Getting married in 2019 is the biggest risk you can take , and should be avoided.
Getting married in 2019 is the biggest risk you can take , and should be avoided
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No different from saying that going all in with a high 3 is the biggest risk you can take. Poor decisions lead to poor outcomes. Make good decisions, marry a great woman.
Don't marry a western woman. Find yourself a trad Asian qt instead, and you should be good to go. Marriage is still an option just choose wisely and avoid pic related. Avoid women that have been indoctrinated by Western degeneracy and Cultural Marxism.
>don't marry a nonwhite
>don't marry an uneducated woman
Problem solved
Stop slouching.
>just racemix bro
gotta hand it to women: theyve done everything in their power to redpill men. at some point the responsibility falls on men to heed the message theyre spreading far and wide.
>marry your own race no matter how degenerate
Enjoy getting cucked
I'm not in the picture.
Lauren Sangster is in the picture.
Stop acting like you don't like breasts.
It would be fine if the pay off were worth the risk, but that is not the case today. You take large risk, and the reward if it actually pays off is that you get to be enslaved to an annoying roastie whore for the rest of your life. There is zero reason to be married or cohabitate with a female in the current year.
>some point the responsibility falls on men to heed the message theyre spreading
How do you propose they do that?
Marry traditional women outside their race, country, and/or culture?
Propose that men just don't marry at all and refuse to have kids?
Propose the implementation of a white Western Christian form of Sharia law?
College-educated females are the lowest quality females though.
That's up for every man to decide for himself. But putting your life in a woman's hands is clearly not the answer. Also, foreign women are still WOMEN.
Nice to Quora doing the Reddit slide.
>all women are degenerate go- i mean bro
You never went to a good school did ya bud
You would need to gain permanent residency in a country that does not allow no-fault divorce and be married there. Phillipines is the only country that still has some form of traditional marriage afaik.
Then there's a precipitous drop among with Masters and PhDs.
And Masters and PhD females are even lower quality than females with BS or BA. Female quality is inversely proportional to education level.
>Make good decisions, marry a great woman.
Never been in an relationship before user?
You stink like blue-pill.
Women thread?
the more educated, the more neurotic, and the less fertile.
literally the only point to put up with a broad in your life is to breed. bitch better put out; and squeezing out 1.3 autist in your 40s does not get you a consolation prize; if thats your goal you might as well just outright kill yourself right now.
>yfw the reason a woman's voice is worth half that of a man is because there's a 50/50 chance she's lying
You're being too generous there user.
I'm known as the asexual guy by my peers.
even some female friends vouched for me before I'm not interested in any sexual relationship (even though that's not true).
I had 2 girlfriends so far, however after a couple years it just ended, because sex is the glue that keeps a relationship together.
I'll probably die alone without kids.
Thinking about this outcome, I'm honestly not sure if I want this.
And the more I think about it, the more I don't care if the girl I will once have loved divorces me
as long as the kids we might have are actually mine and she allows us to have a good relationship.
In the coming years A LOT of women/girls are going to end up in basements, just sayin'.
"Looking to put down roots" LMAO
divorce rates have just been sky rocketing.
its something like more than 80% of all marriages in the US end in divorce.
Are you kidding woman?
jesus, that's way too well written to have happened. it's like all the books on womens psychology, behaviour and rationalizing that i've ever read compiled to just a few pages
>wh*te women
>"Marriage and divorce are both common experiences. In Western cultures, more than 90 percent of people marry by age 50. Healthy marriages are good for couples’ mental and physical health. They are also good for children; growing up in a happy home protects children from mental, physical, educational and social problems. However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher."
Just watched my brother go through hell. His wife (school teacher, white, masters degree) cheated on him with a black guy, divorced him and has been trying to take him for everything he has. His offense? Not paying enough attention to her.
Anecdotally, white women seem to be the worst.
Please do post more stories like these, I love reading them.
>Amerikikes in charge of ethnic purity
Living, breathing parody.
paternity testing should be mandatory at the hospital
I'm not a big fan of marriage but 90% of dudes who get cucked are simply dipshits with low standards who don't properly vet a girl before deciding she isn't a ho
Fpbp my ancestor
Holy shit, has it gotten that bad?
If you're too dumb to know you married a whore, then I have no pity on you.
Women don't suddenly cheat, it's a meme.
She was a whore when you met her, and your dumbass thought that your dick was someone a special one to her holes.
Getting married is more cucked than having a daughter
Isn't there a statistic floating around that 5% of all children aren't related to their father? Mandatory paternity tests would be fucking hilarious.
>still pays child support
That ain't a happy ending
>Getting married in 2019 is the biggest risk you can take , and should be avoided.
You're only fucked if you try to get your children aborted since that gives the woman the legal upper hand.
here's my guess about what happened: her husband either tried to get her to kill her children and/or got a vasectomy and thus can't get her knocked up and she's cheating so she can get a/another kid.
That man likely deserves to be cheated on.
More like obese
I got married 9 years ago at age 24. No problems. Two kids. She’s mostly a stay at home mom now with a part time job that requires about 20 hours a week three quarters of the year.
Marry a Christian girl who’s a virgin. Things will work out fine if you both make an effort to make faith an essential part of your marriage.
I wonder how much the blacks tank the highschool or less stat
>tfw virgin gf
>together for 2 years
>planning on marrying
>hates certain groups of people and degeneracy while also not being a christcuck
>grew up in a normal household with a good father who's a bro to me and a nice mom
>mother instinct because of small siblings
bros I don't want it to end
my first relation ship was a fucking trainwreck
I don't want to feel it again, only magnified by 200x
a lot of shit made me blackpilled on all of this
Shut up pussy.
You have no shot at a wife.
The odds of getting a bad one is like 3% and that's if you're a boneheaded loser.
