Every single thread is filled with people blaming trump for everything, the same bullshit every single time...

every single thread is filled with people blaming trump for everything, the same bullshit every single time. comes off like a coordinated effort to kill support for the president and the retards who eat it up and parrot the same lines are not helping

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Other urls found in this thread:




Trump killed his own fucking support. I only voted for him and VOCALLY supported him for the entirety of the election cycle so he could deport hispanics but now he's got his surrogates saying me and people like me weren't an important part of his base. Fuck that. We were the CORE of his base.

Fuck Trump. Biggest waste of my energy ever.

We've imported nearly 5% of the total population of Honduras since he took office. Trump is a useless fucking cunt.

He's our PRESIDENT we gotta support him guiz!!

Lets go, two smokes

>Ricky memes
Plz moar

Peace. No need for bullshit diversionary wars as long as Daddy Trump remains popular.

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Still in

about to start war with

fucking disgusting mutilated boomer

how about industrial hemp legalization

Fucking cuck sweden, honestly fuck you. You are so fucking far from reality that you actually trust Swedish media and think diversty is good. I hope to god I see you won day and I will beat the living shit out of you, hear that snorting sound from you shoking on your own tounge after I punched your face in so many times. Come to Malmö I beg you socialist cunt, I'll fuck you up.

how about the space force and space command

As an outsider looking in...Id say you tranny baiters are going to use God intended bathrooms at least until 2024

Stop reading the frothing newspaper. Those places barely exist, taking an interest in them lumps you in with them.

how the fuck did you get that from my post? trump is the diversity kike "more legal immigration that ever". you fucking subhuman retard, you are so fucking stupid

I had a boomer tell me non ironically we should team up with Russia to fight the terrorist threat. It's crazy how brain dead they've become.

Trump is basically Reagan - did some good stuff for the economy, but haven't done anything to prevent demographic decay, partially due to the opposition in Congress and partially due to not really caring about it.

that's been a neocon kike bulletpoint since forever

gas yourself

>space force
>government has no way into space
Probably not a accomplishment that will go down in history.

Its the shill army.
Been this way since 2016.
Just drop redpills.
Like this gem:
If gender is socially constructed then being gay is not immutable and thus not protected under discrimination law.

how about gorsuch and kavanaugh

thats still less delusional than teaming up with the terrorist state of israel

Muhammed. Go home.

Don’t drag Ricky into your fucky bullshit, guy.

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PLEASE come to Malmö, I will fucking kill you dirty fucking vänster cunt, Trump has done far more good than bad for the US, Obama was retarded. Trump wants educated immigrants if that's the case, they come there in the legal way. Look at Sweden, we take in every fucking ISIS fighter and they claim to be 16 whilst they actually are 35, but we are not allowed to do a simple teeth check that would tell us everything about their age. I will kill you fucking SJW virgin. Come anyday this week I'm free.

>comes off like a coordinated effort to kill support for the president
Welcome to Jow Forums newfag.
Now leave.





great he appointed some neocon judges. definitely could be a lot worse but really nothing earth shattering. all this kike trump has done is slow down a few aspects of the jew world order, he hasn't done shit to reverse anything they've been doing for the last 100 years

how about ending the individual mandate

>every single thread is filled with people blaming trump for everything,
Blaming Trump for the failures that are entirely his fault.

We've imported nearly 5% of the total population of Honduras since he took office. Trump is a useless fucking cunt.
We've imported nearly 5% of the total population of Honduras since he took office. Trump is a useless fucking cunt.
We've imported nearly 5% of the total population of Honduras since he took office. Trump is a useless fucking cunt.


Im a low IQ beach nigger and even I know you are either ignorant or telling lies on purpose.

skjut dig själv din jävla hora du är helt dum i huvudet. jävla horunge. islam och judaism borde illegaliseras och hjärndöda babianer som du kan utvisas med dom

its just a meme .. until it becomes reality

Firstly, based, sadly.
Secondly, this guy, is retarded. It's embarrassing that he couldn't even understand someone from his own country.

