Im just gonna leave this here

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I’m just gonna leave this here

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god I miss electric retard

Wait is she arguing a fetus isn't alive or....
I'm for abortion but retards like this give me a headache

#1 kek

at 6 weeks it sure as hell doesn't have enough cognitive capacity to be considered such

thats actually an interesting argument for once. but the dif is if you didnt kill your own baby, eventually it would be born and become a human with rights. a braindead old person is going to die either way

Depending on how you define cognitive thought it could take months after birth to show up.

Can I get a ripping babies apart in the womb, leg, leg, arm, arm, crush the head. They do try to inject saline in the baby’s beating heart first, but if they miss and just stab it, they still pull-rip rip-pull, rip rip crush and pull. Also, botched abortions are starved in the table.

She’s right

but its not a baby yet at 6 weeks. this is a six week old embryo.

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oh that's what it's from
>pillowing a boomer is the same as erasing a nigger fetus

if the mother doesnt kill it, it will keep growing until its 7 weeks, then 8 weeks, then 9 weeks, then 10 weeks etc until birth. you are ending the cycle which produces a human being aka killing it

Here, have a real video of an abortion instead of your usual fox news propaganda.

No it's not, there's a legal process involved in "pulling the plug" on someone, I can't just walk into a hospital and start "pulling plugs".

does this mean shooting commies is legal now ?

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>an unborn fetus has all the cognitive function it will ever have

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>you are ending the cycle which produces a human being aka killing it
you cant kill a person that can't even breathe on its own or have a brain.

i was just going off her retarded logic. i know that

>Muh fox news....

nice try kike. ..

yes u can, its called abortion. its killing a baby that would be born.

>I can't just walk into a hospital and start "pulling plugs"
Well you can. Just make sure there are no cameras or witnesses around.

To be considered alive? Even plants are considered alive. Get your argument straight.

Yes, you can.

Are you retarded? the point is it has no cognitive function yet, thus it is not alive yet.

Why do women hate unborn kids so much

>Even plants are considered alive
we are talking about human life here.

This is about 12 - 13 weeks still under the cut off for an abortion in the majority of states.

So it is human life. Glad you agree.

yes developing babies have no brain. holy shit you are stupid

>the point is it has no cognitive function yet, thus it is not alive yet.


This has always been an asinine argument to make. You pull the plug on a vegetable because all signs point to them not going to recover. They're dead, it's just that there's still electrical signals keeping things pumping. A fetus, on the other hand, is growing. It's like equating the removal of plants at the end of harvest with uprooting sprouts that are actively growing because they're both not actively bearing produce. Like you can make any argument you want about whether or when within the First Trimester is too early for a blanket ban, but this specific one is by and large retarded.

................................................................................................................................but it will be alive it you give it a few months.

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they don't.its just that sometimes women get pregnant when they are too young or not married yet so they'd rather wait until they're ready to have kids so they don't grow up in poverty or get neglected. they also don't want to be single moms.

They hate responsibility and resent anything that will burden them in such ways

Only because they'll never wake up again. Is your baby going to stay unconscious forever?
Or, to put it differently: Would it be legal to "pull the plug" on people if they were going to wake up after a few more months? I sincerely doubt that.

but wait you just said it isnt alive, but ow you are saying its human life, but it isnt murder because it isnt alive... wtf

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isnt euthanasia illegal?

How is it oppression against women if the man will be paying for all of it?

Roasties mad because society is trying up clean up their act for them and keep them from being whores is not alive yet. you cant kill something that isn't alive yet.
the moment that sperm meets an egg, a fully developed baby doesn't just magically appear.

Show me a normal human with two hearts.

yes you can....

>but it will be alive
you cant kill something that isn't alive yet

You know there is this thing called "adoption", right? Did you know that in nearly all western nations there are more couples willing to adopt than children available for adoption?

> it's OK to kill those that have no cognitive awareness
NPC genocide when?

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>it has no cognitive function yet, thus it is not alive yet.
Again, plants are alive, so are jellyfish and sponges and coral. You are objectively wrong about what "alive" means. You can't just make up the meaning of words to suit you.

Fetuses start getting brain activity at the end of week 5/beginning of week 6.

If we could restore brain activity in a person, should we still pull the plug on them?

I realize it is a waste of time reasoning with people who think having to close their legs is oppression, but w/e.

Thank you Kanye, very cool!

>can legally pull the plug on people who are brain dead
does that mean she's "legally" dead as well?

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I said brainless embryo is not alive yet. Then you said plants don't have brains and they are still considered alive. And I said that isn't relevant because we are discussing when human life begins.
that isn't what shes talking about. euthanasia is different.

Apples to oranges. Someone in a coma is being artificially kept alive when they otherwise would die a natural death. Abortion is the active termination of a human life.
Also, we pro-lifers are also against medically-assisted suicide, so she's kind of proving our point.

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babies have brain scans

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fucking brainlet. the fetus is also being artificially kept alive.

yes, make a woman suffer from a lack of sleep, back pain, head aches, mood swings, fatigue, nausea with or without vomiting, constipation, faintness, dizziness, and miss work for a kid she'll have to be torn away from.

But it will if you don't kill it. pulling the plug on someone who is brain dead and has no chance of coming back is totally different.

I want to opress women but I still think abortion is good because it kills niggers.

