person notices the real world and gets shamed
Look at this shit
based and niggerpilled
Waking up from postmodernism has to be one fuck of a god damned hangover.
Yes, there's a reason you don't find many lefties in law enforcement, military or security. This extends to retail in or within close proximity to heavy black populations. You can't blissfully assume these people are just under the thumb of the man when you see the reality in person every day.
>5x gold, 5x silver
Looks like many people agree with them.
I cleared my throat at the same time I read this and let out an awkward sounding laugh-cough that caused my coworkers to look up
B A S E D.
Nothing red pills like exposure to niggers
Anyone else here hate niggers who spend their day browsing reddit, and when they find something the think interesting make a thread here about it? almost as bad as the twitter screencap fags
I’m a lefty but not gonna lie I worked at a cruise port store that was very busy. We served cruise ship employees mainly and tourist. The vast majority of customers were Jamaican, Filipino, Indian and eastern euro. The Jamaicans were by the biggest assholes and problem customers for everyone it was just simple fact.
Oh, and emergency medicine. You want to find a red-pilled gf, start chatting up ER nurses.
This is why I never understood the liberal logic of "if you live in a more diverse area you will become more tolerant". In my experience its the exact opposite, living in a city actually made me more prejudiced. It's just impossible to ignore things you see every day.
Can i ask why you think they act like this as a race? Im still on the fence having black friends so im willing to hear other reasons as to why, but literally everywhere you go they are like this.
By far*
no link = fake and gay
Suspicious of bait but still based
poor normies.
they always have to learn the hard way, what we were always telling them.
Not enough self flagellation.
ahahah "most of the time they're aggressive, argumentative, entitled and overall unpleasant to deal with"
I think this person notices it when black people do it and overlooks it when everyone else does, including Jow Forums trolls and assholes of every colour.
fuck its amazing how hypocritical people can be and wow how it exposes their biases.
"don't get me wrong I notice it from all races"
no, you fucking don't.
I used to work at a call centre in Newfoundland doing customer service for a major US cell provider, only we focused on their service aimed at people with lousy credit. That place redpilled the shit out of a lot of newfies, most of whom had never even seen a black person before.
I don’t know but the Jamaicans were quite aggressive about things and would cause problems over trivial things like lotto tickets or prices of stuff. The Filipino people were the kindest people I ever met I have great respect for them Indians were good hard working people too. The eastern euro guys were like annoying at times but in a not bad type of way like staying at store too long or drinking a lot, they weren’t disruptive.
It's because the people saying that don't actually live in diverse areas, they live in homogeneous areas with ethnic restaurants nearby. Really "diverse" areas are pretty rare; people tend to live around other people like them.
he's actually overcompensating by even suggesting briefly that he's "come across horrible customers from all races"
the guy sitting on the stairs in the train station during rush hour, he's black
the guy muttering to himself outside of popeye's, he's black
the guy beating his female companion on the street in daylight, he's black
the drunken belligerent voices moaning at all hours of the night on the main streets, they belong to blacks
there's simply no margin of error, sure chinese can be rude but there's literally 0% overlap in the specific anti-social behavior that blacks monopolize, which in my experience is the most extreme (having lived in 5 countries for at least 1 year each and visited many more)
This is why I cant understand the support for niggers from lefties. Did they not grow up with niggers?
filipinos are based. I have a couple of filipino friends online, can vouch.
the liberals who practice negrolatry are universally from the upper classes and live in peaceful white enclaves and had cushy jobs growing up like working as a lifeguard or caddy at their parents’ club. Nobody who actually has interacted with different races regularly can come away with the idea that we are all the same.
Racial identity says it all really.
Its why other races stick together and we get white guilt traitor fuckwits like
Ghetto culture and perpetually being told they are victims of society as kids. Like spoiled children. Also, their ancestors are not suited to civilized society. These are still nomads at heart. It's much the same with the feathers here in leafland. You can put them in cities and try to stimulate them to make something of themselves but ultimately it doesn't work. Feathers can attend university here FOR FREE. Do they? Rarely. Those who finish a degree even rarer still.
>left wing outlets portray 'right wing indoctrination' as clockwork orange style strapping people down and forcefeeding them hitler speeches
>reality is people redpill themselves in any retail/business environment where they have to interact directly with black people, especially with any money involved
Loving every laugh.
If user wanted to see leddit user would go to leddit.
they got upvotes because the post was self flagellating. Quite literally a confession to the ultimate liberal sin (racism) and self degradation in public as punisment.
This would explain a lot.
Fuck man. I don't know how people can use that shithole of a website. What the fuck does the gold and silver mean? You know what never mind, the only time I will EVER open leddit is it if on a thread, holy fuck that website is literal garbage
Heh. I said the exact same thing when i first started browsing Jow Forums. I think for the most part it still holds true, but its too late for you now once you're here you arent gonna leave without some serious doubts as to your beliefs.
