I work everyday....... to continue to live a stress free NEET lifestyle.
It's lovely to drain this gynocentric Jewish system.
To be specific, its autismbux.
I work everyday....... to continue to live a stress free NEET lifestyle.
It's lovely to drain this gynocentric Jewish system.
To be specific, its autismbux.
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eat some vegetables or you'll die of scurvy
Sure will. Got my tomatoes.
Well that's a fruit.
post hands. I want to see your predictable sausage fingers.
you will have ass cancer in 5 years
how do I get neetbux user
I want the gibs too
I think I actually may have penile cancer, haha.
Bout to go to the doctor to get that checked soon.
You know, for the £5 that likely cost you, you can probably do a bit better than that.
I also steal from my government, not just through assistance programs but i also love stealing while going in the markets and have 0 suspicious on me because i am a "nice" looking white male.
The point being though, you can buy healthy fruits and veggies and nuts with these sources and use them to get fit as fuck and use the money they give to guy firearms/ gardening supplies
Either have a disability or live a really cheap life especially when it comes to rent and mortgage.
Or save up for a cheap house.
If you live with your parents you can live a NEET life.
You make a great point.
I'm a type 1 diabetic, I bet I could fake some anxiety and depression too
do you think that would get me neetbux
I have very good self control when it comes to money (saving I mean) but I masturbate at least twice a day and eat shit food. That is what I need to improve on to live truly like a NEET.
Why wine gummies and not just wine?
The wagecuck who worked on the counter didn't say a word to me. She just billed the food and sent me the receipt. I could tell she was jealous.
I also remember my mother telling me that years ago a nosy employee who worked at some supermarket actually gave my mother her phone number (obviously she wanted her money). She never called of course.
If you mention anxiety or depression it could lead to inability to purchase firearms.
Careful playing with fire there.
At least purchase them first, to avoid a hassle.
I already have a Mav 88 and a shitty plinkster, wish I lived in a free state so I could CC and get an AR. But yeah good idea I didn't think of that
Even though i'm a legal adult, I don't have the proper ID to buy alcohol and even if I did, I would probably become an alcoholic.
I don't want to hire a solicitor to get a CitizenCard. I also don't drive so I can't use a driving license.
>stress free
>until he takes a shit
he has that covered with the gummies, you faggot
and it looks like a well balanced diet for the week to me
Learn how to reply to posts newfag
One image doesn't necessarily fully explain my diet.
Ahh maybe it does.
>It's lovely to drain this gynocentric Jewish system.
you lazy piece of shit, you're not draining jews and women (jews dont pay their taxes and women have fake pat-on-the-head "careers") you're fucking draining ME!!! get a job you disgusting fat bastard!
I'm a noob at Jow Forums.
>does not know how to properly make fries OR properly salt them.
I'm so glad we rebelled.
I bet you bowel movements are black tar
Society is fucked enough. Why contribute?
I am looking for a job anyway but not to cuck to some kike to make him richer. Just to boost my savings.
You aren’t stealing from the government though, you’re stealing from working people. It’s just a weird mindset honestly. Why are you proud of being the weakest in the gene pool? I guess I just hate the idea of living a life where I need to leech off of other people’s hard work to live. Sounds like a very Jew thing to do. Either way I don’t care, seems like a miserable life to live.
Ah not really since I am legally qualified. Also what I get on a monthly basis isn't even a part time job salary. Under 400 USD.
society is fucked because everyone is a selfish prick with no sense of civic responsibility. when rope day finally comes, do you think you'll be spared? the RDS will look at your wobbly fat gut and your girly calous-free hands and say "push this faggot into the mass grave with the rest of the degenerates"
In almost every state Ive lived in they discontinue your food stamps after 6 months unless you get at least 20 hours of work. Even if youre homeless. This whole "welfare" thing is a giant meme by people who have never looked into it UNLESS you have kids. For people who dont have kids you literally get 6 months and then youre forced to work.
Say whatever you desire.
I will continue to work towards maintaining my NEET life whether this society likes it or not.
>"live a stress free NEET lifestyle"
>die in 10 years
Good on ya neet your kind will be remembered as heros of clown world
I'm almost at neet stage why should a man work I'm fucking socially retarded probably because of vaccines can't study spend all my money of shit that slowly kills me too lazy to learn to drive constantly want to die during work hours can't even buy a gun to defend myself zero chance of my own home before 60
While I go relax and enjoy the hours long leisure time I have.