>What race is it?
Only question that matters.

i was being sarcastic to the previous comment that developin babies have no neural function

>Again, plants are alive, so are jellyfish and sponges and coral.
Ok but what makes a plant alive is different from what makes a human alive.
Not that fucking early.
85% percent of abortions are from unmarried women. In addition to that, the majority are also poor and non white (around 80% nonwhite). Furthermore, nearly 70% of abortions occur by or before 8 weeks ( before 8 weeks, it is medically an embryo, not even a fetus yet). Over 90% occur by or before 13 weeks. There’s no logical reason for women who don’t want to be pregnant to wait long to abort. The idea that abortions constantly kill fully formed babies is simply untrue. A fully formed baby doesn’t magically appear the moment that sperm meets an egg. Abortion doesn’t kill babies, it prevents babies from forming. Digging up a seed isn't the same thing as cutting down a tree. In addition to that, most retards/ extremely disabled are aborted which, while unpleasant on a surface level, is best for society. Abortion is a good tool for keeping the population of low quality people down and saving resources for higher quality people. The painful truth is, some people truly are societal burdens. It's unrealistic to ever make abortions illegal since low class people would still be irresponsible regardless and society doesn't need to be punished for their errors. Yeah, it would be better if they used birth control in advance but you can't expect everyone to be that bright and by the time a woman is pregnant, how she could have prevented it is irrelevant and honestly no birth control is infallible anyways

if you are not legally alive whist braindead, why dont we pull the plug on feminism?

An unwanted fetus is a parasite until it can live on its own outside the womb

Not necessarily on both accounts

No, the fetus is growing and developing inside the mother as part of a natural biological process. There's no machines keeping it alive. If left alone it will fully develop and the mother will give birth. Ripping out the fetus outside of the womb and killing it artificially interrupts the development process.

If brain dead people regrew their brains to full health after a few months would you still pull the plug?

but the fetus is healthy and growing, what a fucking idiot


>theconditionthatdistinguishes organismsfrominorganicobjects anddeadorganisms,being manifestedbygrowththrough metabolism,reproduction,andthe powerofadaptationto environmentthroughchanges originatinginternally.

Hey look it's objectively alive according to the scientific definition of life and you literally cannot argue against it

> it will become alive if you don't kill it
> become alive
> not alive yet
honestly pretty much same. I don't like how she worded it at the end. I believe in oppressing women with forced abortion.

yes you can expect people to be responsible, and yes even dumb people. murder has no excuses..

Either shitty stale b8 or someone who never took a biology course.

I hope some mad lad aborts a panda or some othe endagered animal and then uses this as a defense.

You are actually retarded

You dont understand what artificial means, do you?

Its genetically distinct from its mom, and as such it is no longer the mother's property.

a child is a parasite livin ofv parents then. dont be stupid.

a symbiotic relationship is not parasitic. conception is kicked off by a choice of two people. the choice leads to natural inevitabilities and murder is clearly wrong

Ah the selfishness and vanity argument, he pinnicle of feminist argumentation

so? the definition of murder is unlawful killing but you probably disagree with that definition.

Human life starts at conception, and any argument you want to make after that is arbitrary.

>biological reproduction
This thread is actually too stupid to participate in officially. I'm out.

>get proven wrong

Is it, or isnt it a human being?
If it is, then terminating a life is morally wrong, simply because a women decides to kill it.
If you say its not a human, then you are a retard and your opinion doesnt matter
>Which is it?

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WTF does she think the "plug" they "pull" does? It's fucking called life support.

abortion is more responsible than teen parenthood, single parenthood and raising a kid in poverty.
when an embryo or fetus cannot breathe or stay alive on its own outside the womb abortion isn't murder
> caring about women's wellbeing and health is selfish.

I do, "unlawful killing of whites" abortion should only be allowed for niglets.

hey nigger, if you continued to read my post, my point was that the literal definition of murder is something you disagree with, the same as I disagree with your definition of life.

How can you be this fucking stupid. Propagation of the species, and passing of the individual's DNA, is the only purpose the individual has. Everything else is just a distraction from the task at hand.

You aren't disagreeing with my definition of life, you are disagreeing with THE ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC definition of life. You've been proven wrong objectively and I wish you best of luck with your coping

They have a dozen ways not to get pregant.
>Male condoms
>Birth control pill, injection, iud, sterilization
>Female condoms
>Sperm killing lube
It's not that they dont have options, most free btw, its that they are lazy and dont use them.
So, society must suffer because she forgot to use a condom, or take a pill, etc?

>Officer its ok im driving drunk, im just to lazy to hail a cab, an uber, walk, ride a bike, take a bus, subway ride, or call a friend. Hey why are you arresting me.....

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I got my ex the morning after pill. She was already ruining my life and she contributed nothing but emotional and financial abuse. In retrospect I would have kicked her out much sooner but the Christian upbringing in me taught me to love, even to the point of my own destruction. I was never taught to care for myself so I let her abuse continue for four years. Am I going to hell ? I don't consider myself a Christian anymore but my belief in God is the cornerstone of my life and this can never be shaken. So, what's the consensus pol ? Am I guilty of morning after abortion ? Will I go to hell for this ?

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If you dont want to abort, dont conceive kids. Really. Just use a condom. If that's still too risky for you, then just stop being whores. Its not that hard

Not an argument

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The (((science))) used to justify it is just pilpul around the fact that people can't admit to themselves that they support eugenics. It should be a crime to abort a healthy white baby, it should also be a crime to not abort everything else.

poor, unmarried white mothers are no different than nigs

Yeah you can, if your action is what causes it to not be alive.