I recommend reading this if you want to dive deeper into negro brain
>this whole post just to talk about how you definitely don’t use that awful, terrible reddit except maybe sometimes
Gold means they gave money to reddit, don’t know what silver means
Go back to Pakistan.
How retarded do you have to be to pass up the Canadian van wilder experience when you don't even have to explain yourself to your dad
Well done. Nice bait, shitposter. Looks like r/etards swallowed.
I think it's a few things. The welfare state has absolutely fucked the culture of the lower classes into the ground. I mean, just absolutely destroyed it. In the US, black illegitimacy rates were lower than whites' were up until the rise of the welfare state and then they shot through the fucking roof. That isn't a racial issue; the same thing happened to white lower-class bongs after WWII. I inherently distrust any argument too far predicated on genetics because we lay people don't understand fuck all about it and even at the bleeding edge there's a ton the pros don't understand, but that said, some pretty compelling evidence seems to suggest that blacks have lower IQs at the population level.
We also go well out of our way to pander to and reward bad behavior. Petty crime is all but decriminalized now in most cities and even violent crime is so poorly suppressed that there's not much incentive to avoid it. The diversity industry thrives on any possible excuse to scream "oppression," it's what they get paid to do. This results in people who grow up in a violent honor-culture being taught that society is out to get them and that any anti-social behavior they commit is therefore de facto morally justified. Meanwhile, on the other side, the non-PC normies (like most of Jow Forums) see the obvious trends of drastically higher black criminality rates and come to simple conclusions like "black = bad." Doesn't have to be the case, but our government and culture are doing everything possible to make it the case because that makes for easily-captured voter demographics on both sides.
Damn imagine the cognitive dissonance. Thank God I was raised in the south by old racists lmao
Correct. They grew up in sheltered white suburbs. They moved to the big city and lived on a college campus with a neighbor who is the one Tyrone from his hood that could read. They eat at an Ethiopian restaurant and listen to kike lectures all day. They avoid the nigger part of town, but pretend it's bad for socioeconomic reasons. A large number of the white people in the red parts of this state are low key some of the most redpilled people in the country. Vermonters don't get what the big deal is because they only see coloreds on tv shows where they are glorified.
It's false advertising for multiculturalism lol
White people are unique in that it's far more socially acceptable to espouse self-hatred because of your race than to espouse pride.
Why don't you go to Reddit so you can have that conversation with the actual OP? It'd be like coming home.
Why didn't they ask Jewish people?
>Hey guys I'm starting to notice the truth
>Don't get me wrong, I know that makes me a terrible person
>But I'm starting to notice the truth
>I hope this doesn't make me seem like an asshole even though I know I am.
>God I'm such a horrible person
>Have you noticed that niggers act like niggers tho?
? ? ?
Thats all it is man.
Their cognitive function is genetically in the gutter.
On top of that they are told they are fucking owed something all the time and fuck whitey.
Holyshit I've never thought of it this way
i was simplying pointing out the trash website design and the jambled mush of people talking about how terrible they are for hating niggers
and yes, when someone makes a thread about a leddit post, i'll read the leddit post
it's okay, maybe one day the owner of leddit will stop selling your information to china
looks like a based post redpilling redditors the only way possible. Protip: if he didnt have all those disclaimers along the way, the reddit mob would downvote it to oblivion instead of reading it.
It's true though, the only time it's socially acceptable to be a cocksucker in the drive through is when your coffee takes too long in the morning, niggers congratulate each other for dabbing on the cashier like it's ok to act like a poorly mannered teenager because wagies aren't real people
Jews are more prone to Response Bias, meaning they'll lie about their answers
Hold on... I've just noticed that post got over 10k upvotes on reddit.
When did the overton window shifted this much on there???
my advice is to return to r*ddit where you and the shitty faggot comment you just made belong.
>my coworkers looked at me because I laughed at the word nigger! teehee
It’s so small...
Being around niggers is the #1 reason for hating niggers. That's what happened to me. That's what's going to happen to all white people as we import in more subhumans.
Any kind of emergency responders (police, firefighters, paramedics, emergency docs), security and social workers turn that way. The last one are really interesting, they still pretend to be on the boat with the left but engage in a conversation longer than 5min with them and you will find out that almost all of them are Jow Forums on steroids just cleverly disguising it.
And let me add on briefly - none of this should have any impact on whether or not you have black friends. Statements that can be correctly applied to populations can be massively incorrect with regard to individual members; it's a probability thing. Pick your friends as individuals once you know them. It's not unreasonable or contradictory to be friends with decent people of any race and still realize that you're in more danger of being mugged by a black stranger than an Asian stranger. Populations =/= individuals.
