USA is the world capital of incels
Is this stemming from their stupid superiority complex or something?
What the hell is going on there?
What makes white bois in the US so angry and entitled?
>capital of incels
Bruh we really out here
The Japanese hace the finest wifus
I guess they consume too much mcdonalds, this is the root of all evil, both genders become so ugly and unfuckable, but they are also entitled.
The result ist that the fad ugly women dont want to fuck the fad ugly man and thats why everyone is lonly and missrable
Incels are cancerous bitter misogynist bashing women on the internet 24/7
Virgins =/ Incels
sure we'd have even more virgins here but at least they aren't as toxic towards women as incels in the US
the whole English sphere's irrational hatred against women by incels is just whole new level
what the hell is going on
>white boys
pick only one, its Mexico 2.0 now
Too much leisure. White boys grow up in soft ass wealthy suburbs insulated from any real struggle, so they lose their survival instincts and never develop their natural machismo.
Amerimutt bois are subhumans that all should just be wiped off this planet
you will always be an Amerimutt
Put women in cages
At least I know I'm going to die alone and I'm perfectly fine with it as long as I make a good enough income to sustain myself and keep myself in good enough shape to feel content with everything.
(((White boys))). Also Japan is definitely the world capital of incels.
Tits or gtfo.
Snowniggers are ugly thats why the white race is dying.
White women don't want to fuck wrinkly old looking albinos who look like they were born in the 19th century.
Everything about snowflakes has always been about their insecurities with their women and how they have the most recessive genes out of all the races on the planet.
> Because poor White people don’t exist.
I grew up hunting, fishing, getting in fights, and practicing martial arts. Maybe if you shitskins crawled out of your Liberal run shit holes, you would realize most rural white guys are way fucking tougher than you.
You have never fucked a white Women, and you never will.
the guy you published practices the boxer, he is an athlete of light weights so he keeps himself thin, he has a girlfriend ... he has scored 40 victories out of 84 in these 2 years
I don’t think he’s human?
If you had to suck Israeli dicks on a daily basis you'd be pretty angry too.
hmm maybe it's for (both Incel or virgins) the fact that women have too much attention socially speaking, in addition to the fact that they take advantage incorrect, in any case if I were virgin and ugly I would simply try with ugly girls, since the beautiful boys do not want them, for the incels there is no hope if they do not stop being beautiful or ugly incels that are ...
>Jewish media taunts white people endlessly
>trains brown skinned unwashed masses to taunt whites and abuse them
>w-why you so mad white boi?
It’s becoming clear that the ‘u mad wite boi’ strategy isn’t actually helping non-whites and is in fact raising up all kinds of sentiments which kikes and brown subhumans find distressing, what was the goal of this anyway? I don’t think raising white racial awareness was the object of this little experiment but here we are.
Americans are generally more prone to conflict than Japanese (hence all the wars, cutthroat business transaction, political partisanship, "War on drugs", etc.) So virgin men are more likely to express dissatisfaction with their sexual failure, and to direct that expression at someone- usually the women who reject them.
I'm go with hormone imbalance, environment, no fathers
There is war on masculinity, non the less USA becoming USSR 2.0 comunism and socialism is a fucking breeding ground for incels
Lack of sex
This is the redpill
Fake news
ok mohammad
Speak for yourself Southwest fag, theres whites everywhere where I’m at
wh*Te bois are pathetic
but i dont like white women. They look old and wrinkly.
2011 "Patterns of racial-ethnic exclusion by INTERNET DATERS" study done by UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE