U.S. suspects Iran in tanker attack but cannot prove it now: official


the false flag we were expecting

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why didn't they just livestream the false flag on facebook, like last time?

Mossad fucked up big time

Imagine my shocketh.

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its almost like the only thing they're truly good at is marketing and peddling fear (and trafficking shit)

i'm in the air force and we just got put on notice to be ready to be deployed....

how did mossad fuck up if the false flag isn't questioned by the main stream media and the event is used to start a war? how is this a fuck up? seems like a success

you faggots are so fucking annoying

Mossad didn't fuck up, you are still going to die for the Jews.

It's almost like everyone knows the narratives they are trying to push already and these false flags don't work anymore. The same playbook for over 70 years. It's pathetic. Even the fucking Muslim imams are calling out Israel for their false flags.

Mossad did Christchurch
Mossad did Notre Dame
Mossad did Poway

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IMO they've moved into a new phase, it is part of non-linear warfare also used by Putin, probably USA, etc....
Where like, they want you to act like you have Stockholm syndrome and learned helplessness.
They allow for the antisemitism to come out into the open and yet still get away with everything like before, and even more than before.
Why would they do this?

Israel is behind antisemitism and white nationalism. It's a giant psy op.

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>“By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War”



yea, but like... what is their end-game with this? police state for USA? what else?

> (OP)
>why didn't they just livestream the false flag on facebook, like last time?

That's actually a really great idea. The damage is instant and can't be taken back. The sheep on facebook treat CNN like a truth machine. GOD, these people are truly easily fooled and easily misled. We have to save Christianity from it's hypercritical itself.

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#Breaking: #Iran Air Defense Force has deployed tens Sayyad-2/3 and Mersad SAM batteries to protect Oil refineries, military bases & nuclear sites from danger of any possible air strike by #USAF near the #PersianGulf. This video shows Mersad deployment to #Asaluyeh this morning.

Come on, they are waiting


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Kys mossad

US is desperate for Venezuela and Iran oil, while investing 38 billion in Israel.

>the (((US))) (((suspects))) Iran


Netanyahu wants more meat shields.

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>sloobbi jyorb muazzo0ad

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fuck off moarpheus

we all know it was mossad
they love blowing shit up
they cant help themselves

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Go outside you neckbeards.

reminder: memeflags are israeli's

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Iran will win.

Realistically, if US officials decided to engage and involve themselves in a formal act of war, be it on the Venezuelan or Iranian fronts, what exactly could the public do to oppose it? Most of us are against any form of intervention, but what exactly are we supposed to do besides bitching on pol?

>false flag

>Most of us

please someone kick shit off, its so obvious we are going to war with iran.

This and only this. Meme flags only exist on Jow Forums to hide the Star of Saturn.

Stop working.

Those boomers that want war? Who is going to wipe their ass and feed them mcdonalds? They'll starve to death. Eventually the economy will crumble if enough people do it.

Dude, they can include muh russia in this war and libabies and boomers would agree with it so fucking fast.


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New video was just released of the suspected Iranian saboteurs. They just kept repeating "Oy vey, oy vey! Shallom, my fellow Iranians. Let us sabotage these goyim tankers for Iran!"

Is it happening?

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Oompa-Loompa has spoken

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i wish that was real mohamed, but its not.

but it is

Literally the first target that would be ass blasted into paradise. Would not want to be operating one of those atm.

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>terrific guy, great for israel, belive me goyim and send shekels to my patreon

Of the articles I've sen on this incident, all three of them from mainstream sources, not a single one has even tried to explain what actually happened to these tankers.

Why do you think they're hosting Eurovision? The finale is due next week or so.

Same. Only vague descriptions of the attack.

Show proofs.

Sloppy Job

All you need to know is that Iran did it and Russian bots are spreading far-right conspiracies that it's a false flag.


Why do you guys always name israel as responsible when the US is always the one who make this shit putting its fleet there

because israel is known to do this shit all the fucking time.

Alright boys, theyve been trying to butter the normies up for war. This is an obvious false flag to set a precedent for more false flags then some big one for a cassus belli.

Its happening

And the US is not accomplice right? why is the fleet moving there then ? why is America always putting the headlines on this matter ?

Israel has been passing false intelligence to the US trying to spark a war with Iran for decades. The US no longer trusts Israeli intelligence. At least until Don the Tard got elected.

