Is the Chinese system really that bad?

It seems to contain degeneracy and antisocial tendencies rather well

Attached: China-Communist-Party.jpg (606x455, 58K)

the only thing worse than the Chinese are niggers.
the only thing worse than niggers are jews

Z yourself

>Is it really that bad
>It seems to contain degeneracy
no it doesn't.
>and antisocial tendencies
no it doesn't

if the Chinese shrugged off their Marxist bullshit and just kept their current work ethic and worldview, including treasuring their own culture, I would unironically welcome a Chinese world government. It would be infinitely less cucked than the self-annihilating shitstorm that the West has become.

it's just mutts fear the Red Dragon

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Honestly if you can fix the intense pollution it seems like a pretty comfy society

>complain about chinks being robot antmen
>endorse rigid social conformity, the culling of the fringes of society, and ostracize everyone that does not fit the standard of straight white bootlicker as degenerates
Can Jow Forums fucking pick one already?

No, it's fine. We need to help China become the global hegemon.

It is mostly a factory slave camp and a lot of agricultural cities, so I'm not sure it is that impressive by western first world standards.

>mao has every drug dealer and user publicly shot

you tell me?

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it is in man's nature to rebel even if its against his best interests
their system cannot fully contain degeneracy nor force neets to abandon their antisocial tendencies, it only exists to punish those those get caught

they are working on it, at the expense of the world
look up the places where their pollution mostly came from, you'll notice it matches where their recycling and dumping grounds are
then look up 'china waste ban' and 'global recycling crisis' and think about what that means for them and for everyone else

Yes, it's even worse than the confederacy. It's not a nation-state, it's a nation-prison. The "social-credit" system is the most complete form of authoritarian control yet.

>punish those those get caught
What's wrong with that?

seems good until they start prohibiting normal activities like owning property

No, it's decent I guess

Containing degneracy is only half the puzzle, nearly any system that isnt under the influence of progesive jewry or empty utopianism can achieve this. The other half is making a system that empowers your people both as individuals and as a collextive so as to enrich the culture and civic society. China may be as if not more effective then the societ union was at containing degneracy but they are as just as empty as a nation only getting by on the culture and passion of their past.

Don't fall for the China meme, bro.

The chinese are half a step above insectoids

they most definitely ARE degenerate, just better at hiding it.
>drugs are looked down on, but stimulants and lab drugs are all the rage in Chinkland. All the kids love that shit
>The chinese are NOT smart, they're just adept cheaters
>cheating is not looked down on in chinkland
>they'll lie to your face, and if you believe them, it's on YOU for believing the story. At that point, they've gotten away scott-free
>overly lax attitude towards abortion
>sex trafficking is huge
>organized crime is unstoppable
>the general populous is weak and afraid
>child molestation is absolutely rampant and nobody cares

Jow Forums is too chameleonic and indecisive as a whole. They'll never reach a valid conclusion for their ideal society.

Can't you say the same about the west?

The worst thing about the Chinese system is the Chinese.

They have gay parades, low birth rates and poorer than mexico

False. The Chinese outside the commie rule in Singapore are doing fine

literally the opposite, look at chinese in western countries

that's weird, i thought that idiotic leftists were pro-xina.

>>they'll lie to your face, and if you believe them, it's on YOU for believing the story. At that point, they've gotten away scott-free
Agreed; it's an entire nation of sociopaths. And it's getting worse because of the one-child policy. Everyone of prime age now has no siblings; once their parents die they have no genetic kin.

Butchers 60 million of their own people. Has 1-3 million with religious beliefs locked in concentration camps. They spy on every move and thought their "citizens" have. Yes, they are they an evil empire.


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Jow Forums is also seemingly becoming more and more tolerant to Islam but has no respect for the Uighurs. Really makes you think how truly hypocritical this board is.

They have a mass stabbing at kindergartens and daycares like every week. That and the amount of people getting run over by chinks that seemingly have no awareness or sentience makes me think otherwise.

Jow Forums is not tolerant to Islam, fuck off achmed.

Lurk two years before posting. /sg/ has been Jow Forums's most active board since 2014.

/SG/ is not a board and Jow Forums has never been pro-islam

They kill handicapped and traitors. Based country.

so china is the new hitler?

Suicide nets outside of factories are anything but Marxist
Their Marxism is only cosmetic

>It seems to contain degeneracy and antisocial tendecies rather well
Also see:

They are still subhuman

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logic doesn't check out there

China is an imperialist country that drains resources. It must be opposed. Before you ask, I do not support US influence either.


China already shrugged off Marxism in the 1970s

False. Read Xi Jinping thought and most recent documents from the chink masters

Have you seen the video of the women getting arrested for making a joke on Pooh's expenses

It's true, their marxism is cosmetic, they're an authoritarian state capitalistic


>Every year they try to stop cheating on university exams
>Every year riots in the street
>"Muh Chinese right to cheat"

Are you really assuming that position? It seems you are the same meme flag Pajeet spamming all the other meme flag China threads full of meme flag Pajeets.