How do you cope with the anger, Jow Forums?
I hate everything and everyone
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I stopped being a teenager
Hate is not the opposite of love. Apathy is. You have a ways to go before you should be concerned.
I don't.
Same boat as you
The murderous rage is killing me
I am in a living hell
The worst is at work
I hate all of them
/b/ or Jow Forums are great boards for this
BBC is the only solution the your problems
That radio is FULL OF SHIT !
Why do people even listen to that shit or watch their tv channel?
Im mean big black cock
Just go to Porn hub and check it out
Pray for your enemies. Seriously, it helps a lot.
Turn that hate into just plain disgust and disregard. There's no reason to truly hate the average zionist normie, they are just so below you it'd be like truly hating a squirrel. What's the point? It's just a disgusting tree rodent, running around, fucking shit up.
Find an outlet that isn't some s o y hobby and focus your anger to use in a positive manner for your gain. Firearms, woodworking, automotive repair, ect... are great. Just don't get into degenerate shit like growing pot or making alcohol. Lastly, I know this kinda goes against my earlier statement; but look into the Sith religion. I'm talking pre-Disney Sith. Back when SW had a mad edgybois. I doubt this helps; but you never know.
You want the OP to go on a rampage?
Also these.
Damn, well then I'm fucked I guess
>coming here unironically
Aren't we all?
I lift. Browse /hmofa/. And dream of a world without niggers.
I just suppress it, i am full of hate and anger
Kidnapping and murdering degenerates helps me. If I get 1 a quarter it seems to calm me down.
this hurt me, user...
Just embrace it.
You are angry because you want to fix the world. Dont ever let go of the anger because it is righteous
Kill people
Rimworld. Makes everyone else's lives miserable
Cannabis and self mutilation.
You should watch My Little Pony
after overdosing on redpills the anger gave way to depression which gave way to escaping from reality and burying myself in videogames/movies.
I come here, Knowing that im not alone. That theres some user out there that feels just like me
just check our bbc on porn, or stick a dildo in you butt its not gay belive me
Let it consume you.
a alternate universe where the only thing that exists is rim jobs
i dont understand people who get depressed from redpills
in regards to your day to day life youre not affected knowing something is nothing to get depressed about
if anything its a call to actions to improve yourself so if you ever have the chance to do anything about it you wont waste it. like how warriors back in the day spent years preparing for one battle that may decisively change things for their nation and lives
there is no need to escape from macroreality when your microreality can be so beautiful
Not angry. Just focused.
do something productive
all these deaths of despair are because people live meaningless lives with no positive struggle or reward.
I honestly have no idea
Beer. Edibles. Xanax. Memes. Books.
Most days even those things are useless. Been thinking about going out and killing pedophiles with a hammer. Tips?
Stop listening to Linkin Park, that helps.
lift weights, eat healthy, yoga/chi gong, sleep right, dont drink alcohol, take over the counter lithium orotate and other suppliments
they got the worse end of the boomer stick. boomer style hands-off parenting is worse than overtly abusing your children, they spend decades figuring shit out themselves when they should have been taught from a young age. this is how women become used up roasties who can't settle down with one man until it's way too late.
dont give in to sloth or escapism, stay in shape and find a good hobby. stop trying to fix the world, you can only fix yourself and in so doing, you may be able to help the people around you.
we are like ships in a storm, there's no way to navigate out of it, you just have to endure.
I'm cursed with the "gift" of awareness. I don't hate anyone, why? because "i understand".
Who am i supposed to hate and why? seriously, try your best.
Seek spiritual help in a synagogue
You're funny and humorous because you understand just how hopeless and unfair life is, it's a coping mechanism. You don't actually think anything is truly funny.
You stop. Get off jewbook, get off Jow Forums, and stop to think whether it's really worth getting upset over? Did they censor a game you only sometimes play? Who cares go play another one. Is there a celebrity saying dumb shit on Twitter? Who cares, block and move on. Holding onto anger fucks you up something fierce and makes you an awful person to interact with.
You understand that you can't laugh the darkness away.
stop caring
Cool story bro, so do you think the internet will ever go down or be heavily censored? like say in 10-20-30 years.
I stopped listening to all of this depressing, angsty, edgy, and jarring music like NIN and Marilyn Manson. I took the Taylor Pill, never been happier in my entire life. Normie music isn't that bad.
