Hello pol I was born in raised Lutheran in the ELCA denomination, but left due to the extreme levels of degeneracy. I want to reconnect with Jesus Christ and I decided to join a conservative Lutheran denomination. Should I join the LCMS or WELS?
U.S. conservative Lutheran denominations
Just join a non denominational church. That's what many young christians are doing
Head to e i g h t chan christian and post instead of listening to half chan filth pagan larpers.
oh wow
Brother, we must wait for the new Messiah to finish his work. We are all lost right now.
the Missouri synod is the only slightly based Lutheran group I can think of. Try Southern Baptist or Presbyterian
Their strong connection to being German makes me want to join them.
You should cease your rebellion and come back to the Catholic Church.
The only thing your ilk wants to conserve is Israel.
They are very into German culture, and hating on the pope. I only know about Lutherans because I dated a priest's daughter for years as a kid.
Is the Wisconsin synod German as well?
It would seem that WELS is your best bet.
But the it depends on individual congregations anyways.
From usalutherans.tripod.com
--The ELCA--
Prior to 1988, the ELCA did not exist. The ELCA is now the largest Lutheran body in the USA with about 5 million members. The ELCA is a product of the merger of the Lutheran Church in America (LCA) and the American Lutheran Church (ALC) and the Association of American Lutheran Churches which broke off from the Missouri Synod.
The ELCA ordains women and believes scripture to be historical and not always literally. Also, there is no set opinion of if when taking Holy Communion it is actually the Body and Blood of Christ, it is up to ones opinion when taking it.
Website: elca.org
--The LCMS--
The second largest Lutheran Church body is The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and has about 2.6 million members. Originally, this church was named "The German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States."
The LCMS does not ordain women, but they do allow women to serve as officers in the church. Also, the church believes it is the true body and blood of Christ at Communion. The church also takes the Holy Scriptures as literal.
Website: lcms.org
--The WELS--
The third largest Lutheran body is the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, with about 400,000 members. The WELS is the most conservative of the three major Lutheran churches in the United States.
The WELS does not ordain women and does not allow women to office. They take the Holy Scriptures to be totally true. The WELS also does not consider members of the ELCA and of the LCMS to be 'legitimate' Lutherans.
Website: wels.net
Worthless crap. Hit the bricks jew.
Wew i dont think ive seen a brighter nigger in all my nights of glownigger spotting
Kek good one
M8 lutherans are all german
I meant are WELS folk as much into German culture as LCMS is.
Uh, aren't the Lutherans the ones that flood in Somalis to Minnesota and other parts of the Midwest under the guise that they'll all suddenly convert and dump Islam?
Yeah, nah, fuck off with that shit. Deism FTW.
LCMS obviously. Look for one that has communion ever single week. Avoid anything contemporary as we will be purging them.
You are thinking of ELCA. Anyone can call themselves anything. You can't be Lutheran and reject all things Lutheran.
If conservative Christianity is what you seek, I would recommend Orthodox Presbyterian or PCA. The Scottish Rite Presbyterians are RITE about everything.
Ah, appreciate clarification. Those guys suck, and are doing great damage to the best part of the nation with that garbage. You should purge them immediately for the greater good.
LCMS is fine but you should really return to Orthodoxy
G OLD is for building the Temple, AMIRITE ?
Heard a chaplain from lcms preach once. It was about how Christians believe in evolution, abortion, and lgbt bullshit and how it's wrong. I enjoyed it very much
They are doing it themselves with their sodomy, female pastors, and not having any any kids.
Very much so
>left due to the extreme levels of degeneracy
I had a similar issue with finding a church. There are exceptions of course, but with all the churches I attended I couldn't find a church that didn't either worship abortion, Israel, Clinton-tier African aid charities, or something like that.
Coming from an American protestant/nondenominational background, I was sort of frustrated. My roommate at the time invited me to Orthodox service, and it didn't take at first. It was a lot to take in, and most of it seemed silly to someone raised nondenominational. But I kept reading and talking to people about it, and I decided to give it a try wholeheartedly.
