Why do Iranians, Afghans and Pakis insist that they aren't Arabs? Nobody can tell the difference between you sandniggers so who cares?
Why do Iranians, Afghans and Pakis insist that they aren't Arabs...
It's not like anybody can tell the difference between mutts either
>Why do Iranians, Afghans and Pakis insist that they aren't Arabs? Nobody can tell the difference between you sandniggers so who cares?
same goes for 2nd world kike shitholes where half the population fled to isreal when soviet union fell. kike
ew, why would you post that?
Why do Jews insist they aren't white? Nobody can tell the different between you honkeys so who cares?
You forgot to mention the Persians
What exactly do you think Iranians are?
To remind mutts that when you look like my pic related, you have no place to judge others.
>Half of our population fled to Israel after USSR fell
Really? Do tell
Pakis by the definition of the word Arab isn't arab. They are Indian Muslim rape babies. Afghans however do have a historic claim for being arab.
Not entirely, Afghanistan is also home of yazidis.
If I saw someone like that in person I'd probably beat them up. That's probably why he joined the military. Spent his whole life getting his ass kicked for being butt fucking ugly.
>t. Retard
Pakis literally LARP as Arabs n shit, despite being largely ethnically Indian.
Afghan Pashtuns have a massive identity disorder, they like to see themselves different from the rest of the subcontinent and call us dhalkor (curry eaters), the truth is while Pashtuns are lighter than South Asians, they still cluster with us.
*ethnically Indic, not Indian.
Most right wing Pakistanis with extremely Islamist views. There was this guy called Zaid Hamid LARPing as some Arab invader.
I thought pakis were Muslim pajeets that larp as sandniggers.
That’s exactly what they are
Then what is this thread?
Mutts being retarded about foreign countries
I can tell the difference in most of the cases.
Iranians are people who live in Iran, which happen to be azeris, armenians, persians, kurds, balochis, afghans, mazanderanis, arabs, african-iranians, jews and pakis.
afghan's looked like mongols crossbred with pajeets
Pakis look like (are) pajeets. I’ve rarely confused a Persian for a pajeet, and in a lot of cases Afghans look like hapas, I’ve actually not seen that many that look your pic related.
It's some kind of denial. Just like when you mutts insist on saying you're white when you're a pure McDonals's grease 50% and the other half is spic mixture.
Nice pic
Meme flags are Jews. I can tell the difference between a Persian and an Arab and a Indian.
t. R1b
amerimutts dont get to call ANYONE shitskin, mutt, etc. n
Not even sub saharan negroes with virtualy zero frontal lobe development, since at the very least they are 100 percent niggers, and not mutts like the best of goyum slaves
Because they're not. Arabs don't call those groups Arab.
> Iranians
Modern Iran is not the same Iran of 2,000+ years ago.
Remember that real Iranians are R1A and R1B like Germanics and Slavs, Iran got conquered by mudslime Arabs in the 7th century, then they got conquered by the Mongols, then by Turkic peoples after that, then Iran got flooded by Poos which are known as "Balochis" and these are the shitskins who pass themselves as "Iranians". About 60-70% of Iranians are Balochis now.
The only real Aryans in Pakistan are the Kalash Peoples who descend from Aryan Tribes and Macedonian Soldiers from Alexander the Great's Campaign.
Afghan is a multi-racial civnat Islamic country. There are many races living in Afghanistan, from descendants of the mongols, to descendants of arabs, to descendants of poos, and finally the descendants of Aryans who are known as the Pashtun People, pic related.
Basically all of these regions used to be white before nonwhite invasions mongrelized them to 56% mutt status.
isn't that the good sandnigger? the one that tried to warn the US that mossad was about to go ham on 9/11 and got assassinated by a (((journalist))) a day before it happened? the lion of something. deepdicked the russians in the afghanistan war. i saw a documentary about him once in the early 2000s and it was literally never played on television again.