HA! you'll be singing a different tune if S ever HTF. None of us here want shit to go down, we're all talk. NOBODY wants what may be coming, get real.
twitter is a cancer in itself that keeps you plugged into globohomo. Jow Forums is bad enough but nobody should still be on insta/facekike/twitter. the studies came out many years ago, social media makes you feel like shit
I don't want to be just another bullet hole in the exit sign of your road, so just smile like a rifle hot metal in the setting sun. I've been invited to eat the young.
You eat the pain.
That's my kind of universe. Sex in not full filling without a proper rimjob received.
Sex is not fulfilling unless, well, you know.
HAHA i'm hysterical with laughter why aren't you? STOP CRYING.
You ask pain why he chose you and become friends with pain. He's an honest lad.
Anger is the emotion of injury. Active harm by others provokes anger. Careless neglect by others produces disappointment, dissatisfaction; seeds with which to foster a righteous rage against those who have wronged you.
You're angry with the world, therefore the world has harmed you. But the world harms everyone, and so why are you so angry? What do you deserve that has been stripped from you by circumstance and fate?
dude weed + nunchucks +
The world chico, and everything in it.
This but unironically, there's a reason some people become alcoholics. Reality is fucked.
But hey, you should never abandon the struggle yadda yadda. It'll be better next incarantion, bud.
Me, I just work harder at improving my position. Saving my money and learning new stuff. When the shit really hits the fan I'll be ready. Part of your anger is due to your helplessness.
When will SHTF in your opinion?
Most likely never, but I really want it to happen.
Be more confident, try to be above whatever frustrates you. Stop feeling pitty about yourself and step up your game. Be based.
Fuck off White guy from Canada, i hope shit never hits the fan or at least that it does after i'm dead. All i want is to watch the shitshow., can't do that if the internet is down and there's no electricity you know what i mean?
This and this. Most of Jow Forums are INTJs or one other. And most of us are the types that see the world as right or wrong, instead of just seeing it and taking it as it is. We want to fix it cuz we can see how fucked it is. Yes, that anger is quite righteous. Hold onto it and remember it when the time comes.
I don't know but your taste in anime is S tier
>life weights
just exercise at least, doesn't have to be weights
>eat healthy
yes and take stuff for your gut biome too, like homemade kombucha
>don't drink alcohol
nah you fucked up kid, drink alcohol all the time just no need to get intoxicated
>take other supplements
meh, just eating healthy and getting lots of sun should help you out without supplements.
>also smoke loads of cannabis.
yes, lots and lots of cannabis will help.
You talk and think like a liberal loser...
emotions control you
Stop being a worthless fucking loser and you wont hate so much.
Brainwashed liberal nazi zoomers are all the same. Dumber then a box of rocks but think they found the secrets of the world on youtube lol
fucking sad
Then get in line.
Learn to wield it and rage against the world by bettering yourself. Your anger is likely righteous, so use it for righteous purpose.
I get in front of the line and if you have a problem with that i'll simply kill you.
What abunch of crying nigger babies you all are
Gain insight from your pain, the highs and lows fuel your journey. Never forget how it makes you feel but moderate your rage. You will have more insight and gain perspective as you age. Cold calculation beats unbridled emotion every time. Don't go mad, don't act out and formulate your plans for the future. Never give in or give up, you will understand more as you age. Act properly and within reason, you will have an opportunity to enact change, stalk your opportunity and seek to be enlightened. You will make it, we will make it, the cycles of time will shift your perspective. Stay the course.
>t. 30 y/o boomer
These feminine nitpicky posts are infused with soilent. Make your own advice post
>this whole thread
I just burry it within me and get depression then proceed to wither away
>or making alcohol.
who the fuck is making alcohol in 2019
Way to not check my doubls you fucking rat kike bitch. kys.
I used to feel that way too. I've come to realize that humanity isn't what I thought it was. Getting angry at people is like getting mad at mindless animals. They have no clue what they are doing, no idea what is real. The must have proper leadership and guidance. Lashing out on them for being stupid is akin to beating up retards for being mentally handicapped. I am learning to change my behavior, to make them more tolerable. And I learning to accept my own limitations. The rage will destroy you over time OP. It destroys your body and hinders your progress in life. If you are using drugs or alcohol to cope, I suggest that you stop imediately. Your problems won't go away, but your Liver will. It is not a quick death.
The only way to stop anger is confession and Eucharist
I had sex
proof that christianity is a pacifying religion for cuckolds?
I grow up and grow a pair.
t. pagan buttpumping dicksucker
Millennial fag