Why do you come onto Jow Forums? It's not like anything you say holds up to the overwealming criticism of Jews on this website. I'm seriously curious. Why bother with Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jew zone
They’re stupid as a result of endless inbreeding
Why are you posting memeflag shit?
I like the Israelis who post here. It helps to hear the truth from the source. We're their slaves.
Jews have a compulsion to always be where they aren't wanted. This should tell you everything you need to know about them.
Whites are to jews as niggers are to whites. Antisemitism is no threat because you have no power over us.
Because they are God's chosen people. A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep.
So we getting all that Israeli aid money they stole back?? Great!
it's larping on Jow Forums or waste our times with our succubus/women. at least here I can have a laugh and some joy
Also it's their fault for failing to defend their property rights. Tough shit. Or give back Palestine. Round and round we go!
Checked, based and shekelpilled.
They broke the covenant the new one is with Jesus and they reject him
There's a Jewish parable about a single drop of water wearing away a huge stone.
goys amuse us
memeflags confirmed as kikes
That's slavery, poles your masters have handed you a list of stuff they want, if you resist it will be even worse.
Hungary, you're next
>jews in israel think they deserve compensation for the property confiscated from polish jews in WW2 simply because they share the same ethnicity
I deserve compensation from germany because they killed french people in WW2. Pay up Hans
Can you guys remove the memeflags to confirm?
we come here to watch the monkeys play with the keyboard
Probably desperate for attention. Jews are pathological drama whores and egotists.
They’re paid to. Paid by us.
I come here to collect your salt
because I'm white
Gas the kikes
slovania? nice hookers
This, the mind of the goyim is truly astounding to me. It's like staring into an enigma, I am in awe, I need a goyim translator, a negotiator if you will.
if i was from israel i would be trolling all day here,calling USA our greatest ally and just looking ways to trigger nazitards with some jew shit
How is being white in Israel? Assuming you ARE.
>only reason to post in places is to have an echo chamber
Fuck off
meh 4chins is just a front guy
Yeah you guys are infamous for saying that shit.
we come here to see white people before they are gone
After Hungary
it's the Arabs turn.
They're about to demand $250 billion fr Iraq, Libya, Syria and a couple others. Google it.
So many Jews I see in public look almost 100% European, and some look it entirely. Gee, it's almost like you become what you hate. So when you guys turn 100% white, are you going to off yourselves?
acknowledgment is the first step towards change, also checked
The Arabs are already getting paid: here is a list of the transactions
It's amazing how you guys can see all this going down and simply dismiss it as foolishness.
I've always though that the Jews are missing something in the head when it comes to foresight.
It's like you're unable to stop and think of the chain of consequences that result from your actions. It's really scary to watch.
I'm putting my money on the fact that you can't(or don't want to) relate to others, therefore being incapable of predicting responses on longer spans of time.
I think your post highlights the reason why you guys keep getting killed.
I don't hate you tho. I'd actually be bummed if you guys die out.
I enjoy calling trumpniggers retarded
But most people here aren't even white...
21% of Israelis are Arabs, the vast majority of them Sunni Muslims.
>First insight from a memeflag to activate my almonds in a year.
I killed a jew in cold blood.
Riddle me this
How does a sheep kill a lion and get away with it?
Precisely. You figured it out. In modern terms anti semetism does not exist because it is the same as racism against Jews but racism is prejudice + power = racism. If kikes have all this power how come they skreech and squeal anti semetism all the time? It literally doesn't exist.
if I had an Israeli flag
I would shitpost on 4chans all fucking day
I don't want to be a downer, but you do know it's illegal for you to boycott or talk bad about Israel in the USA, I hope you know that
They're closest relatives are Kurds. If you look at parasites in other groups you will respect how evolved they've become.
They're really parasites, highly evolved parasites. Sort o reminds me of that parasite that inserts itself as the queen of the ant colony and jacks all their shit.
Serious look up parasites, some look like their victim to infiltrate.
>divide the lions and let them finish each other off
Now shut the fuck up before I destroy your mom's pussy by inserting my nose in it
This. Also there is at least one based Israeli who effortposts about the EU sometimes but I haven't seen him in a while.
To get easy (You)s
Make me stfu...kike
They have to present the illusion of there being a real opposition to right wing ideals to give you a feeling of doubt.
oh look a muslim pedophile
You goybois live in our world. Why do people own ant farms? So you can watch the bugs scurry as you drown them. That's why Jow Forums still exists user.
pic rel
shut the fuck up carteloz
go skin some people
Jews are based
If Jews had any power left Hillary would have won in 2016.
why dont they ask soros for that shekels
Zognald won so it doesn't matter.
dem digits
Enjoy being leveled by Iran, kike faggot.