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Those are liberal shills, OP. Now you know how to identify them and call them out.

based poster

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Det var inte det du skrev din äckliga lilla sosse, om du tycker trump är felet är du helt jävla dum i huvudet, vadå så Clinton skulle vinna eller? Det fanns inget bättre alternativ ditt dumma fanskap, tror 100% att du röstade på sossarna eller MP, hoppas hela din familj blir våldtagen av muslimer, själv slåss jag emot dom dagligen i Malmö. Fega fan.

how about pumping millions into stopping human trafficking

I went to his rallies. I chanted "wall for Israel, immigration in highest numbers ever" with everyone else. idk what everyone is mad about. hes done all hes set out to do.

Trump accelerated the demographic trajectory in citation of business interests. "We want them (Mexicans) to come here legally." "We need the workers."

I don't even know if Hilary would have been worse at this point! I always assumed "Republicans suck but way better than Dems," but at this point, what the fuck!

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Being this braindead, I know a kike jew Swede when I see one, and OP is just that.

efterblivna jävla idiot. gå tillbaka till skolan och lär dig engelska, du fattar inte ett skit.

jävla dumma fanskap, ja rösta på clinton eller trump, duktiga jävla goyim, välj bland våran kontrollerad opposition. om du fortfarande stödjer trump så är du precis lika hjärndöd som dom som röstade på clinton, trump är lika jävla dålig som bush och obama, jävla idiot


Vart bor du, jag kommer till dig så kan vi snacka om det.

i've been here for over 15 years

är du full eller? du kan inte ens hålla koll på vem som startade tråden

>help the groupthink isnt on my preferred side

jag bor i stockholm din jävla efterblivna tuffis

Samma åsikt.

Äckliga 08a klart du inte ser problemet med muslimer vi har idag, malmö är ett äckligt jävla skithål pga eran o bryssels politik, hoppas du tar livet av dig väldigt snart

not an argument

OP isn't a Swede, bro.

jag sa precis att islam borde bli olagligt i sverige

antar att du har tagit emot för många slag i huvudet för att kunna förstå någonting. väldigt tragist. jag tycker synd om dig och din familj och vad som har hänt med malmö, och resten av landet


So Sopranos is fair game but not TPB? I see potential for a whole new wave of memes

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this shit should be bannable. it's an english speaking board you fucking tranny faggots. go suck off an african invader

It's almost like this is the first presidential election you've been aware of or something.

All the same, he has failed to deliver on quite a lot of stuff he campaigned on as well as giving ground to gun control.

go suck your own mutilated cock you kike lover

Fuck off faggot, go suck some more mexican dick you fat fucking shit

Trump will win 2020 and the shills will howl in fury again. I can't wait.

σkάσε σkατομαλάkα, παλιοπούστη τριkάργιολε kοπρίτη γαμιόλη, σταμάτα να ρουφάς kαβλιά kαι να τρως μπέργkερ ασταμάτητα

We know.


it's just stupid to see every single thread devolve into TRUMP JEW NEOCON KIKE ISRAEL when it's very clearly a bunch of fucking trannies doing this shit and weakminded retards falling for it

>i'm the kike lover
>lives on the continent where it's illegal to question the holocaust

duh OP the shills are going all out to get everyone against Trump.

Literally nobody is falling for it though. Trump's support continues to rise even though the trannies and JIDF and ShareBlue all keep posting in a big circle jerk.

They know he has 2020 in the bag, too.

Trump is winning Bigly.

Sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

>Shills get a 600pt drop and try to turn it into a narrative

Reality- $500B trade deficit with China is not sustainable for making a country great again. Trump is killing the game kids. Takes on 2 adversaries at the same time. Sanction Iran, Tariff China and shut off China oil faucet (Iran). So USA takes a little dip in the market, nice buying opportunity actually. Making new trade deals, replacing China as a trading partner quickly. Oh and what can China do??? Hope and pray a Democrat SHILL gets elected in 2020 to sell USA out again. Trump only needs to win again in 2020 and China and Iran are finished.

