Christ Church

>Christ Church
>San Diego mosque
>Now this
The alt-right is literally breeding terrorists and you can't even deny that now. I am going to call my congressman and demand they are listed as a terrorist group. Your little Echo chamber is going to fall

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Other urls found in this thread:

Thank God I'm a Nazi and not one of these Alt-right terrorists.

sounds like a conspiracy theory

How do you let this shit get out how retarded can you be.

White nationalist are fucking the world up of course people here deny it since they support it

You can't even accurately define the alt-right, you angry little faggot.

Sounds like white countries are too dangerous to let in refugees. They should go somewhere safer.

>abloo hoo
>i'm a nigger and the nazis want to kill me so I annoy them in my free time

Does it not bother you that the government is spying on its own citizens. After all how are they getting this information.

White supremacists who want to kill minorities. Wow that was pretty easy

thats not the alt right retard


Never forget boys.

>When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny


They are freedom fighters, not terrorists.

sloppy jalopy


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How do you get caught who the fuck is he running around telling

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All they have is bullshit mass shootings to distract people and they are happening so frequently now that people are sick of the same narrative every time.

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>The alt-right is literally breeding terrorists
The shit skins have gotten too uppity. They need to be put in their place.
They need to be afraid of white people again.

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Because Tarrant was a liberal right? Room temperature IQ retardation I tell you

Adl article "hasten." Oops shlomo you let it slip.

if you fight your enemy you are the terrorist.

>The only two options are alt right, and liberal

Imagine being this fucking stupid, and actually defending it.

non sequitur dipshit

so what did the guy ACTUALLY do that got him in hot water?

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Americunts are pathetic. Might as well watch Juden Peterstein while you're at it.

fuck off nigger
fucking retard
>What is Black Cube, the Cambridge Analytica-linked intelligence firm?
>Twitter Sold Data Access to Cambridge Analytica-Linked Researcher
>New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica
>Bannon oversaw Cambridge Analytica’s collection of Facebook data, according to former employee
>Israel’s Netanyahu isn’t worried about Steve Bannon and anti-Semitism in Trump’s camp
>How Steve Bannon used Cambridge Analytica to further his alt-right vision for America

Having read one of the articles they were spying on this guy and charge on drug possession. The prosecutor doesn't have enough evidence to charge him with the serious claims of planning a terrorist attack but they are trying to build a case. The guy red a manifesto and owns guns. He had a political enemy list and so that is why he is locked up. The also pulled search terms, so I guess free speech and privacy is under attack again. There is no written evidence from the defendant that he intended to commit an attack. The state is just fine hounding an innocent man.

Nothing illegal, the government just suspects him and decided to arrest him on possession of controlled substances. They haven't even charged him with the more serous claims because there is no evidence for it.

There's no difference. We all know there isn't a difference.

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So we’re all pretty much fucked how long until this shows up in our driveways

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What is the alt-right? Seems to be a very vague definition. Someone could be labeled as alt-right for having even only one political view on the repub side. Seems like an easy scapegoat... hmmm well. Its not like we haven't seen non-right wing folks scapegoat an entire designation if people before. Pic related.

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Time to not put sensitive information on an electronic devices; I suppose.

Lol the language these kikes use is hilarious.

Semantics by semetics.

Lol, what can you expect user? The alt right, alt left and SJWs will always use same fallacies behind the structure of their arguments.

>. Your little Echo chamber is going to fall

You faggots have been saying this since Jow Forums started. When are you going to do it?

You're mom's pussy is room temperature.

It is getting out of hand. You can Jews in niggers but this would genuinely suck if we got censored or shut down

we woun't have a bunch of nig nazis shooting people around if it wasen't for the mass imigration you libtards where pusshing

Bro were talking about white people shooting colored people in church. Not some Hooligans on the street

This, he was apparently in contact with The Northwest Front too which probably made them want to take him out while they had the chance

whats wrong with breeding terrorist?
how else do you murder your enemies

When Jow Forums started there wasn't literal terrorists posting before they shot up a church. Things change

What a retard. If you're plotting a terrorist attack, you NEVER supposed to hint at it or else you'll get caught.

Shlomo, calm down, your fav Rabbi is here to help you thru this!

