Turn on Fox News

> Turn on Fox News
> "Palestinians collaborated with Hitler to deny safe passage to Jews in WWII!"
> Turn off Fox News

Why the FUCK are Americans so obsessed with Israel? I thought the memes on here were exaggerated nut I've been here for TWO weeks yet have heard Israel mentioned in public 30 times +

t. Latvian on vacation.

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>watching cable news

The average age of cable news viewers is 60+ m8

Because isreal is our little pet project

Smart Americans don't watch TV, the dumb ones do. Do you see the difference?
Israel is a containment zone.

Fox news is just as bad as cnn & msnbc imo

It sounds more like you're the pet.

Because white christians are a big part of america

are cash cows for jewish bankers

you do know this right

America is fucking GONE

Also just some general observations -

Been here 2 weeks will be here 3 more traveling to California.

New York City
> Most claustrophobic smelly place I've ever been. It's how I pictured countries like India.

Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
> Very fun bars and friendly people
> Women who dig the accent plentiful
> Very welcoming

Columbus, Ohio
> Gross people
> Fuck this place

Americans aren't, you fucking retard. Who owns the media? Gee, that was a tough mystery to solve.

I have no idea, Jews seem to be the most important people in America at this point lol.

Go to Stockton California, it's very safe and beautiful user

>Smart Americans don't watch TV, the dumb ones do. Do you see the difference?

Ah. That explains why rightwingers are all glued to their TVs.

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Lol this

Why are you in Columbus?

Don't listen to this heeb Stockton is one of the most dangerous city's in Cali

Is this your observation because you know a lot of right wingers or something you intimated from your social media buddies?

because the jews control the media

A lot of them (mainly evangelicals) have been tricked into thinking that Jews are their best friends. Idk how it happened I've only been around for 25 years.

lol ahmed BTFO
fox getting the boomers all riled up

Just stopping by for the night

Wanna hang out?

I wouldn’t be go to Columbus I’d my life depended on it

Israel is based

everyone is waking up about the jews and the globalists so the kikes are going all in


the media is owned by the jew hense the jew worship, americans see through that and are ready to burn them all at the stake.

Treat Fox or MSM like a shill post. SAGE and move on.