Nazism is still socialism

National socialism is still socialism and all socialism doesn't work.
Prove me wrong.
Protip:you can't

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Except NatSoc socialism is different from Marxist socialism you brainlet

What arw the differences?
Their still socialism.

Go get the gas schlomo

Nothing wrong with helping your community if the community is homogeneous and shares the same values. It's like helping your own family

Private enterprise still existed in the Third Reich.

Checkmate, OP.

Do tell me how the Democratic People's Republic Of Korea is actually Democratic

But it's not communism, so you should put (pic unrelated) in your OP.

So why am I entitled to help others I should care about people and give them something that I earned?
Sounds leftist.

But it's still socialism regardless.

Not only did it exist, Hitler had to kill actual socialist in his party so that they wouldn't ruin the economy

We should have joined up with Hans.
Fuck Nigel and Pierre.

You lie, show flag

>National socialism is still socialism and all socialism doesn't work

Hey, fag.

Both of them fucking do

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Socialism forces me to help my community in ways I may or may not agree with and worthless pieces of shit that aren't actually part of my community. Stick your happy-face force up your ass.

No he didn't he did it because he thought their versions of socialism won't work is just that leftists are eating them selves as they usually do.

Is that why hitler had to declare war because his economy was going to shit and the fact it failed like every other socialist nation failed each and every single time?


Yeah, but your ideology is the driving force behind every Kind of degeneracy. The marxists have nothing on you,and its not even your final form yet.

>hitler had to declare wae
Remove flag schlomo

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Well, taking a lot of debt doesn't make you socialist

>HURR DURR YOUE ANARCHOCAPITLISM and lIBERTARINISM are the cause fOR ALL societies problems and not socialism.
Not an argument.
If it weren't for capitalism and free market nations wouldn't be so prosperous mean while socialism doesn't work want to live in a socialist nation? Go live in Venezuela.

Hitler was a socialist though.
He was authoritarian and authoritarians tend to be common under socialism he didn't support things like free speech, he took guns away from people and you were forced to serve the state.

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>Is that why hitler had to declare war because his economy was going to shit

The only meaningful purpose for any economy
Is war

That's why we're stuck here in this goddamn simulacra swamp, cause we don't have any conflict, only circus and clown dialectics with LARPers like you. Cause you and the whole white race suppresses their nature so well by endless consuming, and your ideology only goal is to consume forever.

Don't hide behind the fake independence curtain, kid. Anarcho-Capitalists want independence and capitalism. They can't get both.

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>muh freedumbs
Every time show flag boomer.

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Want to live in a Society with Maximum freedom for the individual? Go to Somalia.

Sorry who broke treaties ans decide to invade poland for greed and invade more nuetral nations and caused death and killed millions of people for no reason and a 3 front declared war on the unitrd states ans allied with savages like the japanese, ruined europe, had his own killed because the JOOS
And don't you dare say
>THE JOOS DECLATEF WAR and are behind everything
Is false too the germans had it coming to them by acting power hungry and arrogant, the only man you should be praising is bomber harris.

This. The laughable pretense that even capitalist economies don't also include some degree of socialism is quite amusing.

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Somolia is an outlier and are in bad shape due to different reasons.

If it werent for freedoms you wouldn't be here right now, you would be in jail for saying the n word.

Newfriends always confuse marxian socialists with lycurgus social communialists/prussians
Its apex muttness

Aha,but socialist countries are just in bad shape because socialism no different reasons there, right?

>b but muh mixed economy
If it has socialism that tumor will eventually grow.
Look at america right now.
>b but thats not national socialism is marxist socialism
Is still socialism.

>not knowing what the Night of the Long Knives is

Fucking Christ

Somolia has people that are of the 60 iq range you think they would be successful under any other system?
Know what here is a better question why are you national socialists despite still being socialists like marxism and communism despite it also had high kill counts and killed millions like it is usually known for.

Is the left eating them selves out like they've always doing for years why is that single event special?

Can you even speak English well enough to respond in a non-sperg instance?

>still falling for rigjt vs left
First off hitler is neither left or right he is also known for putting germany into a world power and brought it back from it's ashes into something bigger and pure.
National socialism is 3rd position it does not seek to divide classes or the people.

Hitler didn’t lost the war because of his racist politics or all the other shit some leftist claim, it was because of his socialist economic system. Every socialist state is condemned to fail. Look at what Japan has to do because they skyrocketed public expense: longer work hours to pay for the mess their wannabe socialist government did. It doesn’t matter if your country is homogeneous, if you fall into the socialist trap your economy will collapse

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top troll
You can say that all you like but our country was known as the lucky country for employing nationalist socialist practices.