Get a family
Have kids
>The odds of getting a bad one is like 3%
ok wow nah lmao
Jesus christ if this is true...
now imagine if that camera wasn't there.
did she leave an email address?
Yeah, that's why the divorce rate is over 50%
Roastie detected.
>Don’t breed bigots
>I mean goy
>I mean fellow white people
Stay a fucking loser forever then. I'm done trying to help you beatoffs.
You're afraid of your own shadow.
The world is passing you by.
You are the first generation that threw in the towel after 50,000 years, just because making a commitment is scary.
RIP your bloodline, faggot. I dont care.
I have 3 sons and married for 12 years.
I see you kids on here talking with. Your heads up your ass. You have no clue what life is about. You're obsessed with shines banging your women for some reason and don't even try to pick them up and make them stick around.
Not even a 3rd of the amount of marriages like before...
You don't understand statistics and you're forever afraid of being a man
Are you not a native english speaker because man I can't even register what you're saying
Are you sure they're yours? You seem awful bitter
The shitheads that OP the drivel in the catalogue post too. You spot what people are by asking yourself why they say what they say not by flags or anything else.
That’s what the big lurk is about, learning what’s going on.
the statistics i've seen are way higher than 5%
If i was him i would have just moved countries and not paid her. Or have hired a better lawyer.
>You have no clue what life is about.
I make my own accomplishments and life, instead of pounding out a few kids (which anyone can do) and hoping one of them is worth something.
You're an ugly woman trying to convince the men here to pay attention to you
i barely understand what youre saying but if the rate of marriage is much lower than it used to be while divorces are at record highs then that doesnt help your argument
Niggers and women don't understand percentages.
women are retards and they should be under Sharia Law!
Why don’t they EVER name the woman?
I've never understood how people have such trouble with basic statistics.
Murder suicide
Why not just have an open relationship where you get to fuck other girls?
I have no idea how roasties do this. When I 18 my period was a couple days late and I was scared I was pregnant even though I was on the pill and he used a condom. I got so attached to even the slightest idea that I might have a baby inside of me that a small part of me was disappointed that there was no baby to begin with. Even though my boyfriend at the time was a complete fuckup and I was in no place to raise a baby I still got an instinct and "bonded" instantly to the hypothetical pregnancy. I know this is all probably just a result of my autism but I have no clue how emcels don't feel motherly instinct.
More like this please
because you'll both quickly decide you don't need each other and you'll end up paying alimony
That's what you have to do no matter what.
probably because you're a man larping as a woman.
kys roastie
plot twist: they are all turbowhores? nice girls are better at hiding it, you retard
Cope harder.
You have guys here actually trying to give you real advice.
They have distorted your perception beyond repair.
It's not difficult, and you get out of it 10 fold what you put in.
Family life is the ultimate in happiness and serenity. You will luve on forever.
I mean, you still have to do the work and instill values in your kids.
Literally as we type, I have 2 of my boys helping me cut wood for a fire and till for new grass seed.
It's pure bliss.
Don't fall victim to the trap.
They want you kid less alone and a failure.
Your job means nothing if you have nothing to pass down
>You're an ugly woman trying to convince the men here to pay attention to you
tits or gtfo, whore roastie degenerate scum. i'd sooner fuck my neighbors cat. cat has more morals and more loyalty
Look at my fucking flag dude, there's nothing worth preserving. (((They))) have already won.
I'll probably kill myself before I turn 40 anyway
Lmao don't take it too personally. The statistics on marriage make it look like a terrible deal. Marriage in principle is good, but the laws around it have made it untenable for most. You can have kids without a legal marriage, and have a happy monogamous relationship with a permanent partner without marriage.
IMO the way catholic marriage is handled works well: at the church level, the consequence of divorce is ostricization from the community.
Everyone agrees a two parent household is better, ideally with both a father and mother figure. People just don't like the 'wife takes all' legal status of contemporary marriage.
Pretty much describes my wife. She is pretty anti social and was a virgin when we met. We now have been married 12 years, have 2 kids with a 3rd on the way, fuck just about every night, and love each other just as if we just started dating. Take the leap my friend, its worth it.
>It's not difficult, and you get out of it 10 fold what you put in.
all my money, fucked. all my free time fucked. all my hobbies? gone. everything gone... whee is the tenfold back part?
>I even pretended that I didn't care when he found out about my relationship with the guy from work. It really destroyed me inside to see him holding back tears, but I wasn't going to let him see that
Post-hoc rationalization.
>Isn't there a statistic floating around that 5% of all children aren't related to their father?
lmao try 20-30%
I'm not joking.
There used to be some kind of tests done in science classes in highschool that most schools stopped doing because so many children were finding out their dad wasn't their real dad.
>Your job means nothing if you have nothing to pass down
You know except the money I make to survive
You can take your retarded false platitudes, and shove them up your ass.
Know all that sex tourism between ex pats and random flip thots?
100% of those girls are cucking a native man at home, no exceptions.
shit like that happens all the time. Women think that men that want to fuck them at work will also be willing to marry and be stepfathers to their children. They realize quickly how unwanted they are besides for an occasional fuck very soon after.
I personally believe there should be no divorce allowed in any case since when you get married you clearly state UNTIL DEATH DO US APART! People really need to start taking oaths seriously. No divorce, no separation, no living in different houses for more than 6 months out of the year. This will make people think real hard before getting married.
It was almost certainly written by a man.
Cherish her user. Cherish and protect her. Some of us can't even dream to have what you've got anymore.
tits or gtfo
>>tfw virgin gf
Judging by divorce statistics for multiple partner slits, that's as ideal as it will get in terms of faithfulness.
Fool me once, shame on you.
t. roastie
>pick them up