>The United States and China intensified their trade dispute on Monday, as Beijing said it would increase tariffs on nearly $60 billion worth of American goods and the Trump administration detailed plans to tax nearly every sneaker, computer, dress and handbag that China imports to the United States.
>Financial markets fell on Monday after China detailed plans to increase tariffs, with the S&P 500 index down more than 2.4 percent for the day and more than 4 percent this month. Shares of companies particularly dependent on trade with China, including Apple and Boeing, fared poorly, and yields on three-month Treasury securities exceeded those on 10-year bonds, a sign that investors may be souring on the outlook for short-term economic growth.
How will this trade war end?
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it will end by china collapsing or by china stopping their thievery and removing their tariffs
fucking cannibal.
The limiting of outsourcing.
Canada's future looks bright. Can't wait for my centipede dining diversity.
america can absolutely survive a trade war. china will cave. teflon don doesnt bend when it comes to these types of things.
I doubt it. It would really be weird not seeing “Made in China” on everything around me. We need them more than they need us.
No you don't.
bugs aren't born with empathy. they have to be taught what it means to "feel bad when another buy gets eaten"
kek asians are gross can't believe i used to have an asian fetish
My all time favorite.
China is going to give up. They cannot risk screwing over their economy, because their real estate market is in a lot of trouble right now. An economic slow down would quickly run into a collapse and if people get unhappy, then the party might be removed from power.
Chinese people are subhuman
White people cant watch animals die without acting like a bunch of sissy faggots.
If asians just started slaughtering dogs in front of white people they would just cry and not do anything to asians.
Thats why white women dont like white men. Too sissy
What is that yellow liquid that make the poor thing explode?:
>white women love soulless bug people
no they don't Chinese people have small penises, they love that too?
These fucking people.
It's like they enjoy suffering, and I don't even like those fucking bugs at all.
What kind of liquid are they dumped into?
Wtf? Is that acid?
I'm suppose to believe IQ105 meme while they think this nigger tier behavior is impressive?
I don't think so.
It's piss. The bubbling is the bugs drowning because they can't breathe underwater.
that asian chick in the op is more alpha than 99% of Jow Forums
alkohol probably
that's a real man Polak
watch and learn
Probably concentrated spirits of some kind. To us, just hard liquor, but to an insect that breathes through wholes in its skin; well tell us how'd you feel if somebody poured jack daniels directly into your lungs.
Traitors within American named neoconservatives and democrats will end this "flare up of American nationalism" and undo the tariffs.
We'll look like the weakest era of history.
>President Donald Trump almost succeeded in an economic policy that would have stopped the Chinese from destroying the world
>But he 'wasn't very popular and nobody liked him' and didn't succeed.
They're not going to mention in the history books that some korean basket weaving forum was pro-Trump and that there was distrust of the media, they'll just take all those nasty headlines the media creates and consider those the facts of the time.
America can win any trade war and go full autarky, current China would collapse and maybe rebuild with standards and successful autarky itself in 100 years, but it'll never happen when the one chance is has relies on a fluke of a single elected president.
piss, what else... Yeah seems like a chink thing to do.
It will end when Don leaves the WH and his replacement spreads their buttcheeks wide open. China has to collapse first, or US will lose
Hey I'm a chink.
t. Would do the same.
but i never said anything about white women liking chinese men :^)
Reread cuz someones insecurities is showing~
I fucking hate these Chinks so much. Stupid plastic insect whore playing with her food like that. I don't care how many nigger hate threads you make, these chinks are even more subhuman.
t. White man
>literal bug eating monkeys
It will be handled masterfully. US corporations manufacturing in China, will be forced to act as patriots again.
I bet this cures Aids, Cancer and whatnot
>beta fag too scared got kiked by comfort zones and his shitty burger lifestyle
lmao @ u
idk, the bubbling and steam jets makes me think that it's hot oil. Can some fastfood wagie confirm that deep frying looks like this?
We really don't.
The breakdown of the cost increase for things being made in the USA given export and import fees, rising wages in china, and more has shown that if the same goods were made in the USA the price for them would increase, but not by much at all. Like 200 extra dollars a car and a penny for a canned good on average.
If there would be a trade war on a global scale, and a war of attrition, then considering game theory and economics, the US and the EU would come out winning it.
The US and the EU are the only places which can sustain themselves due to their high consumption. All the other countries in the world are dependent on the US or the EU.
respond please i love insecure white bois
Is this supposed to represent the Chinese devourering Trump's 'pedes?
you're posting in a china thread faggot?
hot oil would fucking make that wine glass explode in an instant
it's probably strong beer, chinks love that shit
nice flag switch.
