Why does Jow Forums worship this retard? He literally sent his own soldiers to die in freezing weather without a second thought, repeating the dumb mistake of Napoleon against the russians. He could have avoided the defeat by sheer common sense but fucked up nevertheless. Was he even aware that someone else fell in the same trap before him?
Why does Jow Forums worship this retard...
extreme degenerates got to worship a leader somehow
You need to learn more ww2 troll.
He knew by the next year (if he waited) Russia would have been able to produce enough tanks and troops to counter, which they did.
He thought they would win in a month. They attacked on the 22nd of june retard.
Nobodies perfect.
If you look at his accomplishments instead of his faults you will see he really was a great man.
No. Sincerely. He was a fucking idiot. He ruined the German war effort and had bumbled his way into not merely a war, which is bad enough, but yet another losing World War. Germany is now possibly the most cucked country on the planet as a direct result. Fuck that guy.
The prior achievements don't come close to outweighing losing another World War. He's objectively a historical loser.
Germany would still be a first world country and on par with the USSR and Anerica if the faggot wouldn't have lashed out on his own people. All the valuable minds, jews and christians alike fled to the US after the downfall of the Weimar republic, and the result was a country split in two and packed with braindead niggers on both sides.
He lost. Blantantly & period. Only a faggot would fail to admit he's a loser. Fuck all the details.
While Soviets and Americans were fucking German bitches, he was blowing his head off in a bunker.
He lost.
That's correct. He chased out the smartest people in the room.
>win in a month
across a thousand-mile front? who's the retard here?
You will be home before the leaves fall from the trees.
- Kaiser Adolph
He overestimated abilities of his army and even his own. But crucial are principles he stood for. He was last who built his policy on ethnocentric views. As Celine said:
>The fall of Stalingrad is the finish of Europe. There was a cataclysm. The core of it all was Stalingrad. There you can say it was finished and well finished, the white civilisation
Hitler was human garbage
Its you wops who ruined the war effort. Mussolini, in the quest for his LARPing pizza empire, made so many catastrophic blunders, whether falling on their faces in North Africa or charging into greece and getting defeated by a bunch of Yiros eating farmers, and each time Germany had to bail you out, wasting their time and men. They had to go out east to capture vital oil fields, you think a temporary peace with the demonic bolsheviks National Socialism opposed was mean to last anyways? Whats wrong with you, are Italians even white?
It's hard to take seriously Celine when he's switched sides and declared himself a full blown anarchist right after the war. He was indeed one of the greatest writers of the 20th century but his views went as far as defying the natsoc values with his extreme pessimism, so i don't know whether his claims are to be taken at face value when it comes to his allegiance to Hitler.
>this man is an Aryan
Jow Forums is just retarded on some topics
Behead those who insult the prophet
>Mussolini, in the quest for his LARPing pizza
He should have stayed out of their affairs and minded his own underdeveloped country's business. But that would have meant getting attacked by either the allies or the axis, possibly both.
>are Italians even white?
Well you could say at least we didn't get deported to a criminal island at some point in history.
That was actually Wilhelm II but I guess that's the joke.
I understand that like shared aversion for bourgeois democracy with similar value-oriented minds as Drieu la Rochelle, Montherlant, Brasillach. It is like inter-war right in Germany, many political groups, but only Hitler really succeeded, so he held the flag under which they all marched.
It was a very do or die moment where they needed Russia's natural resources
Hitler did more good for Germany than Stalin did in 30 years of raping Soviet Russia
you guessed right .
The Germans had to press the advance in the Soviet union simply because they needed the oil reserves in the south of Russia, such as the Caucasus. Hitler needed a quick war, and when considered and analyzed they are sound on a tactical level. Germany relied on the priniple of a quick war in order to deny the Soviets of resources such as fuel and oil, and so the only sound option was to attempt to halt this before the Soviets had the production to counter this. The largest flaw was the order to spread the man power in Army group south to secure both Stalingrad and the oil reserves of the Caucasus, but a lot of the tactical reason has sense behind it while examined.
Remember when Hitler lost miserably and had to blow his head off in a bunker?
Everybody else remembers.