A certain FISA release may all but secure Trump victory. Especially when the heads start rolling (hi obama & co.) That and any other exposure of the left; their crimes, deceit and lies to the American people.

I think you will be alright. I think the truth is coming. And in this case the Democratic Party absolutely cannot handle the truth. God bless, Godspeed

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>trump turns out to be a lying jew slave politician like the rest of them

>be shocked people don't accept it

been two years and he has been fighting the commies the whole time... you are either a shill or retarded if you think that you can tell israel to fuck off and get a wall built in two years
stop falling for the kikery

>be a literal monkey
>come online and tell lies
>it has no effect in the polls
>continue to do it

it's legal to question the holocaust in sweden. although, if trump has anything to say about it, it will soon be illegal, he signed that kike law that says that it should be illegal to question the holocaust in europe

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>muh GDP growth
>muh unemployment
The Eternal Boomer strikes again.

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Trump killed his support when he fired bannon. I knew he would suck kike dick and do nothing drastic like we needed him to do

This is actually a shill the story of trump staff saying we werent a big part of the base literally just came out a second ago. I sense coordinated effort

>it's just stupid to see every single thread devolve into TRUMP JEW NEOCON KIKE ISRAEL

Well, it's pretty well what's happening even if you refuse to believe it.

>be pic related
>seethe and literally shake when people see through Jewish tricks

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bannon was also philosemitic retard. but at least he also wanted american populism and nationalism, something that liar trump obviously doesnt give a shit about

First post best post

sadly fpbp

based black nigger

every time you see those iq charts posted remember that whatever they say you are still way more intelligent than all the dumb disgusting unrepentant migatards

i actually get called an antisemite fairly frequently when i talk politics but continue believing that everyone in america loves israel and jews, retard

supreme court

Haha literally shaking.
Trump is a genius.

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how is a swede more understanding of the US political situation than most boomers here? will they ever stop buying into conservatives vs. le libtards and adopt a 3rd position?

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he will never ever arrest the murderous traiterous witch, because he is a lying narcissistic kike who doesn't give a shit about you or america

We have a majority non-white population but a white economic ruling class, guess which class someone who is fluent in multiple languages belongs to?

Not everyone in America is a jewslave cuck, but supporting Trump at this point is a sign of being one after he has lied about practically everything and answers to Israel.

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ok boomer

I don't really like Trump, but I did and will probably vote for him again...

Two words... Clinton... Biden.
(Really only one word.. Clinton owns Biden. Plan on another "Dream Team - Biden with Clinton as VP...and then he'll step aside as ordered)

Really though. The Democrats were and will remain damaged goods, pariahs as long as they don't remove their atrocity of gay marriage. It's not a request.

the only way a real awakening can happen is if the optics cuckoldry stops, the prime directive must always be truth

Did you just get here?
Shills want to ruin this place, expect it to be shat up all the way to the 2020 election.

I was on the Trump train vehemently for the past two years. I just can't do it any more.

its not that drumpf supporters are jew slaves, its just that they cant comprehend being taken advantage of by a foreign parasite country like Israel
blissful ignorance

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Why do you as a non boomer have any faith in boomers? Are you a mouth breather? Did you ride the short bus to school?

>trump is the diversity kike "more legal immigration that ever"
he didn't say where he wanted that immigration to come from, did he?
I would be glad to have immigrants come in larger numbers than ever, AS LONG AS THEY ARE NORTHERN/WESTERN EUROPEAN.

You obviously haven't met many Evangelicals. Most of my family are. They're more than happy to be Israel's lapdog: eager even.

let me ask you this, if you have the time: how would you save America (or salvage, depending on your view)?
is there any hope without a total collapse?

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'tis a shame

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Jeb Bush would have done all of those things you fucking retards.

I had high hopes for him too. If he had stopped illegal immigration as promised it would have paved the way for us doing the same. Instead he sent his goblina Jew ambassador to fight for the rights of illegal haitian invaders.

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i have no faith in boomers, i just dont know what to do with them