I've only been attending for a couple months, but the holy tradition in the church fills a lot of the holes I couldn't quite voice with protestant churches. One of my biggest frustrations was as you say the levels of degeneracy, but also the fragmentation and the way that virtually all protestant churches feel the need to declare THEIR method the correct one while arbitrarily deciding which Scripture is important and which isn't. The Orthodox doctrine is the original doctrine of the Church (Rome split off from the other 4 sees by arbitrarily changing theology and summarily excommunicating the other churches for not likewise revising their own in submission to Rome.) Orthodoxy's sense of holiness and reverence to not only Scripture but Church history since the days of Christ is something else.
At the end of the day, we must all pursue the Lord and Salvation with our fullest heart and faith. I believe it is not wrong to have lots of wariness of Orthodoxy, or even to follow Christ without the Orthodox Church. But I do recommend you read about Orthodoxy, about church history and theology. We do not worship the Mary, nor saints, but we believe that they are in the presence of the Lord and ask for their prayers alongside ours just as a Lutheran pastor asks his congregation to pray for victims of a hurricane.
Yeah boy! I'm a WELS Lutheran.
No fags or women can speak. But they can sing or play piano. My pastor talks about how ELCA and even LCMS is weak and ELCA should take Christian and Lutheran out of their name.
The only issue I have with the LCMS is they have a larger range of attitudes that I find to be unacceptable. WELS on the other hand seem to be far more concise and are much more in agreement with the scriptures.
South baptist stomped on the Southern flag and has no-whites allowed job fairs. PCA is cucked as well. Best to find a church with a solid pastor rather than depending on denomination.
Hope you niggers don't get doxed from this.
WELS user here. Grew up my whole life going to a WELS church, but I just moved to Missouri a year ago. There are no WELS churches near me, so I went to a LMCS church. It seemed to be conservative and the liturgy was similar to my old WELS church.
I feel the that the WELS and the LMCS need to re-unite and stand against the ECLA and their hypocrisy.
3 “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the Saints” - Jude 3
Wait... who are you. I name the state you name city.
Neither you should convert to Orthodoxy.
Nevermind then. My church looks very similar to mine. Got very scared for a second there.
>Varg says so
>this is taken as proof
Yeah, we go to different churches. False alarm. whew
Aww. I was almost excited.
Ignore the faggots trying to derail with "muh Catholicism" and "muh Ortholarp"
Catholicsm/Papism should be dismissed out of hand by anyone with a brain.
I did an Ortholarp for about 8 months before it became the hot new thing on the internet. It fucking sucked, and doesn't nearly stand up to scrutiny as well as its advocates say it does. It just tries to pass the buck on fundamental problems with elevating "tradition" to the same level as scripture by saying "uh we don't know God, stop asking questions".
Traditional Protestantism is the way to go. The Bible is the final authority. You can have tradition, sure, but if and when it conflicts with scripture it must be tossed out. Jesus pointed to scripture, and Catholidox always try to justify their traditions by inevitably circling back to the Bible, invalidating their whole "tradition is the same as or better than Scripture" argument.
tl;dr: LCMS and WELS are both pretty good, user. It would be really hard to go wrong either way.
Ummm sweetie it's all made up
o shit u rly got me good, time to go kill myself, pic related
Ok riddle me this, much of the Bible is "tradition", that was written down. Why is that tradition legit, but additional tradition isn't?
the lcms church in my area has woman pastors
>much of the Bible is "tradition", that was written down.
except youre wrong, what was written down were the gospels of many different people almost immediately after the event, to the point where there was no "tradition" to be had. Then you have the literal letters the apostles and others wrote.
We have literal first hand accounts, dude. This isn't some "riddle".
LCMS literally does not ordain female pastors. Look it up. You are wrong.
well maybe they aren't ordained, but they definitely have women preaching to men
WELS user here.
I’ve been a part of a few congregations after being confirmed as an adult a few years ago.
General takes
Most people are honestly really solid.
No gays no women pastors, women can’t even vote on church matters (as the Bible says it should be)
3/4 pastors are strongly masculine dudes who preach against degeneracy.
Even the 4th isn’t bad just not as strong as maybe could be for the times.
Overall wonderful if you have one nearby
Are they into German culture as much as the LCMS is?
Orthodox Church > Trad. Catholic > Catholic
If it has to be Lutheran, definitely WELS.
