Why do young Indian women hate Indian men? What is causing this phenomenon? Young Indian women are relatively leftist but they overwhelmingly seek white men for dating and marriage over Indian men. How can us Indian bois even compete
Why do young Indian women hate Indian men and love white men
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I want a poojeta so bad
They usually go for white so just find one
me too man
Snowniggers are ugly thats why the white race is dying.
White women don't want to fuck wrinkly old looking albinos who look like they were born in the 19th century.
Everything about snowflakes has always been about their insecurities with their women and how they have the most recessive genes out of all the races on the planet.
Found the triggered British browncel
Me too. When the Poos come here and try to praise themselves as “the other kind of peaceful non-mudslime based shitskin” all I think about is their sisters and then I find some hairy indian girl porn. Their women dont shave and its hot as fuck. I pounded one in college but she was a whore, got passed around the b-ball team who I dormed next to. And their food is good too.
You are jealous that you were not born with pure Aryan Master Race blood, yet you dare post with the flag of National Socialism. Your day will come, mark my words
It’s the British brown cell faggot that spams the why are white bois so undesired, why do young white girls hate white bois, I live in a hwhite part of bongland threads
No Indian women here.
Am I missing out?
Dicklet Shitskin detected. Your women deserve BWC. Holy shit imagine a Poo cuck watching you with a Poo girl. Damn, gotta make that happen.
There's so many hot Indian girls where I live. Probably gonna get one
>t. absolutely assblasted whiteboi
Wanna see us breed your women again? When's Rotherham 2.0 Rollin'?
Score. Do the hindoo family cause problems or are they cucked?
Poo features are really hard to breed out. Even at 1/8 Indian they can still have a swarthy complexion, weird pointed hooking nose, and black bushy eyebrows.
Where the hell did you even hear that? Post a single reliable source that says sand nigger vagina-havers yearn for firm white dicks to bleach their upcoming generations?
Capped for the next time Pakis bomb you and you cry and kiss white ass. You and them are the same who drug and rape kids and brag about it. We wait until your women are grown up, then we allow them to suck our cocks. Subhumans like you cant distinguish.
>assuming a muttposter is white
He said poos, not sandniggers, it’s already known that most Persian women and whatever love white men. I’ve worked with so many and they’ve all been married to or in relationships with white men. I’m sure it’s the same for poos of course, but poos/pakis have a huge arranged marriage culture that runs like a business, so that’s probably what bars a lot of it.
because they can take the plane now
>liking poos
how can we get one?
Based poos desu
Most loyal to their own after Whites
Go on a holiday there and find a poor one. Her family will sell her for cheap. Then just do the paperwork.
prefer a brahmin caste qt instead.
jonas bros are part native tho..
i have an extremely qt online indian gf and she hates indian guys, and especially hates niggers. also thinks hitler did nothing wrong. im sorry lads i might have to keep her around for a long time
Have sex.
Have it.
You need it
You want it.
Fucking incel.
We know how to use a toilet.
indeed brother. we shall use their own symbols against them!
R-remove bob.
You tell me, raccoon face
im jealous too and want to destroy your faggot race. not cuz of jealousy but on how dumb adn retarded you are. Fucking snow apes
arent poos all incels by default?
sex is degenerate btw
Indians have sex at par with Africans. While 50% of Americans haven’t had sex, 75% of Japs haven’t either.
So it’s pretty much a way for developed nations to cope at Africans and Indians. India is going to reach 1.8 billion people and Africa will reach almost 2 billion. It’s pretty much over for the rest of the world.
Indian qts should belong to Indian guys.
Africans in the West aren’t included, the number would be close to therefore 2.5 billion by 2050.
If you include Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. as “India”, the number would be 3 billion by 2050.
all those geniuses, inventors, scientists and engineers the world will benefit from. mankind is blessed!
They fuck a lot of white guys here and then marry an unsuspecting Indian man who believes them to be virgins.
That's just marriage. Indian women in the west go on the white cock carousel for years and then are pressured to marry Indian men
Give me your women. I'll fuck them in a way none of you ever could. They'll never leave my side. You can stick to your cows and 12 year girls, pajeet.
but she qt
Nobody cares about that though. Here’s an even bitter black pill, Africa and India will be affected by global climate change that will cause a massive migration of predominantly male populations into Europe. Millions of migrants will arrive on European shores, and will be allowed entry. We’re talking about the 2050-70s here, America would’ve been long mutted and most whites in Europe will have an average age of 60. Add to the fact that most men die earlier than women, the population of whites will be majority female.
her English Grandmother had an affair with someone in India lol
Based and poopilled
I traveled to China for my job last year and to Bangalore the year before. It is amazing how many of the local ladies in those countries seem to want BWC bad.
