Why do you hate me?
Why do you hate me?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because you're not a Zionist.
Stop working with Soros
Because blaming da joos is easier than sorting yourself out.
I dont.
>dr lobster is far from perfect though
Wash my penis
I don't, I think you're great but these idiots don't realise that you boil frogs slowly.
Jow Forums hates everything. If you like something dont post it here.
That's not true we like police chases
Zizek ended him then Neil ended Shapiro. The alt right is dying
Fucking kidding me--size zizech is a schizo
Snowniggers are ugly thats why the white race is dying.
White women don't want to fuck wrinkly old looking albinos who look like they were born in the 19th century.
Everything about snowflakes has always been about their insecurities with their women and how they have the most recessive genes out of all the races on the planet.
I don’t. How the fuck does Jow Forums not realize that the right needd charismatic and impactful faces that are not as abrasive to the mainstream media as strormfags and infinite power level edgelords. Sadly the game now is set in a way that Peterson is the farthest right that the media, academia and the general public is willing to take seriously. Anyone with a muh 6 gorillion gas the kikes race war now agenda would swiftlx get plummeted from their high ranking university job, barred access to relevant media and get ostracized by virtually every moderate otherwise willing to listen to their ideas. He’s smart and doing the right thing
he seems fairly nice
i would enjoy talking about his true views over dinner or something like that
>How the fuck does Jow Forums not realize that the right needd charismatic and impactful faces that are not as abrasive to the mainstream media as strormfags and infinite power level edgelords.
fuck off nupol
Clean your room.
>impossible to infiltrate
>e celebs can infiltrate Jow Forums
Controlled opposition.
>Implying JP and Shapiro were ever in the alt right
Didn't know we had progressives on here
Juden Peterstein
he's allright.
you don't have to buy what he's selling.
wish we could get to know more people on the same level..
always enjoy learning about peoples ideas.
>tfw my sister is texting me his videos and I'm 30 and she's 24
she knows I'm depressed and wants to help me. weird. I hate women, but she is based.
it is impossible to infiltrate without using an eceleb vector
if the mods here cracked down on this shit then the site would be a lot better
too late now though
Unironically the meme that did it for me
start taking nightly or bi-nightly walks in nature
daytime if that's your thing
Ignore all question threads.
The meme that ended a career.
Only hateful people visiting this shit hole, that all.
Big Kids rely didn't like when they told to do something.
Specially when telling them they wasting their lives.
He's a globalist shill and intellectual fraud.
What an absolute unit.
literally fucking what? Jow Forums used to be fairly diverse in its political beliefs before the 2016 election, mostly rallying behind common themes like opposition to pc culture, immogration, overt censorship and needless globalization. the stormfags mostly camw after the trump election when 15 year olds from reddit wanted to distinguish themselves from their less edgy Jow Forumsthe_donald contemporaries and started spouting natsoc ideology as being an alt right reactionary was no longer the counterculture.
you’re the nu/pol/ one here faggot
okay, but I'm going to have to carry illegally.
we have /sig/, and a whole host of other adaptations, much broader range, much larger amount of voices, not even all just fascist, many from other religions like Buddhism chipping in.
One can cannot compete with the best of a conglomerate of many groups. As such I hate him only because he is not part of our meritocratic system of competing self improvement ideologies.
I don't. Just stop playing for goodboy points and pulling the shit like you did with Kavanaugh
Holy fucking cringe this reads like some buzzfeed reporter who has been here for a weeks take. You should feel genuinely retarded for posting this
move out of niggerville
thats your problem right there
Because you're afraid to name the Jew you fucking cuck.
I’ve been here since 2011. Ever since 2016 there’s zero genuine discussion aside from country specific threads or niche topics. I miss when ad hominem attacks made up 20% of the discussion as opposed to 80%.
he talks like a fag and his shits all retarded
>Ever since 2016 there’s zero genuine discussion
What would you define as a genuine discussion? I look on the catalog right now and see a whole host of topics from serious to shipost like this place has always been. My theory is you're just jaded and buying in to the smell of your own summary
>Jow Forums hates everything
not traps
This meme summed up jp's hypocrisy
It's hard to believe just how evil this sack of shit is.
