Why America lost the Vietnam war?
Why America lost the Vietnam war?
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Too much money in the guns business and not enough long term goals
Politicians wouldn't let the military actually fight it
It didn’t lose, the public just thought it did
You caaaaant invade North Vietnam, itll make the Chinese angry
But you gotta keep our corrupt puppet goverment protected!
it never meant to be won, pic related.
It wasn't a war.
The last war the US fought was WW2. Everything since then has been what's called a "police action", which is basically where the US acts like an imperialist bully and tries to tell other countries how to run their affairs.
You shouldn't call the Vietnam conflict a "war" because it makes it sound legitimate.
America lost to rice farmers. It was pathetic
we didn't. you talk like the win condition was conquering the place and making it the 52nd state... we were just there to resist communism to prevent a domino effect. which we succeeded at. we had something like a 50 to 1 kill ratio against the enemy. and when we were satisfied the job was done we left.
And now we cant even keep savages in caves under control
america still exists so how could we have lost
The Jews told an entire generation of white males they were fighting communism then lost the war on purpose to discourage and intentionally kill and cripple white anticommunist males.
>starts war
>fails to achieve it's goals
i think its less of we lost and more of we failed our objectives
They had a high k/d.
They were, just like the heroic wehrmacht, surrounded by commie human waves.
it was basically bullying them in not adopting communism, the kissinger doctrine.
at the end both america and vietnam were subverted by communists.
what were our objectives? kill commies, right?
we did a really great job at that.
Vietnamese were organized, used guerrilla war tactics in their soil that the enemy had no idea how to maneuver in, many US soldiers were killed during their sleep. It was an embarrassing loss.
I believe it was more about being a meat grinder for hardy Americans. "Winning" was a lower priority.
secure South Vietnam and prevent the expansion of communism and hopefully capitulate North Vietnam.
This was impossible because of politics and geopolitical nonsense
I thought we won?
Essentially, because it was pointless and we had no business being there in the first place.
It wasn’t won or lost. Hard to compare to an actual war, more of a military intervention.
Because with modern rules of war and public outcry it's hard to win a conventional war when in the past they would've just killed ALL who resisted
Our goal was to stop the North from taking over and stop the spread of communism. Just because the North took over and spread communism doesn't mean we lost.
They won you dumb fucks. The commies just broke the peace treaty and the newly elected hippies couldn't even bare to listen to Ford's speech to send aid to the south vietnamese
South Vietnam was ineffectual and useless.
physically, yes we did.
ethically, morally, psychologically, culturally, et'al.....we lost.
Just like Iraq and Afghanistan, they try to pacify and win hearts and minds rather than simply glass the country and start fresh.
Its easy to have a 1 of us for every ten of them KD ration when 9 of them are civilians fucking pathetic
It was never declared a war, thus the fags in washington fucked our men by not letting them fight and not properly supplying them.
>can’t go north to attack the enemy territory.
>most of the war cannot attack their multi country supply train (finally do and start winning actually)
>large portions of the war you cannot even bomb the enemy.
Basically America was a kid standing on a street. People across the street would throw rocks at them, but you can’t cross the street to get them, you just have to dodge the rocks forever.
Spends over 20yrs fighting deploys over 400,000 men loses terribly probably killed more civilians then actual guerrillas claims it was a police intervention not an actual war fuck off
>meme flag
>muh rice farmers with guns
We don’t lose military engagements, kike.
Makes sense to me.
We were never meant to win.
Didn't invade the North and stayed in puppet territory angering the people
Me love you long time...
Giant Spiders.
colt m16
What? You think the civilians were better off in the rehabilitation camps?
You could of been prosperous like South Korea or Japan. You could of avoided the civil war, war with Laos, and war with China.
Americans only win wars if they show up late.
Americans had no real objective other than being sent out to hunt for Vietcong.
They basically bombed the Vietcong to the stone age just to get them to the negotiating table, then left.
Fuck you hippie commie faggot our B52 strikes vaporized regiments that were caught in the open
Thanks for Kandahar, le faggots
I honestly wish our gov't could do better with that sort of stuff.
This guy gets it.
Luckily the Viet btfo the chinks after we left. Good on them.