I've seen jews say it's anti semetic to bring up the USS Liberty.

it will never happen

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we are compromised and israel at this point oy vey, they pass us shitty intel and we follow.

wrong, the monkey also followed israels intel too we've always followed it.

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the fuck i replied to you not this guy

So the US knows this is false intelligence but they still do their bidding ? ok

Boomers and their boomer TV never stopped hating the Russians. How foolish of me I always thought we were fighting Communism but they love Chyna.

They have enough influence in certain parts of the government to push their agenda. Other parts of the intelligence community aren't as compromised which is why Israel always complains about those departments being "antisemitic"

Using the media who are owned by kikes to report on kikes as benchmark isnt ideal my man

it was Israel, we know it was Israel. We have a direct line of communication with Iran and that shows we want peace. War with Iran will be averted and Israel will be left to die.

Here's a better version. (easier to type and remember URL)

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I remember reading somewhere that it was easy to use off-the-shelf hardware to mess with a ship's GPS guidance system. Perhaps the guidance systems were sabotaged, leading to the collision of two tankers. Thoughts?

Iran has an amazing position right between the ME Russia and Asia and Chyyyna wants to increase it's silk road trading routes and be less reliant on sea shipping which we control.
I hope 75% of the males of my generation die so I can stay at home and repopulate with their widows.

Wow, very muted from the US

even if its a lie and it works, no one will know. it will become a conspiracy and normies will brainlessly call u crazy for saying the truth. source: all human history

War with Iran is on the same inevitable path we were on with Japan for 30+ years. The middle east is maybe the only part of the world that I truly believe will eventually throw down the gauntlet like Europe used to.

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Mossad only fucked up if people are pointing at kikes for the reason why the war started

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accelerate accelerate accelerate!!
what’s the pentagon parking index at?

Sure are a lot of sand niggers in this thread.

Not happening. Israel will burn and our generation will finally know harmony.

the middle east doesn't have shit for a military, but iran is the giant suicide bomb, they have lots of missiles and could destroy israel within hours with constant missiles firing.

The endgame is the destruction of edom (the west) its in their prophecy. Their messiah will wage war against Edom. This will trigger a shift of all the Jews to Israel. Setting the stage for China to become the new world force. They will spread communism and inforce the noahide laws as ordered by the supreme court of mankind . This is the reuniting of the two Jewish souls. Zionism and bolshevism. It's no lover a battle for the souls as Churchill put it

If it was false flag, the ships would be completely sunk. This is just evidence that IRGC isn't as competent as people think.

Initial US assessment blames Iran for ship attacks


If Iran did indeed do this, then it's the ultimate 4d chess. They didn't leave any evidence that links them, managed to cripple their tankers, and all tht, without killing anyone or spilling any oil, and the best part is, they managed to fuck over the saudis and UAEs. More than likely though, its a fucking false flag since they still have to release any pictures or informatio on the sabotage that has taken place. My guess is, they are dragging their feet so they can make up some evidence and fake pictures.

>Iran launches a false flag against itself
What are you talking about?

No leaf.
many shitskins will die. Iran regime will collapse like a deck of burning cards. Ayatullu shitskins will be lynched on the streets by an angry mob, live stream.
your cousins will all die.

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The libabies would agree with muh Russia because it fits their narrative that the 2016 election got hacked. Sending Trump voters to go fight Russia would make them drool with anticipation. Any faggot that tries to get you drafted hates your guts or is so incredibly naive that they cant be trusted

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Based user. Chabad and the Russian Jewish mafia pumped their good goy trump in new York business. Got him to the top and got him in the Whitehouse to run as populist. All this to triger a by product of populism in America. This by product is anti semitism. Expect mass devision if USA goes to war with Iran. They will pump up a anti semite as a leader. He will take power. This will trigger the grand move of Jews to Israel. USA will fall after or during the Iran war. This is the war of ezekial/gog and magog . This all will triger the power vacuum. China will Come out on top. Israel will side with China. This is Jewish endgame


>let's wait unit the world media is watching then hit america by sabotaging Saudi tankers
>That'll really shoah-em
shabbat shalom you bastards

so, what do we do?

Why can't the hook noses leave the wide noses alone? Is it autism?

It's almost like you're mentally ill

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Aaaaand it's still not happening