Look at the answers ITT for instance. Vague echo chamber da joos ad hominem shit with zero further substance or explanation. I don’t hold (((them))) in a particularly high regard either but why the fuck would you expect a highly respected academic to throw his career down the drain by making claims that, aside from making him a persona non grata in most relevant settings, wouldn’t even be well received by the majority of his audience and would only help fuel the left’s cause. It seems most people here can’t or don’t want to comprehend things in the broader context. The absolute worst is the delusional brand of underage stormfags who still fail to understand that Trump is nothing but a rebranded neocon and still imagine themselves exploding in euphoria when he finally nukes Israel or whatever. That and other specific brands of retardedness are now infesting all threads and prevent a large part of any legitimate discussion with reciprocative feedback from happening
So your entire argument is
>people like things I don't like
>therefore they're all just dumb
>therefore Jow Forums is now dumb
Is that the gist of it?
>look at the answers in this thread
The OP typed a one sentence argument and a picture, what responses were you expecting to get? Did you think someone was going to type out a 3-post essay on why they don't like Peterson with various citations of his books?
>no no Jow Forums is bad now because people don't see Trump the same way I do!
Do you see what I'm getting at here, you silly shitholer?
>Questioning Israel is rightfully career suicide and not an act of scholasticism
>"da joos" unironically
wew chaim
Snake, listen up. It all went down five hours ago. Armed soldiers occupied Shadow Moses Island, a remote island off the coast of Alaska. They're demanding the remains of Big Boss. And by the way, Moses...that's a symbol for what you'd call the judgmental father. And Shadow, that's a Jungian archetype, eh. That's your dark side. That's the version of you that's capable of evil. And it exists. It's real, man. It is by no means obvious that your mission is to save your father from your evil twin. It's not a metaphor, you understand that? It's TRUE. It's at least meta-true. So, you need to infiltrate Shadow Moses. But you can't. Except you can! But not really. Because you're useless and pathetic, you smoke too many cigarettes, you barely have any rations, and the few you've got have bloody BUGS all over them for God's sake. And there are a thousand other things wrong with you. So what are you gonna do? Are you gonna not try? Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Pick up your damn DUAL SHOCK™. Learn the damn controls. And then you can move properly in the world. See that box in the top right corner? That's the Soliton Radar, bucko. The dot in the center is you. The red dots are your enemies, and the blue cones are their field of vision. But be careful eh; these are genome soldiers with heightened senses, and an average IQ of 180. That's even higher than Ashkenazi Jews. So you bloody well better watch out. Okay, so-but let's go back to Jews for a moment, because I think it's important. Jews...Jews are the most persecuted people in the world. So they know a thing or two about survival, eh. The holocaust man, that was Hell. If you can live through that, you can get through anything. I have a colleague who's an expert on the subject. Ben Shapiro. His frequency is 141.80. It's only 5.99 a minute with promocode SNAKE. Okay, there are 2 enemy sentries on patrol here. You need to clear your goddamn room. Let's look at your gear. Are you still listening? Snake...? Snake?! SNAAAKE!!!
In one picture
And in a few words: because you don't support collectivism until it comes time to collectively defend the jew
Because I don't want to wash my penis
Who the hell do you think you are? You’re any kind of artist? Anybody know who you are? Maybe evrybody else wants to enjoy the peace and quiet. This is one of the most important places in North America and who are you? Who are you? You miserable presumptious no talent. You’re no artist. An artist respects the silence, it serves the foundation of creativity. You obviously don’t have the talent. You don’t have enough respect for yourself or other people, or know what it means to respect yourself. In music or any form of creativity. And I’m an NYU fil-school graduate. Sucker. And the School of Visual Art in the Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. You suck. You’re a no talent. If you really have talent, go practice. And then get yourself a gig, instead of ruining the day for everybody down here. You disgrace. You are everything that’s gone wrong in this world. You’re a self consumed, no-talent, mediocre piece of shit. And I’ve earned my right to say it. Okay? In 1975, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage. Who the fuck are you? I knew the Grateful Dead from 1966. Who the fuck are you? You’re nothing. You are nothing. And you will never be anything. Never. How dare you? You miserable, mediocre nothing. Shame on you. You crack a stupid little smile, you little pimp. Go learn to play. You’re flat. You can’t even carry a fucking note. I don’t care about your little horn lip, it doesn’t mean you know how to play. You’re flat. I’ve trained classically, I’ve trained contemporaneously, and you suck.