Can you quit being a retard and not fall for socialism because of muh aesthetics?

You clearly have some sort of mental disorder, considering how many people who are AnCap are fucking narcissists and have some sort of brain damage according to certain statistics.

Here is the picture to prove my point. Plus see this thread:

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That's the same thing the socialists say about Venezuela.


It had high kill Counts because it was high jacked by insane dictators,and youre average Person in that time was very stupid and did not even know what Kind of ideologies they a re supporting.

Answer me this please,how can your ideology prevent that some rich dude gathers plenty of followers and supporters and than turns youre libertarian paradise in to a socialistic dictatorship?

I am pretty sure nazism is only tried once and for good reason it is way to radical and extreme to keep a stable society.

>every socialist country
>Nordic Socialism currently working

How the fuck are you even breathing right now?


Unironic AnCaps are basically fucking retards who do not know the concept of being helping another human being. It's almost as if they think they can overthrow the whole Jewish system by themselves. Pretty pathetic I would say.

Easy like what our founding fathers told americans to do when that time comes.
>was an idiot
So you finally admit hitler was a fool and ruined his nation within a decade like every other socialist dictator?
Good to know.

>y you have a mental disorder!
Ancaps and libertarian and conservatives and more are not retards and are more attuned to facts than socialists are who are incredibly selfish.

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You do realize that is only a Jow Forums meme that only stormfaggots take seriously.

>National socialists are selfish
>literally trying to help their nation
>ancaps are not selfish
>literally all for themselves
t. brainlet

Then show your flag, man.

>h hey pinochet is owned by jews
>also neetsoc
>socialism is jewish hurrr.
Pick one and only one.

You do realize Jow Forums is satire right?

But what if more People want socialism than youre child sex paradise?

Hitler had state sponsored capitalism. He privatized industries when he came to power. The name 'national '"socialism"' was just a fucking name.

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Then their traitors
The constitution does not support socialism.

>website of 2 thousand people has negatively influenced a website of 300 thousand in to thinking 3% of the population is influencing the whole population

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And what if the People start to whipe theyr as with the constitution?

>is socialism in name guiz I swear! It worked perfectly it was an utopia it doesnt need wars declared and races exterminated.
I swear to god this is an equalivent to a commie saying.
>not rael gommunism.
Nothing but excuses as to why your system and ideology fails.

Pfffft, dude, do some research before you spout shit. First off:
1. Hitler kicked Strasser from his alliance because he was a fucking commie (basically his idea of Socialism was very different from Hitler's)
2. Why would these so called "Socialists" despise Communism and Capitalism? It's because both Capitalism and Communism are anti-nation.

Their still traitors the constitution is more than just a paper.

>Nothing but excuses as to why your system and ideology fails.
Your ideology is literally a fucking oxymoron, you meme shitlord. Go kys.

What if suddenly 90% of the People dont want to follow the constitution?

The Constitution supports whatever it's amended or reinterpreted to support. It's a living document which is always influenced by time & changing opinions. You can say that shouldn't be the case, but it is nonetheless.

Some ppl, neo-nazis, will say "but it's completely different from socialism/communism".
Just check their inital propaganda posters, it's the same thing. You will say" that's just posters, it doesn't mean anything". Gobbles has said, Hitler and Stalin ideology have a lot in common. Hitler himself has openly said that he learned a lot with marxism.
Last argument: "Oh, but Hitler killed the socialist/communist ppl. He can't be a socialist if killed them. Well, Josef Stalin is the man who killed more communists than any other person, yet no one was more communist than him.

Proved my point leftists eating them selves over a small disagreement.
Hitler backstabs his own too.
Sounds exactly like a dindu nuffin.

You do realize you need at least 10% of the population to take the country back?

Jews got to the top was because of their intelligence and hard work not a conspiracy.

National socialists are selfish they want to play out their fantasies and LARP as ss officers sieg heiling while worshipping shitler, not because of the good of others but because they feel like being fashy, aesthetic and edgy. Neetsoc is a meme ideology and besides is filled with people who are actual faggots just like their nazi party counter part.

Son,i am just saying that your ideology creates a handfull of People who are FREEE and have a good life,while the rest has to wageslave in horrific conditions.How is that not gonna make the biggest part of the People Rebell against your Utopia?

That is because of the marxist subversives.