Trad Protestant > Orthodox > Evangelical > Trad Catholic > Catholic
> Traditional protestantism
What on earth is that?
Which protestantism? There are about 13 thousand sects of it...
Also, it was invented in the 16th century, long after Christ established His ONLY Church, the Catholic Church (Mt 16:18), so by being a protestant you are calling Jesus a liar.
>Which protestantism? There are about 13 thousand sects of it...
You are wrong, there are not anywhere near 13 thousand sects of it.
You catholics even make up 20 thousand sometimes. So which is it?
The answer is there is about 5-7 major strains of Protestant thought. But that is being too intellectually honest for you I guess.
>Also, it was invented in the 16th century,
Yup. So?
>long after Christ established His ONLY Church, the Catholic Church (Mt 16:18),
The church was established long before the Pope established his personal domain in 1054.
> so by being a protestant you are calling Jesus a liar.
By being a Catholic you are saying that Jesus wants a church where Pedo shit, gayness, and satanic imagery are everywhere, filled with heresies and general irrationality.
That's not how the God of the Bible operates. Maybe its how the God of Brazil operates, though.
I know nothing of the Lutherans but wish you well. I go to a traditional Latin Mass and it feels like it should.
I'm not even Orthodox anymore, but they sure have been blowing you papists out of the water theologically for half a millenium before Protestantism even came on the scene (in large part because you people refused to listen to valid Orthodox criticism).
>holy shit you orthoCUKCs have traditionz!
>I don't care these traditions were established during the early days of the church! The first Christians were alllllllll WRONG!
tl;dr protestant nigger couldn't hack actually having a faith
read what I wrote again you low IQ mong, I didn't say having traditions was wrong.
That's all I'm going to hold your hand through though.
How is PCA cucked? Honest question.
It really isn't.
I go to a PCA church and it's seems very theologically conservative. Just curious why user had that opinion.
>immediately after the event
I didn't know 80-100 years was immediate
Raised missouri Lutheran. Old school German ideals with an open mind for actual knowledge
Roman Catholic the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ on St. Peter in 33AD.
Hand over the fedora, kiddo.
Be a Calvinist, Free will isn't real, knowing this is the biggest red pill.
The Canon of Scripture is itself part of sacred tradition. What scripture can you cite that says what books of the bible are orthodox and what are heterodox? You can't.
And which translation? Sola scriptura is brainlet shit, I'm not even a christcuck and I can see that.
>You catholics even make up 20 thousand sometimes.
What do you mean by that, exactly?
All Catholics to be considered Catholics must be in good standing with Rome. Religious orders such as the Carmelites, the Franciscans, etc. are not sects or separate religions.
> The answer is there is about 5-7 major strains of Protestant thought.
We all know that's not true. Although the main protestant rebels, laid the foundations for the rebellion, their teachings are by no means authoritative even to those who adhere to their own original heresies. Nobody agrees on anything. There are protestants who now deny the existence of the soul, of the necessity of marriage, the trinity... And the funny thing is that all these heresies were dealt with by the Church in the first 5 centuries as they arose. It seems that protestants go to history books on heresy and choose to adopt them.
> The church was established long before the Pope established his personal domain in 1054.
Yes, by Christ Himself through the Saint Peter. I know you are talking about the Orthodox, but they became schismatics in that year through pride, the same pride that led protestants to rebel against the Vicar of Christ.
FYI, the first mention of the Catholic Church was made in AD 105 by St. Ignatius of Antioch in his 'Epistle to the Smyrnaeans'.
> By being a Catholic you are saying that Jesus wants a church where Pedo shit, gayness,
This argument is my favourite, because it only serves to further cement the Church as the True Church.
Do you think Satan would try to destroy a man-made protestant sect which has no relationship to Christ whatsoever? Of course not.
He goes for the Catholic Church because she is the mystical body of Christ. The Catholic Church is the ONLY one that suffers constant desecration because there is nothing sacred in the other false religions.
Anyone have the image that depicts Christ as a ruthless savior that had no mercy on those that didn't conform or wouldn't?
Random request but ye.
Calvin was a heretic who made God into a tyrant and remove all personal responsibility from people, leading them to sin and eternal damnation. He was also a murderer.