This did it for me too desu.
Christ I wish I could have walls adorned with NSDAP propaganda art without suffering any social repercussions whatsoever
The final chapter in your saga will be an ex-supporter shooting you in the back. Would be great if Owen Benjamin did it.
Is he that guy who fucked a tranny?
So your entire argument is
>people like things I don't like
>therefore they're all just dumb
>therefore Jow Forums is now dumb
No, i take no issue with their viewpoints per se, but seeing the thread dominated by varieties of ‘le kike zionist soros shill XD’ with zero further elaboration (this can be elaborated on quite easily if you’re not 15) makes me rightfully think that the quality of content on Jow Forums has massively deteoriated throughout the past few years. I couldn’t care less about Trump aside from being clearly able to predict the seething about the inevitable neocon conduct and direction of his foreign policy, which i however dislike too. Couldn’t care less though if you get overriden by spics and breeded into mutts.
>posts a picture of an anarcho primitivist larper that somehow gained moral authority through sending mailbombs and writing a semi decent manifesto
wew lad
you can know something is good for your without being able to muster up the energy to do it yourself nigger
Sloppy job Mossad.
>makes me rightfully think that the quality of content on Jow Forums has massively deteoriated throughout the past few years.
Welcome to the age of phoneposters, just update your brain and filter them out. There's no point in going "woe is Jow Forums, Jow Forums so dead" when it's just as shitty as it has always been
>I couldn’t care less about Trump aside from being clearly able to predict the seething about the inevitable neocon conduct and direction of his foreign policy, which i however dislike too. Couldn’t care less though if you get overriden by spics and breeded into mutts.
Right, and as much as you couldn't care about Trump the entire world doesn't care about your country. Be happy that Jow Forums gives you a place where your opinions can be seen by people who do matter
He's basically a medic in a war
Only assisting the affected, not helping to resolve the problem
Isn't diversity swell? Even other species get to participate!
I like white privilege.
These hucksters encourage the right to seek a moderation and compromise which is no longer tenable. They're all gurus interested in gatekeeping the hot takes with nothing substantive to add. Not only do they defuse political feeling, they actively fleece their supporters. JP Morgan would run in a fight, he actively sells out the right when put on the spot and is useful only as an unwitting gateway
Not adhominem, he was a lucky guy who had to struggle to walk a tightrope, and now has gravitated towards shilling for establishment libertarianism as an influence agent because it's safer. 100% funded by big money partnerships now
I bet you need instructions to screw in a lightbulb.
as always the mutt runs out of arguments, posts a pleb reaction image and signs off with a brain fart.
I personally felt a huge change post trump election. I imagine it was a combination of trumpers leaving patting themselves on the back for a job well done, and shills swarming in to try and do whatever shills do
>tribalism bad
Because you're a fucking self-help snake oil salesman attention whore and you keep using the same rehearsed artificial phrases over and over.
>What is a Patsy?
The astroturfed reaction, from left to right:
((Aged guru))
Moneylender and left-wing ((influencer))
Designated MSM voice for ((catholics))
Libertarian Heel
Desperate shock jock
Designated MSM voice of Atheism & ((Islamophobia))
Huh, what's the connection???
>jewish wife
>jewish daughter
>jewish grandchild
>trilateral commision
Left to right:
>jewish wife
>jewish wife
Find another site to sully you evil coward.
holy shit, even I can't keep track of the echos
That's just the shillbot invasion.
he's a medic in the sense that he tells each soldier to just clean his rifle and not listen to orders or work as a unit. After all, you can't win a war with a dirty weapon. But don't work together, that's what our enemies are doing. And they are bad.
So he's not like a medic at all, actually.
Stop lying faggot newfag.
I just got your book a few days ago. Epic, very interesting indeed.
because you tell the truth and then you become afraid of it, so rather than naming the jew you say shit like "cavanaugh should resign" so the twitter mobs don't come for you
This place really is a shithole. Only uaeful for news and humour, not any serious discussion.
its’s getting cold, isn’t it?
Wow, impressive user
>Jow Forums hates JEW SHIT. If you like JEW SHIT dont post it here.
reverse psychology eh?