Give me ONE fucking sound, logical argument that justifies beastiality being illegal. One fucking argument, and I doubt you fucks can even do that much
You should ask your mom, she would know.
Humans should not have sex with animals.
Is having sex with niggers bestiality?
Animals can't consent.
Quit justifying your nigger fucking roastie.
STDs from the animal could infect the human, create and STD outbreak that's why
>there is no normal
Nature is normal.
Jow Forums, why does degeneracy always come and present itself to you then demand acceptance from you?
Why this site? Why you? Every second thread is a freak that jams its dick into a dysfunctional hole, parades this, demands you accept it then accuses all of you of also being it.
It's all tiresome and none of them realizes the hour is almost at hand.
if you consider the fact that niggers have part of their dna that is found only in animals, then yes.
Animal has no choice. It's rape.
you can buy and sell animals, like property, right
That mouth is perfect for fucking.
Not in Tijuana
>that justifies beastiality being illegal.
Only Jews want to fuck dogs and cats.
Pedophilia is found in nature. So is rape.
Poor stance for an argument. Both are abhorrent I would like to add.
If women want to get fucked by dogs and horses sure. If guys want to fuck dogs and horses no. Difference here is whats being penetrated. You cannot force an animal to penetrate if it does not want to, you can however penetrate something even if it does not want it(this is abuse).
>Pedophilia is found in nature. So is rape.
Animals go into heat. And rape is a social construct.
For the most part, who is going to stop you from fucking your own animals? Nobody gives a fuck about drug laws, if people were less cucked they would not care about gun laws...
Sure, I'll give three:
1. Public health. It's possible for diseases to be transferred from animals to humans. It's thought that HIV originated this way.
2. Animal abuse. An animal is likely to be injured from having sex with a human being. It's very difficult to recognize when an animal is in pain in a lot of situations, because they try to hide it. Animals try to avoid appearing weak as an evolutionary thing, because they don't wanna get eaten by another animal.
3. Deterrence. Someone willing to have sex with an animal is considered dangerous. They might do something to a human being, some sort of sex crime against another person.
We're not Canadian
We just made it illegal again.
Go away, destiny.
Animals can't give consent or testify in court that consent was given.
You sick fuck.
I've seen video with dog breeding a frozen corpse of another dog. So now this is natural and justified for me I as well?
sauce on that?
I actually wrote out three reasons and then the OP isn't replying.
This is going to be one of those topics where he only writes the OP and never replies to anything.
God, why do I even fucking come here. You can't even a fucking discussion on this board that isn't absolutely retarded.
it is a chart that shows they are more closesly related to a few types of primates than they are to caucasians and jews and asians etc.
I bet she gives great blowjobs.
>I saw a video of aberrant behavior, check mate leaf.
>1 post by this ID
Why bother if you’re not coming back OP?
>the hour is almost at hand
Is that a promise user? because I can't stand this fucking depravity much longer.
pol is leaking
It's bad for the person doing it, mentally and often physically. In some cases, it's physically tortuous to the animal.
it should be illegal because sexual degeneracy eats away at the moral fabric of the nation and spills over into public and political life
They also don't concent to being ranched, killed, and butchered. This isn't an argument. The difference between normal livestock treatment and bestiality is that you can near instantly incapacitate an animal with a captured bolt gun and theif suffering lasts all of a second. Fucking an animal can mean repeated and extended stress and physical damage.
Unless you tie it down, you can't make a horse do anything.
It's a slippery slope, user. One day women are fucking their dogs. The next day they'll be fucking niggers.
I've seen a chimp using a frog like it was a pocket pussy... poor little fucker. I don't think being in heat had anything to do with it, it was more of one of those "animals in captivity doing weird shit" things
Thats a good reason for why male on animal should be illegal
But animal on female is basically consent tbqh
Its gross but idgaf
South americans really love fucking female mules and donkeys. It's actually a very wide-spread and known thing in the rural areas of all of south america, kind of like rednecks ans inbreeding
You could've easily started this thread without using a pic of someone with severe deformities.
go fuck a monkey and find out
Animals can't consent
They're different species
If you want to fuck a animal so bad go fuck one in the primate group
baka end that creature already bruhhhh