Would you make this man king of America?
Would you make this man king of America?
I'd make him king of Israel.
Nah he's God Emperor of all of Earth.
He's already the king of my heart. I wish he was my father.
I hope he has a heart attack soon. Tired of this israel first bullshit
king, no
would i keep electing him until he was too old or didnt want to do it... yes
term limits are backwards, president should keep getting elected as long as people vote for him... congress should be the ones with term limits.... they are the ones fucking everything up with their backdoor deals and lobbyist money. then obstructing everything for 30 years at a time... fuck them
Fuck no. Most MIGA tier boomer there is. We put our faith in a false prophet
dude.... its been two years.... if you think you can just go 1488 and walk away from everything you are a fucking moron.... stop letting the kikes fill your head with stupid
second term is where the lol train will run rampant... dont be an impatient nigger
We already did user , we already did.
He has chosen by heaven ,
say his name when you prayer.
To the skies, see Barron rise
Go back to R/the_cuckold
reee two years and he hasnt disowned israel reeee
you are so short sighted and ignorant it hurts
or your just a shill like the rest of your buddies goin super hard today
either way you are being retarded
Yes and other anons need to start thinking in this direction. This scenario is basically our only hope for saving America and the West, short of a bloody civil war to establish the same.
nope, more like king of the kikes.
Warrior kings only. Trump is better suited for the current political climate, but with no singular religion to form a theocracy, ere go, no "divine right", a warrior king that takes the throne by conquest is the only feasible option.
kys you dumb cuck
The worst POTUS since FDR
Israel is America's adult child. King of American == King of Israel.
Are implying its impossible for someone to get fed up with Trump, and must be a shill? I voted for him in the primary and general, and am thankful the witch lost, but Trump has been a colossal let down. I'll probably vote for him again but come on man, no need to worship the ground he walks on.
No. Why would I want to do that?
Nah, only one man is fit to lead.
>Thinking your opinions matter one fucking bit
Literally who?
No. Memes asside he's a fucking idiot. A sadist. Bases his positions off of his easily influenced idiotic base. Bad at business and economics. Absolutely retarded on climate change. Also a neo con
Found a familiar of Pete Buttplueg.
True words.
A second term means true victory over the democrats. It will be over for the next 4 decades. Trump will rule earth.
After him America would have Jewish dynasty.
>actually believing lefty climate change talking points
Oh sweetie.....
America was founded out of hatred of Kings. I don't care how great a leader is, no Kings, dictators, or "glorious leaders"
Haven't we blow you idiots the fuck out already in the other threads?