from zero internet to everything is internet and I feel that my generation is unique because we know what it was like before, but we can still follow the technological development without being overwhelmed like our parents.
Kids born into this shit will never truly appreciate it.
I used to draw in paint for fun. On windows 3.1
The screen was black and white
>black movies were made for black people
>girl movies were made for girls
>Mexican shows were for mexicans
>gay shows were for gays and fat girls
>lesbian shows were for lesbians and horny teens
Every group had things made specifically for them and more people got along
Now media has integrated and mixed and mish mashed everything together and we have way more school shootings
If you would have fucked my pie, I would have executed you.
>get molested by your boomer parents
>get molested by your boomer neighbor
>get beaten by your boomer dad
>grow up, have kids, completely fuck up their kids because they were molested into craziness by boomers
>get sold out by their aging boomer parents
>too much of a pussy to put your boomer parents in a shitty nursing home ran by niggers
>boomer parents die comfortable, happy, and without paying recompense for their wrong doings.
t.dumb boomer
This guy was there. I can attest to all this.
I didn't see a Mexican in person until I was 24.
15) No white girl would have gone to prom with a nigger. People would have laughed or at least properly shunned her.
Right, because things were so much better back then. The only thing worse than revisionist history is delusional nostalgia.
Thank boomers for ruining everything.
But they were. Ask 90% of the people that lived in the 80s. Most of us agree we would all go back if we could.
Comfy... Until some faggot decided in 2009 that people born 1984-1989 were no longer Gen-X and were suddenly "millenials".
This. I'd add that things like air travel were still viewed with a sense of luxury, there was an absolute wonderment with technology and the future. Video games were extremely simple, yet remarkably fun and were almost always a social activity. It was just better. 100% better.
Watch the tv shows northern exposure, xfiles. watch movies from the early 80's and 90's, that is what it was like
There was exactly one wigger and one coal burner in my high school, 91-94, upper middle class suburb in MD. The wigger was constantly ridiculed by the blacks and whites and the coalburner was seen as the lowliest of whores.
Globalism was packaged as bubble-gum environmentalism. This is how Jews pushed it back then.
All black men were portrayed as good hearted civic minded dads and best friends to white women. This is how Jews push black men onto white women back then.
The stock market was everything and all we ever heard was how great transitioning from an industrial economy to service economy was going to make life swell. This is how Jews stole all our good jobs and destroyed the middle class..but hey, our boomer parents were making a killing in the market in the dismantaling of our lower class white neighbor's lives. We didn't shed a tear for our brothers. We WERE TOTAL CUNTS looking out for ourselves. Jews played us becaue we deserved to get played.
Conservativism was considered real and not some Jew shill organization that it is. All conservatives in office betrayed us and the lower class whites but we though this was a good thing.
Rap was that shit loser kids listened to. It took a decade to push rap on us through Mtv.
Mtv started out as a bastion of white culture then turned to total nigger shit, then to total gay shit. Then to total irrelevant shit.
Being liberal was cool and white
Rock and Alt-rock were fucking great
White girls weren't utter trash
Governments at all levels were affraid of white parents
Most tv shows pushed Jews on us and sold them to us as white
It was an age of normalizing us to all the perversity of today. All of it organized by Jews on both sides of the political spectrum.
But we were pumped from the 80s leveraged buyouts and stock market rise...we all thought we were going to be rich. But the shit storm just grew while we forgot to defen the castle. Don't blame the boomers. Gen X saw what was coming. We felt it. I know I did. This is why we were called slackers and downers. Even though we all wanted to be rich, we just felt it was broken. We saw the cracks and fissures and did jack shit about it.
You sound fun.......
Going from pay phones everywhere and few cell phones to everyone and their dog has a smart phone has been quite a trip. I am curious to see how the Smart Phone Generation turns out in the late 2020's. Anyone born in 2007 and later has lived in an era of text communication and easy to obtain video entertainment.
The shift that will be hard for these people to grasp is the one that took place around 2000 where cellphones with text communication became widely available and shortly after that, the standard way to communicate. Before that people actually had to call each other to convey information of any sort.
That is a dramatic shift in peer to peer communication. The second dramatic shift in human behavior came with the Smart Phone itself and the ability to have any information you want right at your fingertips. (This is one reason why the powers that be are so anti free speech. The masses have a very quick and easy way to communicate with each other. That can spell the end of business as usual for (((Tyrants.))))
