As in, yeah it's worth moving too. Cost of living is good, plenty of rural land, there are business opportunities, it's still sort of religious, conservative and against homo marriage, the people are friendly towards most whites. Eastern euros not so much, avoid those cocksuckers. Better yet, batter a few of them along with the local lads, you'll get a few pints bought to you.
Nathan Torres
Gavin Ross
>Is it as cucked as the rest of the UK and Ireland? No, but not for a lack of trying. It'll be like the rest of the UK soon enough with all the "progressive" faggots and virtue signalling everywhere (see Lyra McKee). I recommend you move to one of the crown dependencies or overseas territories instead.
Ryan Fisher
It's all thanks to the damned catholics and Sinn Fein. We'd practically be Old Testament Christian if it wasn't for them. We need to attract as many hardline protestants as we can to roll back the tide.
Joshua Turner
for some reasons faggots there don't want to join Ireland.
Adam Williams
What blacks are doing to you is what we are doing to prods
Yeah but if you are English here's a list of places you should avoid Derry west Belfast southern Armagh and tyrone
Gavin Hughes
Not as cucked as the rest of the UK or Direland, it's very based. As mentioned earlier, the cost of living is low and you're allowed to own guns there.
Hunter Young
It's not the Catholics. I'm Catholic and would prefer living in a protestant section of NI over Direland. Sweden, Scotland, England, Germany, etc are protestant majority and have that PC faggot culture too.
Brody Robinson
Aye but he's a Saffer, he'd likely be treated like the dogs bollocks wherever he goes. Well, maybe not in Derry I suppose.
Owen Foster
Go to Ireland, they love niggers more
James Lee
It is though. #notall but Sinn Fein are the leading equal rights +pro lgbt +pro abortion faggots up here and no Prods are voting for them.
Landon Smith
Not as bad but it'll get there eventually, the loyalists are shabbos goys and the republicans are commies. Didn't give a shit growing up but Ireland now has a faggot paki as PM and just legalised abortion.
Jaxson Fisher
Billy that's Direland not Catholicism, you think Sinn Fein members are rattling their beads every day and going to Mass on Sunday? And you can bet your orange sash that the prods in Direland are voting for all of that shit too.
Brandon Brown
Don't go there. The Catholics are crazy. RoI is nowhere near as uncucked as they like to say online rather they are the most cucked nation in Europe after Sweden and Iceland.
Jonathan Evans
I know prods here. I know our mindset. It is not the yank or the engllish or swedecuck type, it'd a be a tiny minority in favour of that shite. Even the least religious of us are very intolerant
Robert King
I know that, NI prods are the only ones that I have respect for. As I mentioned earlier, I'd live in the the most orange area of Belfast just because I love how you guys preserve the white Christian state.
Zachary Lopez
>live in the most orange area Honestly, I wouldn't advise it. At least if you value your sanity and property. They're a bit nuts at times and like to burn the odd car and smash the odd window.
Jackson Cooper
True, there's a really nice upper class neighborhood near Stormont. I'd imagine it's all prods but I'd live there in a heartbeat.
Evan Ross
Are you a Protestant or a Catholic?
If you're a Protestant the Loyalists DUP types will like you, if your Catholic then south of the border for you buddy.
Fuck that Lyra McKee shite. I'm fed up of hearing about and can't help but think that if were a cop or local that got clipped by that bullet that we wouldn't have heard as much at all about it but everyday I'm seeing an article about her and I feel that it's all because she was involved in LGBT activism and was a "journalist". All the virtue signalling over it too, fucking hell.
Sinn féin lost control of Derry and Strabane Council recently and lost five seats and that was sweet to see. You'd be surprised how many Catholic in the North despise them and also down the South too they're loathed. They've lost nearly 50 elected persons in the South in past couple years who quit the party. They're away to fuck and only supported now by thick cunts who can't see through them and university socialist types and queers. It seems like the whole youth wing of the party are benders.
SF deserve to lose, its a shame that nearly all the republican groups are also Socialist and run by delusional boomers and larpers
Easton Collins
Irish Republicanism at the moment is a joke. SF are heavily compromised and infiltrated. We desperately need a strong Nationalist party here. I'd not vote for any party other than NP and Renua at the moment.
Angel Walker
Loyalists and republicans need to find common foe in the globohomo gayplex and forced multiculturalism or neither culture will last the century. Irish nationalists have more in common with pro brexit Brits than they do lefties from Ireland. Ulster unionists have more in common with pro irexit irish than they do with progressive liberals in the north. It's time to unite around racial lines because the racial holy war is upon us.