Based and slowly red-pilled
Nice spacing reddit nigger, wish Tarrant had put 50 holes in you instead for being this retarded.
i honestly think most white people are already pretty racist, but won't really admit it. when i was in college, i heard "don't invite black people to the party" quite a lot, because people were worried they would steal shit from the house. and most people use the words "bad neighborhood" or "sketchy" as codeword for black. even when living in the city and working at a business office, i could tell that most of the white people were consciously aware of race
People do tend to think most other people are like them and think like them. It’s why white people are so shocked when blacks chimp out or attack unprovoked.
They only interact with minorities in college, which is not a representative sample
I would agree for the most part. But especially recently ive noticed how, no matter the circumstances, they always turn out the same. Here in london its actually impressive how well second generation africans mirror african americans in their degenerate culture, only thing thats slightly different is the way in which they desecrated the english language. In france ive heard they are only worse, and across europe the trend remains. In south africa, in zimbabwe after the fall of rhodesia, just a load of chimping out.
either way black immigration has no success stories, and its something thats gonna have to stop before we make europe like africa
>And let me add on briefly - none of this should have any impact on whether or not you have black friends. Statements that can be correctly applied to populations can be massively incorrect with regard to individual members; it's a probability thing. Pick your friends as individuals once you know them. It's not unreasonable or contradictory to be friends with decent people of any race and still realize that you're in more danger of being mugged by a black stranger than an Asian stranger. Populations =/= individuals.
>black friends
True. I just realized it's not the case in my late 20s
hes ashamed that he realised he hates niggers
fucking faggot
>Im still on the fence having black friends
To score some virtue signaling points?
Nothing, go have your black friends and find out for yourself
Cause they're niggers
Actually reading through the thread it seems a few people even on reddit are getting redpilled on blacks
>Man starts waking up from the matrix
The agents are going to make sure he doesn't leave though.
kek. i live in the blackest part of london. Having black friends is pretty inevitable, i just wish we had kept to our seperate pieces of land.
i don't even hate even nogs any more, I hate the wealthy white cucks that enable them
I hate privileged white shitlibs so much I unironically hope the commissar Cletus/commissar jamal meme comes true one day
did someone from here try to subtly redpill leddit
i prefer to jew ledditors than redpill them for example i go to leftist subreddits and make pro-cuckholdry statements
i sometimes go to region based subbreddits and make comments supporting diversity and mass migration
The only objective answer is poor mental health. Blacks are more genetially prediposed to mental instability & agitation, but they are also significantly less likely to have a proper diet.
When people see Blacks, they assume their behavior is congenital, and that's why it's a neverending issue.
There isn't such a thing as a "nigger gene", you will see all sorts of races act like niggers, and the most common thing among them is poverty.
Yeah, take people the majority of whom are at a genetic disadvantage when it comes to navigating modern society and cater to their worst possible impulses while castigating anyone trying to stop you, and that's what you end up with.
no, because it happen gradually. But otherwise I liked your comparison
what the hell is this
Checked and was probably some user from here triggering Redditors, surprised it was taken down for hate speech
Why do you think "they live" is such a classic here?
Worked in the service industry for a long time, it is so true. I worked last at a coffee shop though that also sold sammiches and salads and whatnot, so a step up from McDonald's. The interesting twist is that instead of more loud/violent behavior such as our little redditor faggot friend experienced, it was more subdued in a way. They knew they couldn't go full QUEEN in a said environment but I still rolled my eyes and began monitoring my breathing as soon as I saw a black woman come in. Why? They always, always had to have some special shit done with anything and everything they ordered. NEVER just a normal menu salad, always some dumbass mods. And then after placing the dumbass order, like %80 of the time they just happened to remember something else so we would have to stop and edit the order so as to not forget. And ofcourse, you guessed it, over half the time it was wrong. Honestly I think it's a self esteem thing. They know they are low on the esteem totem pole, so they constantly feel they need to make everyone they can stop and bother with them because NO I'M A QUEEN. Honestly my take and holy Fuck I'm glad I'm out of the industry.
its fucking abos, and some upper class white liberal who tries to pretend like their music is beautiful. You go from the great skill and beauty of a good piano player with a nice voice, to literal wailing and banging sticks. The situation is so absurd even the aboriginals crack up.
Ive never thought of it this way but you are probably right
My brother was a server and would pay a black hostess extra not to seat black people in his section. It got to the point where he had to cut back on this because the restaurant looked segregated.
this is a good post
This is a beautiful example of the blending of two amazing cultures. Both are equally impressive and don't you dare say otherwise white man.