Remeber the fag friend who had a fucking beeper?
Brilliant. That last paragraph hits the nail on the head. We were old enough to see the cracks but too young to do anything about it without the communication technology we have today.
Haha you were either a drug dealer or a doctor if you had a beeper in the late 80's
mosh pits, bro
I knew who Jews were. They were the kids that brought in goldfoil wrapped chocolate coins and dradles during Christmas time to tells all about Chahnukkah. Little did we suspect they were priming us for the Jewish takeover of our white Christian western culture, race and nations.
Can concur.
>Comfy... Until some faggot decided in 2009 that people born 1984-1989
you idiot neil howe invented the term and the first millennials came of age (18) around the year 2000 which means they were born around 1981
not bad
GnR to Sound Garden
It was the greatest of times. You faggot millenials and zoomers. You have no idea how great the music was. Lallapalooza had ZERO niggers.
And acid. Lots and lots of acid.
We grew up utterly neutered by the political and economic power of the boomers. That said, we were also the last generation to remember life before the internet and good rock music. We are that hip pocket generation that never had real numbers but holds the key to the continuity millennials and zoomers lost and must find again. We are your elders. Seek us and learn; we are red-pilled as fuck. Ask us about playing Warcraft 2 or Diablo 1 on dial-up internet if you seek to bridge the generationally divide.
Shoulda killed all the fucking marxists in in 92.
everyone i knew had a pager in highschool in the 90's
Stop replying to meme flag slide threads faggots. Why is this on page 1?
anyone that likes TBBT is a faggot and a half.
>I used to draw in paint for fun. On windows 3.1
>The screen was black and white
That was yesterday
specifically this one
Because Trump is garbage and it's a slow news day
Life in general was pretty comfy and simple before the interwebs. Our parents were really awful though. Who remembers the days of hooking up on AIM?
84-89 was never gen x
There were tons of drugs period. I was getting pharmaceutical methedrine from a doctor, the stuff they give to narcoleptics.
This is accurate.
Post-JFK born, pre Reagan born, that's the easiest way to think of Gen X as far as a time frame.
I saw my first black when I went to sixth grade, we moved that year so seventh on I never saw another until I graduated.
Reading books was a real thing. There were no other options.
TV had like three channels depending on where you lived. So there might be a TV show you watched every other night, but for the most part you didn't care. It sort of made that show a 'thing'.
Family and friends were a real thing. Many families had huge get togethers at least one time per year, usually in the summer. Hundred or more people showing up who were extended family.
In my small town/city in Ohio there were several factory/plants that employed people. The deal was (I was growing up, so from my parents) that getting fired was not a big deal. If you quite your job you could easily have a job by the end of the day working someplace else. For the Boomers the 'just a firm handshake' trope was a real thing.
Most of all, massive optimism. The world was going to get better. Things were going to be good. Tech was only improving and were were going to do great things. The space shuttle was just the start. Take a look at science fiction of the day - much of it was set during our current time.
Turns out though that niggers need welfare and the US had to become the worlds policeman. The religion of peace needs to be accepted.
I really wish my generation could have done better to turn things around. That we could have countered our parents, the boomers. But we failed and we are all paying.
I want to make a sarcastic joke about 'I am not bitter'. But I fucking am.
1983 here...
We used to get "computer lab" once a week with old green screen Apples. Was a game were you built rockets, oh and Oregon Trail.
We were pioneers!
i used to get the coolest blotter sheets
you didn't even want to tear them up
what the fuck is going on here?
I saw NAFTA as the pivot point. I've though a lot about where we went wrong. There was life before NAFTA and after NAFTA.
The 80s and early 90s were, by comparison to today, as wholesome and morally centered as an episode of Andy Griffith.
>easiest way to think of Gen X
it's much easier to think of them as the throwaway generation no one gives a shit about
i remember it too
Go kys gramps
Hell yes I would go back. In a heartbeat.
As the GenXer who wrote that, I completely agree. Small price to pay for getting GNR, the Smiths and the Pixies, though.
hell a Wu-Tang concert barely had niggers
i'm going to have to agree with the other user though. I'm in that range and definitely got that x-lean
>Pic unrelated
REMINDER, Genexers were children of boomers, and parents of millenials or genZer's depending.
