Why do low income white women always fall for the nig pill?
I know jews specifically target stupid white women but still this is problematic
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Black guys are more muscular on average than white guys as young males and are a lot better at small talk.
blacks are just more alpha, thats literally it, dude.
t. pajeet who passed for a nigger banged several low class white girls in Ukraine
i probably have AIDS right now but who cares the pussy was good
>Why do low income white women always fall for the nig pill?
They're low income because they have poor life skills and are easily manipulated. Even when the nog gets her pregnant and leaves, she will still defend him
They are brainwashed by the media to believe interracial relationships are amazing, so they will do anything in their power to justify their life choices
wtf I know her
ive seen tons of giga niggas and fat as fuck nigs they arent all physically better than whites
Reality says otheriwse, nigger.
so sad what can you do for a white woman that has already shat out a nigger baby? The rope? is there any hope for the nigger loving roastie
Blacks are more masculine, fit and have bigger cocks
it's juts the natural order that white women prefer Black BVLLs over their pathetic puny stinky white soulmastes
women love BBC and the animal dominant nature of black men. You will never win against that.. nature is too strong.
You realize only stupid liberal use that word right?
Pretty obvious shill thread.
>so sad what can you do for a white woman that has already shat out a nigger baby
1. Kill mutt baby
2. Imprison female
3. Force-breed her to make white children
4. The boys are taken to military school with no contact to their whore mother, the girls are taken to behavior school where they will be taught to be good housewives to their future military husbands
5. Kill the female when she becomes infertile
Extract the maximum value out of her cunt and then dispose of her like the useless race traitor slut she is.
Niggers are still allowed to be masculine without going to jail for offending
>That Asian ratio
Holy shit.
Whites are more masculine compared to your shitty race.
"Less nigger than poo in loo" doesn't mean white.
You had sex with goblin gypsies not even for free faggot
Because they're morbidly obese, so only an average nigger will go for a morbidly obese, broke ass, trash woman.
Snowniggers are ugly thats why the white race is dying.
White women don't want to fuck wrinkly old looking albinos who look like they were born in the 19th century.
Everything about snowflakes has always been about their insecurities with their women and how they have the most recessive genes out of all the races on the planet.
Women are attracted to masculine and dominant males.
You obesse shut ins can't satisfy a woman.
Who's this? Jimmy? lmao always knew you were a Jow Forumsack
Reintegration IS possible but incredibly hard to accomplish. People (women specifically) hate to admit they're wrong. Even if they know it they will never admit to it. Telling a braindead woman she was wrong to fuck a negro is like telling a Christian God doesn't exist. Just sets off their emergency system
Scarily efficient as usual Hans, keep up the good work.
yes and only the highest nobility of whites is worthy of bbc
Just like the norwegian princess..
nigger semen taints uteruses
Fewer than 1% of white women will ever date outside their race, yet 60% of Jewish women do. Those “white” women like in OP’s pic are Jewish.
Then explain why it's only the really fat/trashy/poor/slutty white women who hook up with nigger. If dindus are such alpha males, surely they wouldn't be restricted as such to the bottom of the white pussy barrel, right?
stupid nigger
Cope harder whitey
Lose weight
Low IQ/poor people tend to be around other low IQ/poor people.
Why does this meme only exist in muttmerica? Blacks are extremely skinny everywhere else, even in their homelands.
If this the case you shouldnt have a problem with them jews
>Then explain why it's only the really fat/trashy/poor/slutty white women who hook up with nigger. If dindus are such alpha males, surely they wouldn't be restricted as such to the bottom of the white pussy barrel, right?
No they dont...
>Why do low income white women always fall for the nig pill?
Prot women would rather date an African than a Catholic. Africans are mostly Prots. So income level is irrelevant.
Sorry but they don't. white women have the lowest of any race group to date outside of race and pornhub confirmed only white men were being watched by all women so fuck off OP retard "blacked" is literally jsut Jewish obsession and watched only by cringey mexicans and asians
beautiful kid
we must promote this more and more and more
porn is predominantly watched by men and in the West like America it is obvious that in order to create a slave mutt society that is rootless they need to break white america first. thus, all propaganda is targeted against white men. How fucking dumb do you have to be to not see it? Semites have a history of this behavior and learned from those like Assyria. When ASsyria conquered a people they uprooted them and scattered them and flooded their lands with foreigners to mutt and control them.
the reality of the incel meme is that only incels are supporting this. it's like when the thot audit was going on and all the instawhores were saying that the people reporting them were "incels" while conveniently ignoring the fact that the only ppl actually giving them money were, in fact, incels. fag jew loser
It’s a self esteem issue. When poor dirty people go to school, and see kids that are clean and well dressed, they get a complex about themselves that they’re not good enough. Dr Phil actually talked about this on Joe Rogaine. And White girls who feel like they can’t get white men, lash out by either attacking white men, or just think white men are too good for them and go after whoever is easiest, and blacks are the easiest, because blacks are they least attractive race.
Their version of clown world
Whites have been bombarded with feminism to the point that young white men are terrified to aggressively pursue women.
They are poor. Virtue signalling by dating subhumans is free & immediately lauded.
Reality must be hard for you useless niggers:
>One of the most striking findings is that white women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to exclude black men as dates as women who describe themselves as thick, voluptuous, a few extra pounds, or large
It is the case, we’ve been over this many times.
OP’s an Israeli Jew, that’s why he uses the meme flag.
but its seems that all the porn is just effecting their own women
and the 1% are negligible and cant possible be traced back to an jewish agenda
mindgeek which controls most porn outlets including blaced are all jewish controlled. jews finance big capital. in Poland right now Jews are demanding we pay them 300 billion USD and suddenly JewSA ZOG is supporting them. No jewish conspiracy huh? conspiracy is itself a bullshit term to begin with to discredit any kind of doubt. dumb meme flag loser probably a asian lanklet or at worst, god forbid it, a jew.
semitic people have same behavioral patterns for all of history one look at levantine history in antiquity is more than enough to understand them
The great filter.
Don’t fight it.
Embrace it.
and nobody said Jews were impervious or "unbreakable" they're just stupid asshole manipulators that think all goyim deserve to be ruled by them the chosen race