You're an idiot you gentile mutt, Trump is the most Pro-Zionist candidate to ever be nominated. AND YOU IDIOTS DID ALL THE ADVERTISING FOR HIM ON THIS FUCKING BOARD. You fell right into the trap we set for you user, Clinton was just a pawn.
Because it's fun,problem?
Exactly. But that doesn't mean we can't still play the race card :P
Trump's win caused all kinds of Jews to be salty. The Israelis are complaining that he's doing certain things which need more (((negotiation))), the western libtard Jews are booking therapy sessions a year in advance.
He'll win again in 2020 and you'll be salty again. And I'll be here to mock you.
You know we know that USA taxpayers pay an extraordinary amount of money to Isreal every year right? Every time I start to feel back for the "antisemitism" I think of that.
AIPAC + Stupid christcucks = Perfect Investment.
America is Isreal's paypiggy and unless your some Congressional Muslim woman complaining about it will ruin your life.
True, and I can tell you the story but I'll warn you it's from the Talmud so it's probably brainwash you, beware
I like to think the majority of them are just as tired as us and seek the truth no matter how bitter.
they want to subvert, and this site is a thorn in their side as it red pills thousands of people per week. of course they want to shit it up.der ewige Jude
I watched a cute animated version but I can't find it again. Ironically Jow Forums is the drop of water and you're the stone.
Gas yourself kike jewesques.
Would you wanna talk about this personally. We should talk on discord. I'd love to explain it to you. Before you call me a shill I think you'd be interested to see how one of us actually thinks, plans and feels.
Very effective user, you've saved Europa.
Perhaps, but with the way the story ends with the destruction of all the white people, I highly doubt it.
imagine glowing this brightly
we created the "braaaap meme" so...
I dont work for the CIA nigger I work for the GOP
>We should talk on discord. I'd love to explain it to you. Before you call me a shill
>> Come on Discord
>> Before you call me a shill
Fucking Pottery.
You're talking to one of the few heeb anons that actually works in politics as more than just a shitposting shill. I've been on this website since 2007, probably since before you were old enough to twiddle your dick to traps on /b/. I love this board more than you will ever know. It is this website that gave me the passion to enter politics.
Hey dude I work for aipac, how much are you being paid there.
Well what else do you recommend we talk on. I'd be happy to converse with you in anyway you are comfortable with.
Let's see. This thread has 83/300 posts. I'd say... Here. These threads last hours after all. But it may be harder for you to get our IPs of course!
Hello fellow heebposter. I make shit now but I'm pretty young I'm not even 25. I'm moving to DC soon to take a better position, I'm a bit hesitant to post my pay, I know other AIPAC kikes browse here, I'm afraid they will use that info to figure out who I am.
Why would I want your IP? I could give less of shit as to who you are.
I was gonna say Israeli jews on here are way better than American jews. You fucked it up, niggers.
they're attempting normalization. they know from the memeflag experience that they can't pass, so this is plan B. and tbqh if anyone has the life experience to prepare themselves for the persistent insults they'll get every time they try to contribute (thanks nagging jewish mothers), it's the kikes. it'll be a long road but maybe they'll get there in a decade, on the off chance this board exists then.
Get you friend I asked only because I thought you are a low tier shitposter.
Aren't we all honking my fellow memer
It’s fun knowing what you goys are up to. Gives us new ideas on how to subvert
This is mein neger. I told him to join in. This thread Is the most fun I've had in a fat minute. He is a kike aswell
Where are you from in the holy land I'll be visiting again this June.
I'm a settler in Hebron. Where have you been to in your previous visits
Jews are the most triggered because they have to pay people to defend their country online. No one else in the world is that butthurt, except maybe american blacks.
Wow that's deep in the mountains, I hope you exercise your right to self defense and kill some Pale' niggers. I've only ever been to Haifa, Jerusalem, and Tel' Aviv. I'm hoping to spend alot more time sight seeing this time. I really want to go to the Golan Heights.
Ya that's why you are here bitching about how terrible the Jews have made your life on the internet. Me and the other kikes on this board are having a fun little convo while you and the other goys seem to be the only ones upset.
Honestly if Israeli IPs posted more this board would probably turn into a warzone of paranoia.
Because they know that everything they post
>Cuz we run da world whiteboi
They get guaranteed 30 (yous) from retards like in the OP pic. Theres probably a few In this very thread. You feed them the attention and they come here to get it. Like pidgins coming for Gregg's crumbs. Stop feeding their low effort trolling