Born from 1958 or so to 1975
he man
gi joe
dungeons and dragons
cemetary goth girl sex
painting anarchy symbol on everything not nailed down
niggers were behaved
being racist meant lynching niggers
Bad photoshop.
Reagan was president from 81-89 even by your own definition you wouldn't be a millennial
Fags were given AIDs by Jewish CIA niggers in order to compel the rest of our culture to feel empathy and compassion for them. Once properly tuned in our collective conscious to accept gays a people in which we cared about, the Jews used them as a bioweapons to crowbar our culture open and attack us relentlessly as the oppressors of gays. Now we have this. Pic related. See also this.
Then this
Take special care to note how he says...we are going to bring this minority together is such a way as to make it impossible for the legacy of whiteness to continue to procreate itself.
She is like 7 feet tall
I said Gen Xers are generally considered to have been born after JFK was killed and before Reagan was elected. I wasn't talking about millennials, friend.
Thought you were other user who said 84-89 originally. My bad fren
your music is degenerate shit
worse than captchas
We didn't know the Jews were plotting to make the white Christian west their comfy plantation of goyim cattle, racemixing us to their pleasure to breed more docile work meat.
>we would all go back if we could.
Oh, hell yeah. Just for the concerts, if nothing else. Fifty thousand people packed into an arena, passing several kilos worth of joints around, watching live rock performed at 150 decibels was actually a good time.
Miami vice sleazecore and a gram of coke would guarantee you at least 3 different sex partners between sundown Friday and sunrise on Saturday. AIDS was still a boutique disease amongst the alternate lifestyle crowd, anything normal people caught could be fixed with a shot and some pills. And then you were back in the saddle, bareback, the next night.
People knew how to have conversations. They could speak in complete sentences, expressing a logical train of thought that the listener could follow. The logic might have been straight out of a Cheech and Chong skit, but it was there.
Communism was the existential threat, it loomed over us all day long. It brought us together, even the war protesters.
Shit, life was a lot simpler back then.
I loved Norther Exposure. Now I realize it was just another show about Jew spitting in the face of white culture.
wow... it's just like... you rebelled against wrong people Johnny
I took an elbow to the nose at Palooza 93. First and last pit I attended.
NO car alarm beeping, cell phone cacophony. Peace and quiet. Niggers would avoid whites, instead of aiming for them. Niggers also had normal fucking names.
Seeth harder Doomer. Our white pussy wasn't filled with diseased nigger DNA and our music wasn't about nigger drama.
Not sure what the Sex Pistols have to do with GenX - purely a Boomer thing.
>Tats, nose ring, bitch face.
Arrogantly believes spreading legs and taking buckets of nigger ejaculate spreads equality and shouldn't be questioned.
Now lives with living nigger DNA in her brain, blood, organs and eggs in which will negatively effect gene expression of any offspring she has.
>SMV Rating? Worthless TRASH
See female microchimerism, telegony and epigenetics.
Filter all white women for dating, marriage and breeding based on her passed exposure to various sperm. Niggered women can only produce niggered children.
Better version
Born in 1967, mostly remember the early 1980s
Lots of music videos
lots of video games
peak mall culture
SNL was actually funny
Reagan, Thatcher, and John Paul II got shit done
Instead we elected Bill Clinton like the moronic programmed goy we all were. Now look at the Clintons. Literal pedo demons selling us out for shekels. We thought we killed communism when the wall fell in 89. Instead we just unleashed it's full measure of Clown Power.
That show is Jews and their allies. Nuke it.
Ah yes...the sports model. I bet the pussy flocked to you.
I was too busing getting drunk every weekend, eating pizza and blasting alt-rock. AIM was for social retards and geeks that played with their Commodor 64 by pretending they were programmers. The movie War Games was and is....still based and red pilled though.
Much whiter. Much more freedom. Fucking cigarette smoking all over the place though. I don't miss the cigarettes. That was probably worse a decade earlier though.
Generation X will let you know when they grow up.
Anything born after Regan should just be killed with fire. All of it utterly pointless. We can still save the white race by taking DNA samples of the last non-pozzed generation (Gen X) then use artificial wombs to re-boot. We need to flush the nigger and Jew out of our bloodlines.