Are we gonna play dumb now? You are insecure towards chinese men.
like a fishing pole. Bait then wait and see which one is insecure
You got me user
The EU can sustain itself?
Not after it took in all those niggers, broski.
The USA has enough oil, gas, steel, and staple crops to fend for itself with little to no drop in standard of living for a couple hundred years.
trumps a cuck, nothing will change.
It used to say Made in Taiwan.
You can put hot oil in a glass no problem. Just do it gradually so the temperature doesn't rise too fast. Good idea would be to pre-heat the glass with boiling water first.
Thanks. Heres an insecurity sticker. 8=D~ D:
China can destroy America with economic warfare. They just have to pull out all their money (stocks, investments, banks) in a week. China survives and US goes down, simple as that.
China been tactically investing like this since the 90s. It would hurt, but it would mean the end of the US economy.
A hot trade war with China will not end well. They've been preparing, while US rolled over and became addicted to cheap manufacturing and "easy" money.
idk man she blows on it and eats it like it's hot. Also how the fuck is the carbonation from a beer going to shoot jets like at 0:13 when the centipede isn't even moving?
How can you just "pull out" all that stuff?
What are they being put in?
>american goods
So resse's and Netflix subscriptions?
>t. White man
Also enlarges you peepee.
>But actually the Republic of China.
>Or Taiwan.
Looks like very hot oil, kinda like a fondue pot, the bubbling is the water turning to steam due to the heat. Notice she blows on the centipede before eating.
Hitler were are you? I swear, on this day, after I finish this bone in ham I made yesterday, I will go vegetarian.
>China can destroy America with economic warfare. They just have to pull out all their money (stocks, investments, banks) in a week. China survives and US goes down, simple as that.
China doesn't survive it though. China is sitting on a real estate bomb. They have a massive bubble in the housing market. If China's economy takes a dump then that bubble will probably pop.
Eh, in the west we euthanize feral dogs all the time, granted it is more humane to have a quick death but at least it is less wasteful to process the meat. Can't be mad at impoverished people for feeding themselves. I'm sure they're eatinf trash so the meat is terrible but better than gutter oil.
It was you leaf niggers and the muriturds that stopped Imperial Nippon from exterminating those two legged rats,
start outsourcing to mexico.
This level of hubris and arrogance is why you will lose
>You racka a dicipline and humility
Dogs are of no nutritional value
Why in the FUCK is this insect torturing bugs?
They can't "pull out their money". They can take out their cash, but their stocks, bonds, property, etc. will need to be SOLD for China to "pull out its money". An attempt to immediately sell off all of their assets would result In them needing to sell them at discounted rates. A bunch of investors picking up Chinese assets at a discounted value won't do a thing to us. China will be taking a loss on the sale of their assets.
>Late term abortion
the numbers guarantee that china loses in the end. if you're going to argue that they are willing to endure more pain than america, that is probably true but i don't know what you're arguing other than "i hate americans."
Does that help with hangover?
yeah thats a well known chiinese trait
He does pretty much everything correctly...
Puts them in alcohol, so they start dying
Gives them some time to die
Adds more alcohol to kill them better
Swirls the bottle so everything flows out of it better
It's still disgusting and I'd prefer to eat my food cooked.
Make it illegal for business and individuals. China can still do that. Dump all the bonds and prop up the Euro. Tariff the shit out of US goods. Fuck over Boeing and Apple. Stress the absolute fuck out of US stock market. Cause a banking run and credit crunch.
US will be third place after China and Europe. Then watch it eat itself, because it cant sustain itself without war, but theyll have no foreign militaries to count on, because they lost their top dog bully position. The streets will run with blood.
Are there any chinks or gooks that don't torture animals to death?
>they are willing to endure more pain than america
I am and that is why you'll lose
I don't hate America or Americans I simply hate your ruling classes fuckeries
>They are*
In b4 muh Huawei agent
>I am
>they are
They are insectoids
It's going to end with my pockets lined because I'm shorting every fumbling american company thats getting wrecked by this. As you all should too if youre smart goys
It ends when the next president is elected. China wins due to it not being a democracy.
doggos are too lovable to eat
King Jong Un
Now only if she would do that to burger children as well.
Would "good boy".
you understand nothing
here is a hint to get you started
paper is not wealth; destroying paper destroys no wealth
well you have the canadians.
Hubris? We buy what we want. Go back to sucking the Germans for handouts you stupid git.
is that hot oil in the glass?
jesus christ gooks are so repulsive.
Well then, gonna show the work vegan these. She says she doesn't mind people eating bugs.