Chabad and the jewish-russian mafia that ran new York industries pumped trump up, the goal was to get a inside man into the Whitehouse. This man would have 2 jobs, one foreign and one domestic. He would run as a populist/nationalist. This sentiment would cause anti semitism In the population, as nationalists notice these things. The left wing establishment would radically be against this man. This would create a left-right devide in the people. This would continue but it would never get out of hand until a economic crisis. Trump's foreign policy was to be absolutely pro Israel, to the point where trump would take on the form of a modern day Esther. One who saves the jew's from Iran.

Trump WILL take on Iran but it has to be set up right to fit the Jewish prophecy. These sanctions we see are ment to persuade the Iranians to attack saudi Arabia(fulfilling prophecy) Arabia will call to a super power for help (USA) this war if started will be the war of ezekial/gog and magog. This war will destory the global oil trade, the usa economy will shit the bed. This will triger the infighting in the usa. The usa will have to pull our of the war. The jews will flee the nation, signaling the death of the Empire (as history shows us). Expect to see a anti semite group in this infighting to push the move. I wouldn't doubt it will be under the name of christ.

This is all supposed to come right before the Jewish moshiach appears. This will be the Christian antichrist. He will put the finishing blow on America fulfilling messianic prophecy. Destruction of Edom.

Attached: 91f4ca4cff1d077c48f56d4fcd1901af.jpg (600x750, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread: Jews [A].htm

A power vacuum will commence. The only nation capable of filling this spot will be China. Since China are communist they subscribe to one world under communism.(abolition of nations and borders) They will get the green light from the International bankers and the newly set up supreme court of mankind out of israel to start their mission. They will enforce the noahide laws worldwide under the guise of communism and nation rebuilding. This is the reuniting of the Jewish spirit. No longer zionism vs bolshevism but the uniting of the two. This is Jewish endgame, this is how their plan is supposed to go.

Christ will intervene when Israel is surrounded by the Muslim nations left standing in the war,(talmudic prophecy states Ishmael will be the last to fall) he will defend Israel and make the invading armies go mad. He will convert all to christ as it will be undeniable that he is the one true son of God the true messiah and savior of humanity.

talmudic Judaism will be abolished. The revelutionary flame will be extinguished from their soul. They will fall to the Lord's feet and worship. I urge you to Pray to make It through these days, God bless you all. Find peace in the words of christ for this is the truth.

Typical leaf blog post. Pure bs

Ching chang chong


Yeah its speculation. I'm no prophet. But I felt inclined to share this outlook on Pol. I've been reading about Jewish messianic prophecy and I've been thinking about how it fits into trumps presidency. That is all, I may be wrong as fuck. Let's get some discussion going instead of coming off like Moshe. Anything to add, or disagree with?

I just want a despot who has American interests in mind and will guide us back to where we need to be (read: peaceful Balkanization). How fucking hard is this to ask for?

Christ is not coming back for the Jewish occupied land called Israel. The true Israel is the Catholic Church.

Everything you posted could be planned by intelligent people except this:
>Christ will intervene when Israel is surrounded by the Muslim nations left standing in the war,(talmudic prophecy states Ishmael will be the last to fall) he will defend Israel and make the invading armies go mad. He will convert all to christ as it will be undeniable that he is the one true son of God the true messiah and savior of humanity.
>talmudic Judaism will be abolished. The revelutionary flame will be extinguished from their soul. They will fall to the Lord's feet and worship. I urge you to Pray to make It through these days, God bless you all. Find peace in the words of christ for this is the truth.

I have no doubt Jews have a plan to conquer the world - they admit it themselves. But to assume Jesus/Aliens/Hitler will come out of nowhere to fix everything at the last minute is very dangerous. If there is no savior coming then Jews win. This is why we must begin the fight ourselves, right now, and wake up as many people as possible. Good post btw OP.


Will the jewish Moshimuch and Christ have a one on one or what?

And I'ld like to know more about how America will be destroyed.
What about the Welsh?

If no savior comes then Israel will be absolutely glassed by the Muslims hoardes

If Israel controls most of the world, including the United States, Muslims don't stand much of a chance. If they nuke Israel Jews cry "persecution!" and openly rule the world. It's a dire situation.

Nah this is gay

Its counter semite retarded leaf

doesnt this sound like a game of thrones plot with kikes on the throne?

You tell me, I don't watch that shit


The nice thing about the second coming of Christ is that it require an holocaust (whole burning) of 6 millions kikes.
How can you whole burning 6 millions corpse if even Hitler cannot do it? My guess is an atomic bomb.
>current jewish population of Israel: 6,554,500

The numbers fit quite well, Israel is going to be nuked.

The Jewish moshiach is just a person. Nothing supreme or super natural about him. He will likely be destroyed as he will remain a talmudist to death

lol those idiots at mossad must feel pretty stupid.

Well if the Jews are right I'm not sure If Israel would even be surounded. Their prophecy states that edom (the west) and Ishmael(muslims) will destroy eachother in the war and the remaiders will be mixed

Shameless self bump

here is your bump and a map.
Edom was the reign of Judas, a nation that will later convert to hebraism.
The (surviving) jews will end up mixed with arabs, not the west.

Attached: 800px-Kingdoms_around_Israel_830_map.svg.png (800x954, 182K)

Thanks, I find that interesting, it suites my old research before I found out they call the west edom. Jews [A].htm