>Implying that only lefties bent over one another over a small disagreement
How much fucking retarded you need to say that shit? So you are saying that the Romans who have killed Julius Ceasar were lefties according to your standard (even though they pretty much despised the ideas of anarchy)? Yeah yeah, here you go, a fucking drink to your own mental retardation you meme.

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All of these people don't like these facts.
>this is a nazi board but you stupid plebbitors took it frim us in the 2016 election and f fuck religion.
The reason this was a nazi echochamber back then because they were the majority ridiculing anyone who dont agree with them and with the tables changed more nationalists are taking it over still surprised these stormfaggots are still here.

Except mine doesn't focus on a utopia you stormfaggot shill. Mean while socialism has always been something that was impossible to begin with.

So you want to pimp out youre transgender child to niggers basically?

And your ideology is literally a fucking oxymoron. What's next, Anarcho-Fascism? If I see any kind of mixing between authoriative and anarchist ideologies, I am going to shoot myself at the back of a head.
>Also unironically using Stormfag and calling a Jow Forums a "satire"
Fucking newfag

>t this isnt your board card.
Dont worry faggot you can still be post here, but the truth is the truth you can't change it, and is almost as if you are completely oblivious to a spike of natsoc presence here do not worry you will know what it's like with a few years from now.

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On what are you focusing then? The freedom to get fucked in your ass? WHOA I DONT HAVE TO GET FUCKED IN MY ASS BY THE STATE ANYMORE,NOW TOUSANDS OF COMPANYS ARE GONNA GIVE IT TO ME ,great fucking freedom user.

Imagine projecting your fetishes on here.

>OH MY GOD STAhp calling me a stormfag WAHHHH waghhhhhhhh this is a nazi board
Got any other arguments?
>but your is a oxymoron
Technically yours is, socialism isn't nationalism.

Nope, i just explained what libertarianism boils down to at the end,maximum degeneracy

Nice spergout why are you against freedom and peace so much? If you want to die in the most painful way possible go fight a bear or something.

Except that is the mainstream version to make libertarianism so bad.
Know what's more gay than that? Being told what to do.
Dont worry you can suck hitler's dick in your dream world.

I never said that it was a "nazi board" faggot. If anything, READ THIS since you are a fucking brainlet that cannot comprehend the fact that there was no forced expulsion of Libertarians. Plus I could not care if this was a Monarchist board, I respect them, but I have no respect towards cucks like you.

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You call slavery and lawlessnes freedom

>b but we won the argumenrs
Winning arguments=/= truth or that it stopped happening. Also that post is idiotic no one is being convinced or falling for the nazi meme again.
>b but is happening look at the natsoc presence.
That is mainly because they are a lot of idiots on here who think their smart fall for it and idiots tend to more bigger than ones that are intelligent, this isn't your board anymore I am sorry it doesn't want anything to do with stormfaggotry again
>inb4 what about 4/20
That is a small minority being loud.
You are the minority.

You are not going to get the right to fuck children,i promise you that you bloodhungry kike servant.

Alright enough with your shit. Show your flag nigger, or else we are calling the mods to deal with your shit. We cannot have an argument with memeflags.

>having a dictator and being told what to do is freedom.
>while having freedoms is slavery.
Now that is simply being fucking retarded.

Yeah, because brutal individualism and pandemic narcissism has worked so well for the United States.

So you admit -- it's just socialism. You define "community" different than the leftists, but the net result is the same. Taking my shit to redistribute to others who I have no connection to and whom I don't particularly care about.

Fuck off.

You want tousands of dictators instead of one.
Again what freedom?

You are in denial if you have taken a look at the board and the catalog as of recently you would realize their has been a spike.
>y your an idiot to fall for such things
Are you fucking stupid? People got convinced because what ever Jow Forums tells it like it is
What's next say hitler and natsoc are jewish creations or that they were zionists puppets or some retarded shit?
That doesn't last long because kike tube shuts down refutations and other knowledge being debunking those claims are being discovered and then their is contradictions
T.someone who used to believe in that shit.
It is not a matter of if.
Is a matter of when you fear it schlomo.
>b but muh trump is the greatest leaders of al-
No he isn't and no leader as of recent are legit or the greatest since 80 years ago.

You don't care about your race?

I swear, even Egyptian pharaos would have fucking executed you for being this retarded. Like seriously, here is something you should know about this so called "National Socialism".

It's basically like Capitalism, but your job as an individual is to work hard enough for your nation in order to thrive, and that is required for every individual, not just you faggot. And no we are not talking about exploatation of workers and other nonsensical bullshit.

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