>Assuming the poster is not a poo in the loo himself.
cuz white have money, and green card for a first world country
we can poo in loo
Its the result of MK ultra. Once you learn what white people actually are, once you learn their deep dark secret. Their elephant in the room. That they are matrix apes who require living in delusion for a sense of peace. Its then when they lose all their artificial power. The bottom line is, sure whites have some beautiful aesthetics. But they lose the competition when it comes to retaining their youthful fleeting beauty.
a chance to escape Shitworld
Wtf is wrong with these pajeets
Indian men treat women like shit.
>t. transgender woman
Women deserve to be treated like shit. That’s how India and Middle East stay uncucked. We’ve some feminist Jews trying to stir shit up but it remains largely a conservative, tribal, caste-oriented society
You wouldnt say she had any indian admix if you didn't already know it
based poo
fuck this daily spam bread tho, sage
You make some pretty unfounded predictions. Here are my prediction for 2050 - 2070.
> Subhuman migrants from Africa and India make their way toward European shores.
> This time around, they get slaughtered because it isn't 2015 anymore.
> Those remaining in Africa die of pandemic diseases, thanks in part to mother nature.
> The end.
There's an Arab girl at my work, she's always talking/flirting with me. She's been recently engaged to guy too. But she's let off on the flirting since then, but she still slips it in sometimes.
As for the poojetas, there are a lot here, they're free game too since they don't have their parents around. They're always coming up and talking to me, trying to spark conversation, usually about my job, or what is there to do in the city outside of school. Some of them are really fucking hot. Might have to break things off with the woman, it's hard to not take the foreign pussy and exercise my birth right to colonize them sand and curry tubes.
>migrants from India
I don't think Indians will emigrate in large quantity after ~2030s.
Seriously, having a career with authority and a uniform is a big start. All women like authority, the pajeet women especially.
Fuck off Gorav.
If he's in Canada they might be Punjabi not Hindu
Imagine being such a loser that you think girls talking to you is same as flirting
How does the average us white man treat trans women in your opinion?
Leafs y’all
>tfw when fucking an Indian Thot weekly while she waits for her arraigned marriage
feels great lads, already made her get on BC so i can cum inside. She tells me she wishes to bear my children but her parents wont allow it
(not that i would either)
get cucked poocels
> "Where do you see yourself in 5 years user?"
Indian women are hot as fuck
what's the issue ranjit? Can't handle that your wamins are cucking you for white bois while over seas for school? Lol, you guys can have the defective white Women, that is if they even pay you any mind. They rather sleep with niggers Kek! The lowest of the low. Perhaps that puts pajeets on a tier lower than niggers.
Face it, you'll always be Indian, even your women don't like you, they'd rather be ravaged by God's almighty white bull.
Lol, go cut yourself and cry curry, you fucking JavaScript programming incel cuck.
indians have been degenerates ever since the beginning
you can keep your indian women and you can keep india. just stop polluting the fucking ocean with your shit and plastics. talk about a place that could use some sterilization
This thread is hilarious. The next thread you cumskins will post in is one crying about how your women are cucking you for Tyrone and Daquan. Everyone knows BBC is superior and there's no argument. And yes I am Jewish but that has nothing to do with it
there aren't black people in australia so we know you're a slave waging low caste poo in loo over in roo-land because you fucking had to get out of poo-land. you're ashamed to be indian
There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.
jews are the devil's children
correct , except for everything
Cultural thing. Indians had seen European features as signs of nobility since the 2000’s BC, when the Indo-Europeans first invaded and established kingdoms.
Don't worry, I'll get sick of your wife to be and send her back home to you. Maybe there will be some of my left over cum on her pussy lips for you to slurp up, then you'll know what conquest tastes like, buddy.
thats why they spend billions every year on whitening creams and skin bleaches
Europeans were European before they were "Indo-European" for example the people who built Stonehenge. The Basques are a holdover from that time (speak a non-IE but still EUROPEAN language). So I wonder to what degree the IE invaders of India were really "European" or if it was just a cultural force.
>Africa will reach almost 2 billion
Only while we support you with foriegn aid and western medicine. Once we fall you will fall with us.
Don't forget telegony.
>How can us Indian bois even compete
I dunno arranged marriages? Why would whites even go after Indian women I don't understand.
It's disgusting.
Imagine what your ugly ZOG'ed children would look like I've fucked a few shitskins they smell my bloodline ends with me fuck white women tho
Exquisite bait.
Shes beat and you met her on tinder. Youre the real incel.
You literally can't compete. Your women can't fucking stand you. I can't tell you how many of them have told me that. Your best bet is to go to India or Pakistan where you don't have to compete with all the white chads. Why would you even settle for a brown girl who's been banged by so many white studs when she was in college. Even the ones who wear the niqab from Pakistan can't resist the bwc.