Hi charlie ever been to Con Thein
You don't really believe that shit do you fren?
Because we were fighting the Chinese. Didn't work in Korea. Didn't work in Vietnam.
America "lost" because of liberal cucks
this. you cant win a war without an offensive.
This t b h f a m.
Unlimited supplies from Russia and China, while being able to conscript 80-100,000 every year. Literally impossible to win without an invasion of the North.
That's actually an eye opener
That limp wristed cuck Truman.
It was the first war on TV. Wahmen saw how the sausage was made and SHUT IT DOWN
tunnels, if they invested in going deeper and cleaning out the viet cong they would have won. they didnt want to or invest in equipment and weapons to do so. your theory is as good as mine as to why bother going at all then.
my theory is to use up a bunch of equipment they had and enrich weapons contractors, not interested in the big win
They literally didn't. Vietnam had way more death, destruction, and loss. "USA lost" is just a meme. The USA pulled out because nobody wanted to be in it, there was nothing in it for us, there was no support for it at home. I had extremely leftist teachers in high school who hated America and even they admit USA didn't lose that war. Look up the deaths on each side, it's incomparable. USA pulled out, end of story. The memes are boring.
This. Vietnam was a fake war that traumatized or killed all the white men who would have put a stop to the disgusting slutty nonsense that was going on at home.
Correct. End of discussion.
there were record low sanctions on munitions and innumerable Geneva convention sanctions that were bypassed by the yanks . try again.
because they're brainlets who start wars that lack a greater aim and as a result they end up locked in conflicts that they literally can't win without resorting to killing every last vietnamese peasant. they weren't even fighting a state by the end.
Would end the same as Korea
>push to far north, Chinese
>lmao no, gay
so just bomb the shit out of it and call it a "win"
History repeats itself user, rmember that
There where 3 main objectives of the war and none of them included the traditional victory over ((communism))
1. Heroin trafficking
2. Prevent cohesion of the Boomer generation / subversion of culture
3. Provided a training ground for the Phoenix Project operations
The Vietnamese were prepared to sacrifice everything - their meager wealth, their youth, their whole country to fight and win this war and they had a clear objective.
The Americans had neither the passion for sacrifice nor an idea how to conduct this war and still keep the fiction of being the "good guys" alive.
Probably because of jews. I mean, Lyndon b right?
We have a winner
Stop insulting PAVN. They were a fully mechanized army that won conventionally.
>when we were satisfied the job was done we left.
Everything but this is correct. They would still be there if it hadn’t been such an unpopular action. It wasn’t just hippies that were against it. The WWII vets didn’t care about Vietnam or whether or not southeast Asians were commies. Also the draft singled out working class and lower, while college kids were given deferments.
Long logistics chains, dissent among own nation, chinese and soviet help to Vietnam(my gramps participated in it delivery as sailor, kek), vietnamese nationalism and irredentalism, useless puppets in Saigon(even afghanean commies were more useful), bad infrastructure for mass army and excellent for guerilla warfare. Should i continue?
That war was a present for USSR and stupid commies did not use it to their advantage(at least they could join the oil embargo in 70's).
They were defeated by the North Vietnamese Army.
What was the objective? To sell guns bombs and helicopters and to protect or if necessary destroy rubber trees. And both of those things were done quite well. So where's the loss? What objective wasn't met?
>not enough long term goals
The long term goal WAS to line the pockets of the arms manufacturer. And it was great success that is still continuing.
We couldn't fend off the interdimensional spiders that emerged from Angkor Wat and crossed the border.
>Why America lost the Vietnam war?
America left prematurely thinking their puppet government in South Vietnam would be able to fend for themselves, but they couldn't and of course Congress, at the time, wouldn't let Ford reengage so now everyone in the world likes to talk about Vietnam as if America wasn't massacring the Viet Cong.
America didn't lose, the Vietnamese did. Imagine Vietnam (or even just south Vietnam) with a thriving economy similar to South Korea, Japan, or Taiwan. Instead they make our shirts for pennies a day and will eventually get steamrolled by China. Godbless em, they don't hate America because China is actually their eternal enemy, but they're seriously fucked in the head if they think we'd ever help them fight China