You wagecucks can have fun slaving to your kike boss.
I am not down to be a neet, But get a cute girl get a part time job make the bare minium to keep welfare and out nigger the nigger. Just raise your kids and your house with pride and good premodern western values. I also farm too. Its the best way to fuck over freegibs, doing a 60-70 hour job just to see half the money go to the mexicunts and nignogs ant my life. I mean If I got to choose where my money went I would be down for that life.
Working is so unfulfilling it's insane I would rather stay home and relax
I used to be on NEETBUX. Now I have to do what is called. ADULTING.
It's torture, don't change your lifestyle just because the world thinks you're useless.
This is why everyone has a job. No one actually gives a shit about noseberg
>all that salt
I thought it was the Polish user first.
Meme flags replying to each other.
Boring, F for effort, apply yourself. Meanwhile I'm going for dinner with my female coworker who doesn't like deadbeats.
Toothpaste boy
Wagie is angry Lmao. Back to work tomorrow
Imagine having all of your monetary needs met by the government and still not learning to cook eve the most basic of meals. It's always fun to see how NEETs really live after 50 "neets are superior" threads.
I've been out of work for almost 2 months now and I'm honestly bored off my fucking ass..
I completely lost all motivation.
I started dieting and fasting and working out and nofapping, reading literature but still I feel completely unmotivated.
My license is expired and I don't even have the money to renew it.
And in order to get said money I need a job, but every job requires a valid license...
So depressing...
Well...yea, of course you’re legally qualified or you wouldn’t get it. Tyrone is legally qualified too. Not getting where you’re going with that one. Buy yea man, enjoy your neetbux. You’re really showing the MAN who’s boss Kek
>female coworker
trust me, it's better to be unemployed than working a job a woman can, that is embarassing as a man
what are you, a burger flipper?
My parents own a manufacturing company. It was inherited from my grandparents, who got it from my great grandparents. Anyway I’m nearly 40 and have never worked a day in my life. I’ve been on the payroll since I was 18, but don’t actually do any work. I don’t mean I show up to the office but don’t work, I mean I literally don’t work at all. I wake up every day and go do what ever I feel like doing for the day, and receive direct deposit pay every 2 weeks. For reason that have never been made clear I even get leave. Every 2 weeks the HR woman emails me telling me I’ve maxed out my leave and have to take some, so I put a few hours of leave in my time sheet before submitting it. I have no idea if she knows I’ve only been to the office maybe 5 times my whole life.
That’s pretty cool. Livin the life of man who has 100% free time and has money to do what he wants. I bet you’ll live really long too bc of the lack of stress and crippling depression.
In america we give women jobs they can't actually do. After all there are female cops and firefighters. Hell I work light security and half of the women I work with are literally too fat to walk. The only woman here that I think does the job well and can handle herself is this mulatto chick who fights way to much.
Post your flag so I know whether to salute you or stomp on your testicles
Jerky costs toomuch m8 and winegummies are trash. A shitty use of neetbux.
You do you my fren
I'd rather not be a useless waste of space and actually be able to enjoy a good life
pic related, just got it a few days ago in preparation for a trip.
>everyone who has a job has crippling depression
Sometimes I wonder what it's like to live in these parallel worlds you people make up to justify being neets to yourself.
>mulatto chick who fights way to much.
She wants your dick.
She fights her Mexican husband not me.
>After all there are female cops and firefighters
well of course, they can only occupy positions which don't require a certain execution quota or entry limit, otherwise you'd have exactly 0 women in bouncing, 0 women in positions of responsibility
>half of the women I work with are literally too fat to walk
very fortunately my society isn't suicidal to that point, we know our place one way or the other
Show us your piss bottles!
Good job. Working to survive is unnatural and unacceptable.
As funny as it sounds, I worked in one of the only major restaurants in my city a year or so ago, and it was the funnest job I've ever had, I got to socialize all day with people my age that became my best friends.
And all the waitresses loved me.
It really got me out of my bubble from working construction my whole life.
Now I moved and it's all gone, no friends, no life. Nothing to keep me occupied.
I'm depressed now, but I was completely enthusiastic when I worked there.
Even tho the pay was shitty, the environment was great, I learned a ton about cooking, and ate amazing food every day.
Now I'm surviving off a bowl of cereal a day and some toast..
I wish I never left.
It fucked me over big-time financially,
Now I can't even afford tools to do the main trade I spent my whole life learning.
Have to start from scratch.