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the alt-right is a made up term by kikes like you

If it wasn't alternative then it would just be normal right wing. Do you see conservatives spewing racist garbage all the time?

thats why the term existed before hiliary ran for president

People on here typically
they got to prove their racial superiority you know
Its funny since I am here and not having an issue at all

what is a white supremacist attack exactly?

This. It was a term invented to label people who voted for Trump who aren't typically conservative or right wing. The democrats still don't understand why these people voted for Trump, so they simply just label you "alt-right" so they can lump you in with everyone else. Liberals sure do love to label everything.

The projection is so strong in this one. Well never mind, it's strong in all of yous.

You have to say it a 3rd time so you can convince people.

I'm a Catholic-American of German decent, not "white" so thank God

dude you're an idiot

>Buzzfeed News

Fake and gay.

The guy isn't charged with terrorism or anything related to terrorism. He was arrested on weapons charges. He should sue the media for the bullshit they spew.

Dude was so ducking obvious with his searches and purchases on his work computer it was like he wanted to get caught. False flag is false.

Fucking finally, It's about time those fucks started doing something.

It's Mossad.

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Islam is better than faggy liberalism.

>Kikington Post

Nice sources faggot

False flag is false.

He was a dumb fuck using his work computer on a govt sever. He should have known he was being monitored. The only thing this guy is guilty of is being a dumb ass.

>access to white people and their countries is somehow a human right

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The difference is that these countries belong to us. Faggot.

pol is just an incel cope board. Their betafag ideologies are all easily crushed by this short youtube video.

We need more Sloppy Job Mossad threads all over Jow Forums. Lets do this lol

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You need to seek a gf incel coward.

Anyone else hungry for Sloppy Joes whenever you hear about some bullshit shooting?

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Case closed lol

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no one wants to admit it, but, we have huge issues to eradicate in this country.

sloppy joes are slave-tier food

Declaring someone or a group as domestic terrorists is unconstitutional sweetie

says isis

Crabfag reporting in, it's a blue state but that's entirely due to D.C, anything south of PG County is red. Most here are fed up with the lying globalist kikes. Every coworker who doesn't get their main source of news from CNN or BuzzFeed is aware of the JQ.

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>convicting a man for conspiracy
Lol good luck

The world was fucked up from the start.

>not being a lone wolf
It's like you want the feds to catch you.

You're kind of scaring me now. Could you give me a little bit of what you're talking about?

>1 Post by this ID
>no archive link
300 posts here we come.

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you appreciate true art

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This is inevitable with the current trajectory. I say about 25%-50% are woken to reality of situation. Many are still seeing if it can be fixed through politics, but for the most part many are done with it. We have enter the phase of terrorism and suppression until a civil war breaks out. Of which whites will most likely win as at our core we are the most ruthless of killers of any race.

The dirty secret behind Buzzfeed News. Don't tell anyone.

Attached: Who is behind BuzzFeed - Disinformation Network - Troll Farm - Rothschild - London - New York - LA.j (3330x4680, 3.61M)

Hold on.

Coast gaurd?

They ain't even sailors let alone marines...

Shows why he was caught I guess.

>paul hasson
Thats a muslim last name.


Ayy bump

>you can't even deny that now
For all you know all of these marvel movies are doing it

fucking thanos sympathizers or something you don't know

The real weapon people should be using is LSD. If you can get enough LSD into people, you can affect what's called a Mass Awakening. Liquid LSD.

>can't even accurately define the alt-right
this is true, it's still forming.
>White supremacists who want to kill minorities.
I'm white, and don't want to kill anyone. Just want to live in peace.

>echo chamber
Get out new fag

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>these guys are dangerous
>lets remove one of the few places they spend their time on, negatively impacting them directly won't have any backlash
Oh please do.

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No shit it breeds terrorists. pol/ is a breeding ground in itself.

All you do is constantly encourage each other to become more extreme and withdrawn. You're an echo-isolation chamber and you're turning out fuck ups repeatedly. This is where fuck ups come to jizz to violence & authoritarianism. user is retarded white trash.

I know but it doesn't matter. The glows will do plenty of sloppy job shootings to carry the narrative anyway.

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I'm a moderate white, don't bring me into this
white nationalism is the ideology of peace

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>the alt right
You're a little retarded eh?

about as true as islam being the religion of peace, death to both groups is probably the best thing to do for the world