You referring to ?
>Trad Protestant
HAHA. Trad Protestants doesn't exist.
The effects and legacies of Calvin's and Luther's "Reformation" has been largely damaging to Christianity in Europe.
Take a good look at what happened to the countries that adopted Reform theology. There all atheist materialist hellholes. Germany, the Nordic states, Czechia.
No, to (ID: vMyQfb0i) 05/13/19(Mon)22:27:14 No.213028844
Sorry about that
>What do you mean by that, exactly?
That you people can't even make up your mind how many denominations there are.
>We all know that's not true.
Yeah, we do.
>Although the main protestant rebels, laid the foundations for the rebellion
You can keep calling them rebels like a butthurt little indulgence selling creep, but every Protestant of the time, including pre-Protestants like Jan Hus, had every right to be mad as fuck at the sorry excuse that the church of Rome had become at the time, selling indulgences and burning people who said "hey wait this might be wrong".
Or maybe you agree with indulgences and think the Counter Reformation (which you Catholics can thank Protestants for, btw) should be revoked. Who the fuck knows what lengths you papists will go to defend yourselves these days.
>Nobody agrees on anything.
This is also utterly false, and you know nothing of Protestantism.
>Yes, by Christ Himself through the Saint Peter. I know you are talking about the Orthodox, but they became schismatics in that year through pride, the same pride that led protestants to rebel against the Vicar of Christ.
lmfao. Anytime a papist tries to say its the Ortho that are scismatics, and not the one single church that decided it knew better than everyone else and after a century all of a sudden had unilateral power over all Christendom.....well you know you shouldn't take them seriously.
>FYI, the first mention of the Catholic Church was made in AD 105 by St. Ignatius of Antioch in his 'Epistle to the Smyrnaeans'.
You really are truly ignorant, aren't you? The Orthodox call themselves the ORTHODOX CATHOLIC CHURCH. That is what Ignatius was referring to. Catholic meaning universal.
Sit down dude, you are way out of your depth.
> The effects and legacies of Calvin's and Luther's "Reformation" has been largely damaging to Christianity in Europe.
That's very true. The flaccid state of Christianity in
Europe and the New World can be traced back to the Deformation.
No, if anything locator.lcms.org
But my above link is the way to go
>Do you think Satan would try to destroy a man-made protestant sect which has no relationship to Christ whatsoever? Of course not.
He tried and is still trying. Do you know what the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy is and was in Protestantism? No? Of course not. Its the exact same shit. Only Satan went for Protestants first. Guess hes holding the Orthos for last.
>HAHA. Trad Protestants doesn't exist.
Read a history book, nigger.
>The effects and legacies of Calvin's and Luther's "Reformation" has been largely damaging to Christianity in Europe.
Wouldn't have needed a reformation at all if the church of Rome hadn't been ignorant scismatics in the first place. The reformation was to fix the problems of the church of rome, but rome didn't want to change, they wanted to keep making money off indulgences and roasting alive all CATHOLICS that disagreed.
It was your fault. If you had stuck to Orthodox christianity the reformation would not have been needed. But nooooooo, papa rome knows all!
>Take a good look at what happened to the countries that adopted Reform theology.
Yeah, they ruled the world.
>There all atheist materialist hellholes. Germany, the Nordic states, Czechia.
Materialism is a nihilistic philosophy, which came about due to the Jesuit inspired French Revolution.
Damn you fuckers need to pick up a book sometime instead of endlessly praying to Mary.
He current church and pope and every bishop in vat. 2 is a heretic
Oh boy we have a sede! You people are the most rediculous of all. I respect modern catholics more than you. What makes you think you can still be catholic if you ditch what makes you catholic, the pope and church hierarchy of Rome?
Nothing. Nothing at all. At least have the honesty to leave and become Orthodox or Protestant, or bend over for Papa Francis because he is your pope, wether you like it or not.
Anyway, fuck it, I'm out.
I'm not going to your sede hellhole.
Its prophesied. The Vatican 2 is the false church of Babylon. Anyone who partakes in the new mass is a heretic and not saved. Please use the website as a resource as it will irrefutably answer all of your questions
>selling indulgences and burning people who said "hey wait this might be wrong".
