TRANNY FACT: All trannies absolutely hate trannies who look better than they do

TRANNY FACT: All trannies absolutely hate trannies who look better than they do.

So this is what you could do Jow Forums.

> Install FaceApp or another good gender swap app
> Gender swap some picture of a dude. Change the background as well.
> Upload your "before and after" pic to r/transpassing, r/transtimelines, or any other trans forum.
> Call it something like "Me, 12 months HRT"
> Enjoy trannies seething with bitterness and jealousy because they still look like dudes with tits.

Attached: faceapp-1.jpg (702x700, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder why

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>TRANNY FACT: All trannies absolutely hate trannies who look better than they do.
So you're saying they actually pass as women.

The final state of the söy boy is the tranny

Jebem li ti mrtve sto ih imas u grobovima. Picka ti materina engleska pedercino. Jedva cekam da vas Pakistanci pocnu klati jebo vam Bog mater.

Kek. My first thought. Maybe they really are women

i did the swap with faceapp and looked like my literal dream girl. what the fuck did my brain mean with this? am i just good looking?

Time to make the transition.

>transformed into a Jewess

No wonder he's mad

i jacked off to a cute girl i saved but then i realized it was me with that new snapchat filter

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/b would've been great at this type of troll. To bad they've been long dead

everyone's dead, you're just swimming in the carcass

This has potential

Sto si ljut prijatelju?

Should I do this? I have a beard so I'm pretty sure it will screw up the results but what if I'm top teir trap material even with the beard?

Humans prefer to choose mates who look facially similar to them, statistically speaking.

hell yeah, im doing it too

JEEEEEBUS - have you seen the horror shows on display

>TRANNY FACT: All trannies absolutely hate trannies who look better than they do.

Sounds like a lot of women I know

fucking kek this is great, totally doing this

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You can do better.

Set up a tranny bitch persona where you just grief all the fags for not looking as convincing as you. You can slam on trannies for looking like men but not get banned because you're playing the part of a fag.

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How trannies actually looks when they transition

Attached: FaceApp_1557787114436.jpg (856x448, 34K)

>b..bbb..but transgirls can't pass

3 inches of makeup. That dude is probably radiation proof under all that shit.

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When you're in the 0.1% of trannies who pass, but you still kill yourself at 40

There's no such thing as a passing tranny. Also this idea is super gay.


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What's funny is that sometimes people comment on "her" hands. Seems like that's the one thing you can't hide, a little further out in the clip you can see "her" walking with her large hands.

Only problem is Faceapp puts that little watermark on its pictures, also it crops your photo so if you want more than a face pic you're fucked

Shit he wasn't even unattractive before.
Not saying he wasn't a fag, but god damn...
Honestly a normal looking dude


>create fake trans accounts with women's pics
>create women's accounts with real women's pics
>rate all trans on their "passability"
>create twitter shit storm

>too feminine to be a respectable man

>too masculine to pass as a woman

the basedboy's only place is in Hell

This is the purest expression of your natural in-group preference. To the opposite extreme, it's the natural basis of racism. You are biologically predetermined to advance the wellness of your own people, i.e. people who look like you.

Oy vey, brainwashing children into mutilation will make them completely passable, see?

Attached: FaceApp_1557788058060.jpg (856x448, 73K)

Why hate each other? Give it a few years and even the best passing trannies will look like fucking 1922's Nosferatu.

Someone needs to put this thing out of its misery. Do you think they do this because they want to die and have someone put themout of their misery.

Checked, you must just be one of them "new types".


>1922's Nosferatu
Ground control to major kek


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So basically like any Russian women

Slide this uselessness and unfunniness.

Commencing countdown, sides are blown

just like women hate other women who look better than them
guess that's your brain on hormones

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Fun fact, FaceApp is just a part of the grater psy-op in normalizing transsexuals. As an attempt to make the mentally ill question t heir identity and encourage normal people to empathize.

He turned into a jew

Women don't worry about looking like fucking men

TRANNY FACT: Trannies hate facts and are compulsive liars.

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She's cute in both photos.

I just installed FaceApp to see if this true. I don't find picrelated attractive at all.

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Pic if we didnt bout dat.

No. All you have to do is hear the voice, see the hips and shoulders (always a dead give away), and hands and feet. Also the bone structure and muscle density (that you can see through the skin).

they all secretly hope the tranny beatings/killings were real.

I think you're hot as a chick user.

you are beautiful

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Damn I say they all look like a bunch of dumbasses! None of them look good! Fuck them all!

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It was a joke lad....

Bruce jenner

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>trannies hate trannies who look better than them.
well... at least that one thing they have in common with real women.

>trannys act and look like women

because you look like a whore. go easier on lipstick faggot



Oh I'm laffin

Caitlyn becomes Jeff fahey

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I have to agree. Only on the internet with photoshop do they come close to passing. In real life I always have the "Uncanny tranny valley" when I see one, even if they do come close to passing, there is always something that is off about them, that draws your attention.

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found the best twitter tranny

""""she"""" made a donation livestream for estrogen and some faggot donated her 700 dollars. he also plays roblox and has a faggot loser obese boyfriend. show her your faceswap results and mock her

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I couldn't manipulate the filter in any way sadly

For everyone who didn't notice: he was a jew before.
He's just embraced his Jewishness.

>that picture
user you're killing me

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Jeff Bridges I meant

Take your hormone pills and put your girl’s clothes on

Please have daughters, user.

Give a face pic of her at least nigger to put into the app
and why do you know so much about this person, like a whole history and series of events....did they turn you down? topkek

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Why are you acting like theres something wrong with this I have even put tits on mine

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Why thank you, fellow white!

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This is a pretty good psyop idea.
Drive that sudoku rate %100.

why is this link you're giving out?


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its a combination of factors, like half external, half internal. a reasonably masculine exterior doesn't prevent monumental interior effeminacy. beyond just a generation raised by women. multiple generations.

There are a lot of little instinctual mannerisms that we don't even realize we have that are impossible to fake; but they don't show up in pictures.

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Fucking hell

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To be completely honest i don't know if i would be able to tell that's a dude if i only saw that after pic of him and didn't know anything better.

Operation puff puff pass?

Dunno how widespread the use of puff for gay is though

guy who knows """her""" told me about """""her"""""". took only a 5 minute backround search and all the links you need to find stuff about """her""" are on her twitter page.

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>That nose
Hans, get the gas.

Check dilation and may not girl bits rot in you

it's not you, right? you're not doing this to get sympathy and attention right? sir?

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>may not girl bits rot in you
the fuck does this even mean

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Unironically this.

managed to find an image of her. someone put this into faceswap. im curious

Attached: Annotation 2019-05-14 012252.png (613x408, 70K)

this just spits out a floating niggress face in the darkness next to her face

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