> Jow Forums
> claims to be red pilled
> thinks the CIA are the “bad guys”
Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>lives off people's taxes
>shitposts on 4niggers all day
you should all be shot in the head
The CIA is to the USA what Batman is to Gotham. JFK was a monster was Harvey Dent.
>Jow Forums is a single person
>OP watches anime so he's a tranny
That’s ok. Hate them. They can take it. That’s their job.
Dallas, Texas
Lyndon B. Johnson
George Herbert Walker Bush
George Walker Bush
MK Ultra
You glowniggers are fucking scum
shoo shoo glow nigger
Decent watch -- some CIA are poorfags who sell secrets to the Russians to pay off their debts.
Others seem a bit mad dog-ish, enthusiastically ordering bombing raids during the Cold War without giving a shit about civilian casualites.
The lies they must tell themselves about their mission.
what do you want with me CIA niggers
You are kinda glowing in the dark there OP
Better to be bright than dim.
"Operation Digits"
CIA is pretty objectively evil.
you're going to have a hard time speaking with me on Jow Forums soon so you might want to speak up
We need you to Shoot up a local mosque and rape the dead Mudslime Babies.
>Amerikike gov
>good guys in any way
This. CIA is terror org
CIA are Jesuits, basically Jewish Catholics
they've been using their interdimensional beings to mess with me and my family for years. I didn't realize it until recently. I'm not sure they knew who I was specifically, that's why they had to channel those 'beings' to do the work
Fuck off they caused the refugee crisis in Syria leading to the flooding of Europe via their arming of jihadis. Eat shit.
CIA is chock full of shapeshifting demons
I know wat u mean
no you don't faggot, be quiet
cia is legion and legion is against God.
Any evidence they are the "good guys"? No? Ok then.
I definitely super appreciate having a psychological warfare campaign waged against me from cradle to grave in order to grease the wheels of global capitalism
Can I run coke and fuck hookers too? And work around Nazis all day drugging random people for fun?
What a hell did you even meant by this post you mutt?
Also see why Abraham was a psychopath:
The CIA are basically the extrajudicial arm of the shadow gov committee pedos who control the blackmailed pedos you call the elected government.
If you actually read up on the MK-X series and all the other disclosed extrajudicial activities like pic related you start to get a real sense of how far removed they are from their hollywood portrayals which are curated by the CIA.
They're made up of emotionally stunted heinous criminals that do things far more complicated and more evil than the mob or terrorists. They have a huge interest in human trafficking and hidden camera blackmail which is how they control politicians. Massive interest in all kinds of control methods like cults, psychedelics, abuse, lots of weird fringe things that they study to see how they can use it or learn from it to manipulate people.
The CIA, like any large organization, is factionalized. They are undoubtedly good actors within the org, but the evil is so overwhelmingly strong and influential.
I have considered this thoroughly because I have spent a large portion of my life reading conspiracy literature. If you are told something or allowed to know it without paying dearly for it it is most likely all or 90% lies and/or disinfo. We have plenty of reasons to hate the CIA and there seems to be no reason to doubt this, but I have been suspicious of the stories for a while. Its a "methinks thou doth protest too much" situation. There is almost embarrassingly too much information for a supposed shadowy evil organization. I now am willing to briefly entertain the idea that the CIA are not pure evil but instead are called such by our and their enemies and the actions of all other bad actors are blamed on them. This does not necessarily mean they are "good guys", but age and perspective make me doubt narratives
This post glows
eat shit glownigger
You ever work for the government? I have. The worst of worst stick around out of sheer spite and being power hungry, while anyone who legitimately wants to do some good either A) grows old then just wants money and retirement, or B) gives in and becomes a asshole too.
Shouldn't you be spying on the president or at least other Americans right now?
as a thought experiment: The KGB, Mossad, the Chinese, and whoever else stands to gain from operating sleeper cells, fifth columns, paramilitary orgs, or intelligence orgs in our country must be found, observed, infiltrated, subverted, defeated and destroyed exactly the way they plan for us. The organization doing this would have to be known for "never operating from within the United States" and would be blamed for all sorts of heinous acts by media sources in the aftermath of the bad actors being rounded up. The foreign presses would have to admit their countries guilt for their crimes or agree that it was all the evil CIA
A portion of them are still controlled by ourguys.
But there's also a big chunk who are just stooge pedophiles for kikes.
Trump and the kikes he works for are the badguys, the rogue cia working for white interests are the good guys.
>claim to be redpilled
>cannot see beyond good and evil
Lurk some more. Stare some more into the abyss.
Of course that’s what you think. That’s what is intended. But have you really seen behind the mask? Or do you only catch glimpses - of what the CIA wants you to think is behind the mask?
why did you kill the GCPdot project?
Wow this is giving off incredibly high Geiger counts from all the glowing going on
Daily reminder that JFK stopped Operation Northwoods and protected American citizens from the Deepstate
I lurk plenty and know everything you think you know. You are in the layer you are supposed to be. Because, pic related.
