Most young White women have a deep seated resentment towards white men viewing them as oppressors. They identify for more with POC than their male peers. Honestly most of them just hate us and want bad things to happen to us. This is the mindset of the typical GenZ white woman. It seems like at least on a social and political level all women are deeply resentful against us and want to us in pain. Why are they like this? I just wanted a GF to love me.
Why are young women so hateful and resentful towards white men these days?
Fucking KYS you Indian British spammer. India has a average penis size of 3 inches and a IQ if 83.
these are all from stupid city dwelling faggots.... get out of the city if you want to find normal people. that dont repeat all this stupid braindead shit...
white men and asian women are at the top of the charts for what everyone else is looking for
stop falling for this nobody wants white men meme... its bullshit
It's a combination of victim mentality (which only manifests in left wing beliefs, shocker) and constant anti-white, anti-Male propaganda from the media and those in (((power))). They genuinely believe whites are the problem while ignoring literally every other facet of how the world works. They're also likely to adopt socialism beliefs, because their attitudes and life skills are often so disturbingly awful. It's the same kind of person shouting "capitalism has failed" while working as a barista at a Starbucks. The modern liberal is an actual parasite on America, but since so many Jews and leftists are in power theres nothing anyone can do about it.
I dont like the idea of it, but I genuinely think our only option is to move out of the country. Because these fucks will only get more and more power as society is dumbed down and whittled into sheep
Poo in loo natural habitat
What a filthy “people”. When will OP leave the UK and go back to his homeland
Stop posting this thread limey
Whenever the British browncel post one of these threads, just say
>shoo shoo poo in loo
Pic is OP before he moved to Britain
Seems fucked
Maybe on Twitter but I have literally never encountered this in my daily life.
Its the holocaust.
We must attack the holocaust with every truth we have found viciously and aggressively!
Fucked like Indian women getting fucked by white men
Imagine being a woman living in the US right now and being so stupid that you don’t realize you’re living better than any women who ever walked the planet before you. Retards
These people lack perspective.
She’s right
I really don't get it why american women want their global empire to crumble.
I mean, don't they realize that they rule the world thanks to those men?
It's baffling.
Show flag.
White women are the most privileged class of people to exist, ever. Prove me wrong. If you're not fat you literally have life on easy mode for the first 25ish years give or take
white men not (((white men)))
These bot threads are so tiresome.
It’s a british flag
white men are the minority
domestic AND abroad
"our" government? yeah right... fuck them all
>can live freely
you mean
>can do whatever we want without consequences while white people give us their money
>hate white men
>post clearly say OLD REPUBLICAN white men
>responding to memeflag threads
White people are literally the only humans with redeeming qualities
Because of the same reason why men hate women. Because it makes them feel bad not to have them, so they destroy them and degrade so that it looks like not worthy, which eases the pain of the loss.
Also, in the case of women, because the media and the academia tell them to.
>caring about some dumb on her first periods teenager message
Visit psychiatrist
>Why are they like this?
i have met one literally fucking one "white" dyke that was like this, ever. it seems to only exist in images on the internet or youtube video i have not encountered but one that would say that shit i think she may have been a jew
You have to understand the most important thing in an average woman's life is social approval and most will do anything in order to increase their social status. Right now the leaders in dictating what is socially positive/acceptable, Hollywood and Celebrities, and pushing the anti-white, globalist agenda so naturally that's what women are supporting it.
If in ten years from now stringing blacks from trees becomes a thing again, the women who only dated black guys today will be screaming "Let the niggers hang" if it means improving their social standing.
>the most important thing in an average woman's life is social approval and most will do anything in order to increase their social status
Nailed it like the fucking romans. We are seeing a lot of beta males take on the same mentality probably because they were raised exclusively by women (their single mothers / weak fathers who let the wife wear the pants; mostly female teachers, etc) and thus try to gain social status the same way, not realizing it only makes them look weak thus generally undesirable to women.
Twitter didn’t suspend shit, did they?
>wanting to live freely
>in someone else's house
Niggers gonna nig
>live freely
>with sharia law ruling
Good luck, whore.
Show your flag. Anti-White from White women is a virtue signaling LARP to find easy sex commiserate with the propagandizing they suffocate in.