The selling of indulgences is very old propaganda
invented by protestants. You can research on your own because you've demonstrated so little good faith that it would be fruitless to explain to you.
As for the burning, that was the form of execution in Europe at the time by the civil authorities. All the Church did was to investigate heresy, but the punishment was for the state to deal with. FYI, Jean Calvin also burnt people at the stake, him personally. I recommend Henry Kamen's book on the Inquisition, which blows out of the water the lies and exaggerated numbers about it. About 5 thousand were burnt in 400 years of the Holy Office. The American government killed hundreds of thousands in Iraq needlessly.
> This is also utterly false, and you know nothing of Protestantism.
I've pointed several examples. Some protestant sects don't even believe baptism to be necessary..to say nothing of the RAMPANT divorce and remarriage that goes on between you people.
>That is what Ignatius was referring to. Catholic meaning universal.
Yes, from which the Russians decided to part with. Notice how the Catholic Church is the truly Universal one by presence alone. Can you find an Orthodox or Baptist Church in the middle of Sri Lanka? No. These are regional sects irrevocably tied to politics.
> Only Satan went for Protestants first.
First? He began in the 1500's, then? A bit late, innit? Dude, listen to yourself!!
They are both Hersey
>Should I join the LCMS or WELS?
Look for an Orthodox parish. Search for an "orthodox mission parish"
that's just my opinion, based on what I've come to learn about the theology of the Orthodox Church versus that of the magisterial and radical reformations, and the experience of participating in the services of Lutheran churches and the Orthodox.
Above all, you must pray to God and ask Him to guide your heart and put you where He wants you to be.
Good luck and God bless you!
praying to mary wasn't established in the early days of the church, well not apostolic for sure
WELS here. It's true. Women aren't allowed to even speak at council meetings; they can attend but they sit and listen. The best part is that they're not even pissy about it. We also openly discuss Jews and Muslims as the problem populations that they are. I have no idea how we haven't been (((labelled a hate group))) yet, です.
You should return home to the original Catholic faith instead of wanting to join a heretical offshoot made by Germans.
If you have any reading material on the subject Please reply because I really want to figure this out. I’ll check this thread in the morning. Thanks.
traditional pre vat 2 Catholicism is convincing
Why do you put flags in a church? Otherwise it looks exactly like a German Protestant church
>Roman Catholic the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ on St. Peter in 33AD.
Really because it always seemed to me like he founded the Church on PETER, not on a man who generations later came out of nowhere and said "Yeah even though Peter never said this, he totally passed his mantle on to me, so let's stop having the ecumenical councils we've totally been having up until now and just do what I say."
Orthodox faithful may also tell you that even though Peter was singled out by the Lord, this authority was passed to all his disciples who were in attendance. A lot of dialogue like this is a little unclear in the Scripture, which is why it's so important to have a central church (ONE, not a bunch of different denominations) to seek divine guidance on it together. Remember that the Lord made the CHURCH the Bride of Christ, not every firebrand pastor with his own interpretation of his favorite translation of a book compiled by the Church in part from its own leaders' writings.
Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).
I like the Book of Common Prayer, so I didn't get into Lutheran religion. But they are pretty solid, just a bit different.
how do WELS churches respond to minorities? might be a stupid question, but all the ones in my area are out of town, in the upper white parts. and we live in a pretty political climate these days
The flag retardary started during WW1 or WW2 as far as I can tell. Most of the midwest German culture died for some strange reason between WW1 and WW2 around the same time they pushed putting those flags in our churches. Before that most services were still in German and it was commonly spoken in many towns. Thanks for fucking that up for us you dumb faggot.
grew up LCMS and confirmed
they're more conservative certainly than ELCA, but they have their problems too
my Dad used to get Christian News while growing up lol, that pastor is basically Jow Forums-tier despite being LCMS
not sure about WELS, I have no experience with them
I do know that there are LCMS churches all around, so you will find a church closer by than if you went with WELS
if all else fails just get a copy of Luther's Small Catechism and start online bible study
the founder of the LCMS is considered the American Luther desu
>No reasonable man, much less a Christian, can or should take part in the efforts of Communists and Socialists