There are no good guys in power. Not a single elite cares about you or your survival
So you're saying they wear a mask of evil while really being angels bearing love because that helps them in some way?
Look op, everyone here knows you are a glownigger. Do you know why we call you that? I bet you do silly boy. Knowing that , how on earth do you ppssibly think you can fool anyone ? Get a real job , I told you (or your buddies) this before , stalking teens on the internet is NOT a real job
more like they dosed him with acid and strapped him in front of the dark knight on repeat for too long
OH man it's so dark in my cave, and for some reason this is the only thread I can see. It almost seems to... Glow.
If you spend any amount of time researching the CIA and the mountains of PUBLIC evidence that we have, you can only come to the same conclusion.
Yeah, that’s what you hear. JFK was a twisted monster from the sickest bloodline on earth. Learn the history. of the O’Kennedy clan he originates from. The most disgusting, deceptive and evil bloodline known to man. Read about how they stabbed allies in the back, made truces and broke them. Burned down homes and castles. That’s just official history. Read between the lines and learn the O’Kennedy clan intentionally spread the Black Plague hoping to wipe out anyone who might stand in their single minded pursuit of absolute power. Of course the O’Kennedy clan just so happened be right outside the plague zone. Wicked bloodline. JFK fancied himself a King. American Royalty. Camelot. Repeatedly raped and molested his sister Rosemary. Joe Kennedy had her lobotomized when she tried to speak up. This but a fraction of the story of this sick family. RFK was fired as co-legal counsel to Joe McCarthy when it was discovered RFK’s agenda wasn’t to purge communists, but to purge anyone who didn’t kiss the ring.
>the O’Kennedy clan
more like the Cavendish's, but you're on par for the rest
Roughly correct.
Thanks for MKNaomi/MKUltra and the projects that followed later so I could be tortured for long periods of time for researching harmless shit in the internet.
Yo between raping babies and blowing oil pipelines could some of you glowies ship me a couple pounds of ergot, I don't wanna work for a living anymore.
based and glowpilled
Pol isnt CIA? Well that's news to me
>Be OP
>Post this shit
Send us a pic of your face.
Also, you should really time stamp photos like this one.
They are Jews that practice Catholicism to avoid persecution, that anyways was how they started.
We already know you funded those deep state propaganda movies. These are shit memes and you're bad at propaganda. The goal of the CIA is not to protect American interests but to protect a few well connected businessmen as they pillage the rest of the world for personal profit.
Based glownigger:
>Starts a thread basically declaring he is a CIA
>Once enough people are in spergs out his own conspiracy theory
>keeps his own personal reaction image folder (albeit a bad one , but still)
I think we are getting somewhere. Starting to see the light™?
I want to be cia so bad now....
becoming one would be extremely painful
I like this deduction, lol
He’s right about Kennedy though he was definitely no hero.
Found OP, user.
the cia are just service dogs for the british crown
I mean, completely unironicallly, just with confirmed documents actually released from the US government about the CIA, thinking they are evil is the logical conclusion.
hating the CIA is literally a meme. It came from the rants of Terry A Davis. Strangely most people latched unto them like a for real opinion because they have none of their own instead of just treating it like a meme
Thats even better , isnt it?
America is the bad guy, so yeah CIA are the bad guys.
You want to talk about the CIA.... Put most of the drug lords into power goes deeper then fast and furious. Used stupid suckers worse then whores in porn flicks. Well we get benefits healthcare and $30 an hour lets pay some durgey $5 an hour to do are work finding info and if they get killed Who will even miss them Clearly they are retarded in the first place. Unlimited fingers in the government pie for funds. Keeps infiltrated deep state FBI in check tho.
CIA is run by the mob
one in ten Strippers worked with them at one point for extra cash on the side to spill any underground stuff they found out. I know you jealous Watching us on this board your just a info sifter losing your eye sight staring at a shit Pc in some trailer you can't even smoke in.
Thinking people that sell guns and drugs to gangsters give two shits about killing some one that snitches.
Use your fucking brain FFS.
ok Name one drug lord the CIA did not help into power?
Dip shits under 10 mill don't count
You might want to oil those gears I think your getting hot trying to give a name.
CIA niggers can't meme
Batman used fear to control his enemies in the situation... I love Batman.
>thinks the black budget comes out of taxpayer money
It should be a crime to be this ignorant and call yourself redpilled.
Black research is financed with the missing 6+ gorrilion dollars of the Pentagon (and other more diverse sources, probably).
Rogue spooks, I don't know and I don't want to know either.
t. CIA agent
I like bats memes 2
you too will be cast into the lake of fire on that day.And I will see you get cast there. Loser.
CIA = Catholics In Action
wtf i love the CIA now
you fucking disgusting niggers! can i rape them alive?
It would be cool as hell to work for the CIA
Being a desk jockey sifting through gigabytes of intel in some shit skin language? Most of the CIA is not SAD SOG, covert agents, and freelance pilots landing drugs in the jungle, it's boring office work that literally nobody but the CIA cares about.
This Guy,
Is going to finish what his Dad started.
Shut up Comey