Just look up “unemployment insurance” or something for your state
Uhm, get a fucking passport or does the ability to move in this world interfere with your lifestyle?
I'd rather be a successful slave than a useless slave.
1/10 for your flex, you actually sound extremely pathetic.
>hehe i will pay for muh female coworkers food too
Way to waste your money.
Meanwhile this fucking NeetOP just relax at home while you work for the benefit of someone else while they give you crumbs that you proudly parade around. Pathetic.
>western civilization falling down
>europe becomes a balkanised third world
>work this menial industrially allocated job
is it that hard to relate to? as an employer i fully understand what these faggots and troons are going through, even those who inherited wealth,
Low income communities tend to have a socialist, ignorant and jealous mentality.
Why do you think Russia was a east target for Marxists?
Many if not most of its population was poor working peasant who had little time to think.
* peasants
remember user, he's a big boii, he's too grown up to be conscious of his position as cattle, y'know, as he makes his fucking thousand euros XD
Forgot to mention they had little to no education like many jealous socialists.
Why did you get one of the shittiest cards you can possibly get?
Society is fucked enough so why not live NEET.
The best way to drain the system is to get a high paying government job and then convert all your savings into gold and silver.
You dont have enough money saved up for a vacation so you borrow money from the jews so you have to work more to pay them back? You are fucking retarded. Buy what you can afford and save for the things you want; you are selling your future time for enjoyment you havent made yourself earn. You are more of a problem than the degenerate OP.
I do believe that most NEETS (Including myself) waste their great opportunity by living unhealthy lifestyles like eating shit food and jacking off multiple times a day which I do.
That sucks man, we all make mistakes. I hope you get back on your feet soon.
Looking back at my career I can see at least 4 or 5 distinct instances in which it could have a taken a completely different turn.
I was about to get a job under table instead of my internshipt at this large company.
I was about to get sent to a different branch, but then my current boss asked a bunch of questions about databases and I was the only one to have the balls to try to answer them (group interview).
I was about to leave for a marginally higher pay a few years ago.
And now I make double what my peers do.
So long as they're paid well enough to live a comfortable life, people with menial jobs are usually very happy.
Either way being miserable won't stop the collapse, so you might as well enjoy the last years of the Empire before the dark ages come. Then you'll have all the time in the world to be miserable.
Yes I have hard assets myself to give inflation the middle finger.
.*Yes I have hard assets myself to give inflation the middle finger.
It came with a bunch of free shit. If I terminate it before this time next year I'll be over 500€ in the green for doing effectively jack squat except filling out a form in my internet banking.
Amex is a balance card not a revolving card you blithering idiot. You pay the balance back in full every month.
I got it because renting a car abroad (and even here actually) without a credit card is a total pain in the ass.
A vacation is a temporary escape for wage slavery. Why pay for a vacation when I already have the leisure time I desire?
Goyim cattle are pathetic. If you have a profession, its ok, but working for some faceless corporation for a minor controlled economic payment that ensures you will never be able to change your life is pathetic.
If I want a vacation i'll just travel to the nearest beach in my country and book into a local hotel. Not quite expensive. No need to go to Bahamas.
Oh but I have low standards unlike you wage cucks. Have fun never paying of your expensive mortgage for a house you never needed.
>going to and seeing interesting places is bad, it's better to spend your life shitposting form a dark basement
In fact thats how many wage cucks stay wage cucks.
>Either way being miserable won't stop the collapse
i am merely saying some of us are comedically ahead of these considerations, so we understand losers better... the future we envision is one of order, and respect for beauty
>So long as they're paid well enough to live a comfortable life, people with menial jobs are usually very happy.
exactly, whichever way you look at it, you, the common man, thus our society, is utterly screwed
this statement is not true of people with accumulated wealth and a burning desire
Take your meds Cletus, you're talking to yourself again.
Wagecuck - "Oh I deserve this big house and car."
That's their mentality.
True I'm a neet on the 2D pill and MGTOW I get to Much money to care about work or what others think
i'd say infinitely more than NEETS, because on some level they have an understanding of their failures and messed up heuristic
goys genuiely think they're in control, and that everyone else is as powerless as them, it's quite sad actually.
I don't care about following the latest trends of expensive fashion, technology and real estate.
I would rather live cheap and have more time to myself.
they should just remove memeflags from this board because every single thread made by one is complete dog shit low hanging fruit troll bait.
trash newgen post / 10
go away retard lmfao
He's already given me cancer by posting this thread.